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Walton-Verona Superintendent Evaluation


Dr. Matt Baker

Standard 4: Human Resource Leadership

Rating: Accomplished

1. Implement and execute a clear plan to ensure consistency between guidelines and practice in the
 Review policies Ex. Code of Conduct, Chromebook, use of facilities
 Great job at executing however would have liked to see plan of action before
work started and would like to see an end of year summary report that details
key findings and execution plan going into the next school year
 BOE Policy 5.3 – Community Use of School Facilities, in regard to revisions, this
was brought up by the board, and was a reaction to this request
2. Implement an ongoing reporting system with check in’s with Administration Staff At All School
 Provide at least quarterly updates to board
o Touch points with each school to get the pause of the district (Ex. Major
problems going on in school), help needed (Ex. professional development) and
any type of collaboration going on at schools
 Conducted Start, Keep, Stop Survey
 Implemented Student roundtable to obtain student pulse on
district however would have like to see a more diverse selection
with more regular check in’s with a clear plan of action
3. Follow through with employee advisory group with a clear charter of the purpose of this group,
what it hopes to accomplish and provide quarterly updates
 What does participation look like
 How is the collaboration going
 Who is involved
 How was team established
 Great job at allowing each employee group to elect their own representative
 Great collaboration
 Board doesn’t feel charter and goals were shared, moving forward clear charter
and goals are shared

Overall Assessment
 While we saw significant improvement in our area of focus overall the board feels the
plan of action and end of year reports were lacking
 Board continues to see’s ongoing opportunity areas in human resource leadership

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