Immediate Cause

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_______________________ _______________________ __________________ _________________

 New military  ______________ to  Competition for  French-

______________ aide each other if ___________ German
attacked ___________
 ____________ race  Many smaller
between countries  Most nations sign ____________
________________ over  Ethnic
 ________________
___________ nationalism in
of war  _____________ &
_________ Powers

 Central Powers Immediate Cause

 Allied Powers  Assassination of ________________,

heir to __________________ throne
 Neutral  Austria declares war on __________

 The Balkans  ________________ all jump in

Battles on the Western Front Battles on the Eastern Front

 ________________ - Sept 1914  ________________ – major
costly Allied victory defeat for Russia
 ________________ - long, deadly  Russia suffering very high
battle throughout 1916 ________________
 _______________ - over 1 million  ___________________ forces
casualties from July – Nov 1916 Russia to leave the war
Russia’s Revolution
1. ___________________ leads the communist ________________
2. Overthrow the _______________
3. Sign the Treaty of ___________________ with Germany in 1918
America Joins the War
 Most of America is _____________________
 President ___________________ campaigns on keeping America out of war
Sinking of the Lusitania
 Germany declares “__________________________________”
 __________________ sunk by German U-boat in 1915
 Kills 1000 & 130 _________________
The Zimmerman Telegraph
 Secret message from _________________to _________________
 Proposes an _________________against the US
 ____________would declare war on America and get ______________after victory
 Causes _________________in America
America Enters the War
 2.8 million “_________________” drafted
 Fresh American troops turn the tide for the _________________
 Help lead the final Allied ____________________ in Summer 1918
The 14 Points
1. ______________________ plan for a long lasting peace
2. _________________with Europeans desire to punish Germany
The Treaty of Versailles
1. Germany forced to accept full ______________________ for war
2. Germany loses all its ___________________
3. Germany must pay ______________________ payments to the Allies
4. Germany must only have a very limited ___________________
The Mandate System
 Great Britain and France divide up ___________________
 _____________________ take Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine
 France takes ______________ and ____________________

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