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Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia


Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK)

Wednesday 2 November 2022
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Swinburne Alumni
Swinburne University of Technology Alumni
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia

Ceremony Contents
Program Information for guests

Message from the Pro Chancellor and Premier of



Message from the Vice-Chancellor 4

Message from the Chairman of the Board of 5

Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 9.00am
• Faculty of Business, Design and Arts History of the University 6

Establishment and History of the Sarawak Campus 7

Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 2.30pm
Ceremony traditions 8
• Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science
• Faculty of Business, Design and Arts Ceremonial regalia 9
• School of Research
Members of the University Council and the 10
Board of Directors Swinburne Sarawak

Academic Regalia 11

Participating officers in the Ceremony 12 & 15

Order of proceedings 12 & 15

Award Recipients 13-14 & 16-18

Swinburne Research 19
Information for guests

Selamat datang ke Swinburne University of

• In the Sarawak
event an Campus.
emergency evacuation is 欢迎来到斯威本科技大学。以下信 息旨在
Technology Maklumat berikut 帮助各位来宾便利、安全、愉快地参加毕业典
announced, please follow instructions
disediakan bertujuan bagi memastikan keselesaan,
and exit the venue promptly under the 礼。在参加典礼前,请稍花时间阅读本文。
keselamatan dan kesejahteraan semua tetamu
directions provided.
ketika majlis graduasi. Para tetamu diminta untuk 所有来宾都应当在典礼开始前 15 分钟入座。
membacanya sebelum majlis bermula. 典礼全长约 90 分钟。 接待员会引领您入座,并
Selamattetamu dinasihatkan
datang untuk duduk
ke Swinburne ditempat
University of
yang telah disediakan 15 minit sebelum majlis 典礼进行期间来宾不可离座。学校 领导人进
Technology Sarawak Campus. Maklumat
bermula. Majlis inibertujuan
dijangka bagi
berlangsung 入典礼会场时,来宾和毕 业生需起立,直到唱国歌
berikut disediakan
selama lebih kurang 90 minit. 结束后方可就座。
keselesaan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan
• Pengiring
semua tetamuketika
tetamu akan mengiringi anda ke tempat
majlis graduasi. Para 本校毕业典礼的惯例为:在宣读每一位毕业生姓
duduk diminta
tetamu tetamu dan akanmembacanya
untuk membantu anda dengan
sebelum 名时均鼓掌致意。请 全体来宾和毕业生按惯
majlis maklumat, bantuan dan nasihat jika
bermula. 例一起送上祝贺。
diperlukan. Para tetamu adalah diminta untuk
kekal berada
Semua tetamu di tempat duduk
dinasihatkan untukdi duduk
di 请注意,典礼期间会拍照并录像。
majlis sedang
tempat yang berlangsung. Sewaktu15perarakan
telah disediakan minit
dan juga pihak Majlis Tertinggi Universiti 典礼期间请务必关闭手机。
sebelum bermula. Majlis ini dijangka
memasuki dewan, semua
selama tetamu
lebih dan graduan
akan berlangsung kurang 90 若宣布紧急疏散,请遵照指示行 动,按要求及时撤
minit. berdiri dan kekal berdiri sehingga selesai 离会场。
menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan.
• Sepertimanatetamu akan mengiringi
kebiasaan di majlis anda ke
tepukanduduk tetamu
gemuruh dan akan
adalah membantu
disyorkan apabila
namadengan sebarangdiumumkan.
setiap graduan maklumat, Kami
dan nasihat jika agar
menggalakkan diperlukan.
semua tetamu dan graduan
Para tetamu adalah diminta untuk kekal
dapat mengekalkan tradisi ini.
berada di tempat duduk di sepanjang majlis
Welcome to Swinburne University of • Mohon ambil perhatian bahawa seluruh
sedang berlangsung. Sewaktu perarakan
Technology. The following information is
Technology, perjalanan majlis ini akan dirakam melalui video
akademik dan juga pihak Majlis Tertinggi
provided to help ensure the comfort, safety dan juga foto.
Universiti memasuki dewan, semua tetamu
and enjoyment of all guests during the •
pastikan semua
diminta telefon
berdiri mudah
dan kekal alih
graduation ceremony. Please take a moment dimatikan
sehingga atau dalam
selesai mod senyap
menyanyikan semasa majlis
to read it prior to the ceremony. berlangsung.
• All guests should be seated 15 minutes prior • Sekiranya berlaku pengumuman amaran
to the ceremony starting time. Sepertimana kebiasaan
kecemasan, sila keluar daridi majlis
dewan graduasi,
dengan segera
• The ceremony will run for approximately 90 tepukan
arahan yangadalah disyorkan apabila
minutes. nama setiap graduan diumumkan. Kami amat
• Ushers will show you to your assigned guest menggalakkan agar semua tetamu dan
seating and can provide you with graduan dapat mengekalkan tradisi ini.
assistance and advice.
information, asisstance Mohon ambil perhatian bahawa seluruh
• Guests are asked to remain in their seats for perjalanan majlis ini akan dirakam melalui
the entire ceremony. When the academic video dan juga foto.
procession enters the venue, guests and Sila pastikan semua telefon mudah alih
graduates are asked to stand and remain dimatikan atau dalam mod senyap semasa
standing until after the National Anthem. majlis berlangsung.
• Our graduation custom is that each Sekiranya berlaku pengumuman amaran
kecemasan, sila keluar dari dewan dengan
graduate is applauded as their name is
announced. We encourage all guests and segera menurut arahan yang disediakan.
graduates to join us in following this
• Please note that the ceremony will be
photographed and recorded.

Please ensure all mobile phones are turned
off during the ceremony.
• In the event an emergency evacuation is
announced please follow instructions
and exit the venue promptly under the
directions provided.

2 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

2 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program
Message from the Pro Chancellor
and Premier of Sarawak
Heartiest congratulations to you on your graduation.
I believe a tertiary education must not only
As graduates of Swinburne, I am confident that
amount to merely obtaining a degree. It must also
you have obtained an enriching university
enable you to think critically, be creative and
experience that has shaped your views and built
innovative. In pursuing your career, it is required
your character. I am also certain that you are well-
of you to always uphold your personal and
imbued with the attributes of Swinburne’s 2025
professional integrity, and take responsibility for
Vision that will enable you to be job taker or a
your actions. Equally important, do always take it
job creator in a future world of work defined by
upon yourself to give back to the community by
technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. I am
employing the knowledge and know-how you have
confident as graduates of Swinburne you are capable
obtained to make life more meaningful to yourself
of bringing about change and the positive impact in
and others.
the communities where you live or work.
Today, your graduation is also a celebration for your
In addition to being well-versed in the values of
loved ones who have stood by and encouraged you
“Research with Impact” to transform industries,
throughout your university education. Let us also take
shape lives and communities, you have been
this opportunity to thank them, as your success is
primed for “Innovative Enterprises” where agility,
also their success.
resilience and responsiveness will give you an
edge in the constantly changing and increasingly “Selamat Berjaya” as I wish you success in your
challenging business and work environment. career and your future undertakings. I am
certain that you have made lifelong friendships
Following your graduation, you are now ready to
during your study and do always stay in touch
join the workforce or to be an entrepreneur.
with your alma mater to give feedbacks. I
Whatever your career path, it is now both an
sincerely hope that you will have fond memories
exciting and challenging time, especially for
of your time in Sarawak and we always
Sarawakians given Sarawak’s goal to achieve
welcome you back again to the Land of the
developed status by 2030, with the Post Covid-19
Development Strategy (PCDS 2030) where Sarawak
will be a thriving society by 2030 with its people Thank you.
enjoying economic prosperity, social inclusivity and
sustainable environment driven by data and
innovation. This demands new skills and a shift in The Right Honourable
our thought process to drive innovation and Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul
growth in creative, responsible and sustainable Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg
ways. Pro Chancellor and Premier of Sarawak

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 3

Message from the Vice-Chancellor

On behalf of the staff at Swinburne I ask you as graduates of Swinburne University

University of Technology, I would like to of Technology to strive to:
congratulate all our graduating students on
your achievements.
• Practise Swinburne’s values of One
You are the next generation of leaders, Swinburne, Future-focused, Engaged,
visionaries, challengers and entrepreneurs Empowered, and Accountable;
who will shape the future in a variety of • Seek positive and creative ways to engage
professions – some of which likely do not with and serve your communities;
even exist at this point in time.
• Remain curious and open to new learning
and new experiences; and
Swinburne has worked closely with industry
and future employers – ensuring your • Use your knowledge, talents, skills and
degree is relevant, future-proof and equips passion to encourage a better future for
you with the essential and practical skills you the global community
need to kick-start your career.

Whatever your calling, your Swinburne Congratulations.

experience will help open many doors.

You graduate today not just with deep

Professor Pascale G. Quester
knowledge of your disciplines, but with
Vice-Chancellor and President
distinct attributes that will set you apart in
Swinburne University of Technology
your fields.

As you leave Swinburne to take your own

flight, we want you to feel like you can
always come home to Swinburne at any
point. We will always be here for you.

I look forward to your ongoing engagement

with us and wish you the very best for your

4 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

Message from the Chairman of the
Board of Directors
On behalf of the Board of Directors, heartiest Swinburne will continue to provide a high-
congratulations to all graduates. quality Australian education and we have
invested RM50 million to further modernise
Together with your family members, friends facilities including teaching and learning spaces,
and dedicated Swinburne staff who have accommodation, the cafeteria and student
taught you throughout your studies, we hub. The infrastructural upgrades are vital to
are proud to witness this significant event enhancing 21st century student experience
today. It is your hard work, commitment and in preparing them for the future of work in a
sacrifices that have brought you to receive digital-led environment.
the internationally recognised Swinburne
testamur. At this graduation event, not only do Your graduation today is certainly not an end
we celebrate your success but also recognise goal in itself but a launching point for further
the support your family, friends and lecturers achievements. I hope your experience at
have played in your university journey. Swinburne Sarawak has enriched your growth
as an individual and open many opportunities
I am proud to acknowledge that graduates for you in the future.
from Swinburne’s Sarawak campus are
pursuing careers throughout the country Once again, congratulations.
and abroad. Many are employed by the
Top 100 global brands in industries such
as financial services, manufacturing, oil
and gas, construction, computing, The Honourable
transportation, pharmaceutical and others. Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji Mohamad
Because Swinburne Sarawak graduates Morshidi Bin Abdul Ghani
are awarded the same internationally Chairman of the Board of the Directors
recognized Australian qualification by our
home campus in Melbourne, Australia, they
have wider career options across the globe.

I trust Swinburne’s personalised, industry

focused education has better prepared you
for your career. Our professional placements
and internships, accreditation placements,
industry study tours and industry-linked
projects, flexible learning and student
mobility options, as well as student
development programmes are just
some of what we refer to as ‘The
Swinburne Advantage’. I hope you have
had the opportunity to be part of these
activities where students gain valuable
industry insights and network with
professionals from multiple disciplines.

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 5

History of the university

The Swinburnes lived for many generations In recent years, Swinburne has progressed
in Northumberland, in the north of England. to become one of the world’s leading
In early times, the family owned a castle on research-intensive teaching universities and
the banks of the Swin Burn, the brook of the a leader in online education, expanding the
boars. By 1245 the Swinburne coat of arms educational opportunities available to a new
was ‘Gules: three boars heads argent’. generation of learners.

George Swinburne arrived in Melbourne Swinburne’s emphasis is on high-quality,

in 1886, aged twenty-five. His early days in engaged teaching and research in science,
Melbourne were spent setting up gas plants technology and innovation – teaching and
and bringing gas-light to the cities and towns. research that makes a difference in the lives
As his business stature increased, he entered of individuals and contributes to national
State Parliament and became a minister. economic and social objectives.

Swinburne was established as the Eastern Swinburne holds a unique place among
Suburbs Technical College by George educational institutions in Australia in the link
Swinburne and the first students were that persists between it and the founder and
enrolled in 1909, when classes began in his family. The conferring of a modification of
carpentry, plumbing and blacksmithing. the family’s coat of arms preserves and
In 1913 the institution changed its name strengthens that link.
to Swinburne Technical College, to
commemorate the Honourable George
Swinburne. Soon afterwards, a boys’
junior technical school and the first girls’
technical school were established.

Following an extensive reorganisation of

advanced education in Victoria in the late
1970s, Swinburne was given the power to
grant bachelor degrees. The first of these was
awarded at a conferring ceremony held on 21
May 1981 at the Camberwell Civic Centre.

In 1992, Swinburne achieved university status

with the passage by the Parliament of Victoria
of the Swinburne University of Technology
Act. This marked not only Swinburne's
distinguished history as a provider of further
education, but the beginning of a new period
of growth and innovation for Swinburne.

6 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

Establishment and History of the Sarawak Campus

Swinburne University of Technology The University is jointly owned by Swinburne The 16.5-acre city campus is only about
Sarawak Campus is the result of a University of Technology Australia and the 15 minutes from the city centre and less
successful combination of goals: Sarawak Government through Yayasan than two hours flight from Kuala Lumpur,
Sarawak (Sarawak Foundation) and lesser if you’re flying from Singapore.
Malaysia’s goal of becoming an educational Sarawak Higher Education Foundation. Home to 4,600 students and more than
centre of excellence, Sarawak’s goal of 300 staff, Swinburne is also home to
increasing its technical workforce and Swinburne Sarawak was founded as part of the students from more than 45 countries.
Swinburne University of Technology Government of Sarawak’s strategy to deliver
Australia’s goal of globalising its operations skilled human capital to the engineering After eight years in operations, the Sarawak
to provide its students with additional and technical fields for the industrialisation Campus saw its first expansion where
international opportunities while providing needs of the state. The Australian partner eight new custom designed buildings
quality Australian degrees at affordable in this venture, Swinburne University of were added to the campus. This increased
costs for students from across Asia. Technology is well-known in Australia for the total number of buildings to 12, thus
its business and technical education and greatly improving teaching and learning
The Sarawak Campus was established in for close links with industry. The University facilities, research capabilities
Kuching, the capital city of the Malaysian wants to make the same high standard of and ensures the comfort of our
state of Sarawak, in 2000. Originally education available to young people abroad. students with an upgraded student
known as Swinburne Sarawak Institute of accommodation.
Technology, it was awarded university status Undergraduate degrees offered at Swinburne
as a foreign branch campus university by the Sarawak include courses in the areas of In 2020, the university embarked on a
Malaysian Government in 2004 and became Business, Computing, Design, Science and campus redevelopment project to fulfil
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Engineering including double degrees. its commitment to enhancing the campus
Campus. The University therefore has dual The University also offers postgraduate experience for students. Up to RM50 million
nationality, being both a branch of the by coursework and research programs at were invested into enhancing our research,
Australian university as well as a Malaysian PhD and Masters levels in these disciplines teaching and learning laboratories, student
university. Degrees awarded are Australian while the School of Foundation accommodation and cafeteria among
and testamurs are indistinguishable from Studies offers a wide range of others. These upgrades provide students
those awarded in Australia. preparatory and English language with quality Australian education at
enhancement programs. affordable fees, preparing graduates for the
future of work with flexible and innovative
teaching and learning culture.

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 7

Ceremony traditions
The mace and the chairs

In universities a mace is used as a symbol of institutional authority

and it is carried in procession before the Chancellor, and
here in Kuching, the Pro Chancellor, as a symbolic weapon
of protection and power.

Along with academic dress and graduation ceremonies, the

mace is part of the ancient ceremonial that marks the
authority of the University and its chief office bearers, the
importance of learning and knowledge, and which welcomes the
graduate into a special and select group of learned men and
women. The ceremony marks the formal entrance of the
graduate, who as a student, is considered ‘in training’, into the
academic family of the university. The Mace accompanies the
Chancellor, the Pro Chancellor and the academic procession
into the hall and remains on view, mounted on a stand,
during the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony it is
carried out in the procession.

The Swinburne Sarawak Mace Suite is a sister suite to that

used by Swinburne Melbourne. The Melbourne suite is
fabricated in Queensland Silk Oak, a beautiful Australian The two ceremonial chairs are for the Chancellor and the Pro
timber. The Sarawak suite is fabricated in Belian, a beautiful Chancellor. The University motto: ’Factum per Literas’ which refers
and revered Sarawakian timber. In fact, part of the timber in to achievement through learning, is part of a ribbon carved into
the mace comes from the family house of YBhg Datu (Dr) the back of the chairs. Small silver stars of the Southern Cross
Haji Abdul Rashid Bin Mohd Azis, a foundation member of the constellation, also contained in heraldic form in the University
University, creating a living link between Sarawak’s rich historical crest, are mounted into the backs of the chairs. The chairs sit to
past and the future promise of education and development. the front of the dais in the traditional attitude of enthronement.

A finial, a type of crown crafted in solid silver and gold is mounted Distinguished artisans and craftspeople involved in the project with
at the top of the mace. The Australian crown contains a miniature the designer were:
carving of the University crest. The carving inside the
Sarawakian crown has incorporated the hornbill, the State • Hendrik Forster, silversmith, who crafted the silver and gold
emblem, centered in a wreath of Eucalyptus and Belian leaves, crown and the silver mace stand brackets,
to symbolise the blending of two cultures and two histories. In • Iann Higgs, cabinetmaker, who created the timber components
both cases the carving incorporates a book with a heraldic of the mace, mace stand and chairs,
cinquefoil, from the French ‘cinque feuilles’ meaning ‘five • Marion Marshall, silversmith, who crafted the stock tail and the
leaves’, which dates from the family crest of George stars of the Southern Cross,
Swinburne, the University’s founder. The book is a symbol of • Sue Wraight, netsuke carver, who created the hornbill
knowledge and learning incorporated into the Swinburne miniature carving.
crest by the Royal College of Heralds, London. The tail of
the mace is finished in solid silver. Professor Roger Simpson and Ms Monique Jedwab contributed to
project management and detailing.

The ceremonial items of the office of the Chancellor and Pro

Chancellor of Swinburne Sarawak were designed by Emeritus
Professor Helmut Lueckenhausen, the former Pro Vice- Chancellor
and Chief Executive Officer Swinburne Sarawak.

Ian Higgs made the timber components at the training workshop

of the Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation at Kota
Samarahan, supported by members of STIDC and particularly
through the kind offices of YBhg Datu Haji Len Talif Bin Salleh, the
former General Manager.

8 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

Ceremonial regalia

University Council
Chancellor Swinburne Melbourne
A black gown of English Queen’s Counsel style, with ten gold
bands on the sleeves and scarlet satin trimmings on the front, Chancellor
collar and bottom edge of the gown. A black velvet trencher with Professor John Pollaers OAM, BElecEng
gold trim on the base and a gold braid and tassel is worn. (First Class Honours)(UNSW), BSc(UNSW), MBA(Macquarie
Deputy Chancellor
A black gown, similar in style and colour to the Chancellor’s, with Deputy Chancellor
five gold bands on the sleeves. A black velvet trencher with a Mr Anthony Mackay AM, BEc, BEd(Mon),
gold cord and tassel is worn. MA(EcEd)(Lon), FACE, FACEL, FIPAAV, FRSA

Vice-Chancellor Vice-Chancellor and President

A black gown of English Queen’s Counsel style, with ten silver Professor Pascale G. Quester
bands on the sleeves and scarlet satin trimmings on the front, DESCAF, M.A. (OSU), Ph.D (Massey U.),
collar and bottom edge of the gown. A black velvet trencher with N.O.M. (Knight), GAICD
silver trim on the base and a silver cord and tassel is worn.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Deputy Vice-Chancellors Professor Sarah Maddison, BSc (Hons) (Monash), PhD
Based on the design of the Vice-Chancellor’s regalia, a Deputy (Monash), FASA
Vice-Chancellor’s regalia is of similar style and colour, but with
five silver bands on the sleeve. The mortar board of a Deputy Councillor
Vice-Chancellor has no braid on the bottom. Mr William Lye OAM QC BSc(Comp), LLB, LLM (Mon),
Members of Council
Council members wear a university stole featuring the Councillor
Swinburne Coat of Arms with the academic dress for their Dr Leonie Walsh, BAppSc(Bioc) GradDipAppColloidSc
qualifications. The stole is cherry red with an embroidered crest MSC (AppColloidSc) HonDUniv (SUT), MBA(Exec) (AGSM),
at the base of each side of the stole, and is worn with the FTSE, GAICD
colour and crest showing on both sides.
Academic and administration staff Mr Richard Simpson, BE Mech (Hons) (Melb), AMP
Academic dress for their qualifications, or the Swinburne (Oxford)
Mr John Chambers, BEC (MU), GAICD

Ms Bronwyn Smith, B Psych (Hons 1), Grad Dip Ed.

Ms Tess Robb

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 9

Members of the University Council and the Board of Directors Swinburne Sarawak

The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho
(Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin BEng(Hons)(Civil), PhD, MIEM, P.Eng,
Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg MIEAust, CPEng, NER
YBhg. Datu Jumastapha Bin Lamat
Honorary Doctorate in Business and
BAcc, MBA(Gen)
Honorary Doctorate in Economic YBhg. Datin Aisah Eden
Development(UNIMAS), BA Laws (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University,
DUniv(honoris causa) (SUT), Barrister-at-Law Lincoln's Inn, UK, MBA
D.P., D.A., P.N.B.S., J.B.S. University of Exeter

Dr. Norisah Binti Suhaili

The Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji
Mohamad Morshidi Bin Abdul Ghani Tuan Haji Mersal Bin Abang Rosli
BEcon(UKM), MSc(Scranton), DipAcc(UiTM), BAcc(Hons)(UiTM),
DUniv(honoris causa) (SUT), P.S.M., D.A., MScMgt(Accounting & Planning)(UUM),
J.S.M., P.G.B.K., P.P.C., P.P.B. C.A(M), CFP

En. Louis Simon Peter

YBhg. Datu (Dr) Haji Abdul Rashid Bin Mohd Azis
Dip. Pend (UKM), Bac. Fd Sc & Tech
DipMgmtSc(Intan), MBA(Brunel), (UPM), Master Principalship (UM)
DUniv(honoris causa)(SUT)
En. Mohamad Adzlie bin Ibrahim
Professor Pascale Quester
DESCAF, M.A. (OSU), Ph.D (Massey U.), Elected by Academic Staff
N.O.M. (Knight), GAICD Professor Ida Fatimawati bt Adi
PhD (Education-TESOL) (Massey
YB Dato Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof University, NZ), MA (TESOL) (Vic.
LLB(Hons)(UM), A.B.S., P.G.B.K. Uni., NZ), B.Ed. (TESL) (University
of Malaya)
YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji Abdul Aziz
Bin Dato Haji Husain Elected by General Staff
BEcon(UM), MBA(Syracuse), DUniv(honoris Ms. Melissa Ramanair
HDip (BusIT)
causa) (SUT)
Elected by Students
Adjunct Associate Professor Datin Sri Enn Ong Ms. Bernice Ting Jing Shuen
BEc, GradDipBusSys, MBusSys(Monash)
Ms. Caroline Hon
YBhg Datuk (Dr) Philip Ting Ding Ing BBus(RMIT) MBA(I)(SUT) CPA MIA
AM(Aus), BBus(SUT), DUniv(honoris causa)
Ir. Professor Sim Kwan Yong
(SUT), CA(Aus), CA(M), CPA(M)
BEng (Hons)(UKM),
MCompSc(UM), PhD
YBhg Datuk Wan Ali Tuanku Yubi
DipEd(UM), DipCom, BEcon(UM),

Professor Chris Pilgrim,

BScEd(MCAE), GDipAppSci(CompSci),
MAppSci(InfTech), PhD(SUT), GAICD, FACS

Dr Douglas J Proctor,
BA (Hons) (York), M. ès L. (Reims
Champagne-Ardenne), DEA (Nouvelle-
Calédonie), MPubPolicy&Gov (Deakin),
PhD (Melbourne)

Professor John Wilson,

BE(Hons)(Monash), MSc(California),

10 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

Academic regalia

The academic dress worn at Swinburne Graduate diploma Associate degree

today is a modification of everyday dress A black gown, stole and trencher. The stole is A black gown, stole and trencher. The stole
worn by scholars and teachers in the Middle black, lined with the discipline colour, and is is black, lined with the discipline colour,
Ages and the Renaissance. It consists of a worn with the colour showing on both sides. and is worn with the colour showing on
gown and a scarf-like stole or hood, which is the right-hand side.
a remnant of the cowl that was once worn Graduate certificate
to cover the head and shoulders to keep A black gown, stole and trencher. The stole Advanced diploma, associate diploma
off the rain and snow. Trencher caps or is black, lined with the discipline colour, and diploma
bonnets are worn as indicated below, with and is worn with the colour showing on A black gown and stole. The stole is black,
the tassel down over the left eye and in a the left-hand side. lined with the discipline colour, the right-hand
vertical position.
edge being trimmed with white cloth, and is
Bachelor honours degree worn with the colour and white trim showing
The style of academic dress adopted by
Swinburne University of Technology is A black gown, hood and trencher. The hood on the right-hand side.
based on that of the University of Oxford. is black, half lined with the discipline colour
and laced with a silver braid, and is worn with Advanced certificate, certificate IV,
Honorary doctorate the colour showing on the left-hand side. certificate III and apprenticeship
A cardinal red gown with silver grey front A black gown is worn.
Double bachelor degree
and sleeve facings. The hood is cardinal red,
fully lined in silver grey and is worn with grey A black gown, hood and trencher. The hood Indigenous stole
showing on both shoulders. A tudor bonnet is black, half lined with the colours of both A stole in the colours of the Aboriginal
with a silver cord and tassel is worn. disciplines, and is worn with the colours Australian flag can be worn by indigenous
showing on the left-hand side. graduates and staff at graduation
Honorary master degree ceremonies. The stole is worn under any
Bachelor degree
A cardinal red gown with silver-grey front academic colours, or where there are
facings. The hood is cardinal red, fully lined A black gown, hood and trencher. The hood no academic colours (i.e. certificate and
in silver grey and is worn with silver grey is black, half lined with the discipline colour, apprenticeship recipients) the stole is worn
showing on both shoulders. A black trencher and is worn with the colour showing on the under the gown.
with a silver cord and tassel is worn. left-hand side.

Doctor of philosophy
A black gown faced with chilli red and silver
grey. The hood is chilli red, fully lined in silver Academic regalia discipline colours
grey and is worn with silver grey showing on Agriculture and Horticulture Brunswick Green
both shoulders. A tudor bonnet with a scarlet
Applied Science Brick Red
cord and tassel is worn.
Arts Social Science Cranberry
Professional doctorate Business Buff
A black gown faced with chilli red and the Business Administration Buff/Malachite Green
discipline colour. The hood is chilli red, fully
Circus Arts New Sapphire
lined in the discipline colour, and is worn
with the discipline colour showing on both Design Marina Green
shoulders. A tudor bonnet with a scarlet Education Cream
cord and tassel is worn.
Engineering Saxe Blue
Double masters degree Entrepreneurship and Innovation Sky Blue
A black master gown, hood and trencher. Health Professions Teal
The hood is black, and fully lined with the Health Science Cerise
colours of both disciplines. It is worn with
Information Technology Tangerine
the colours showing on both shoulders.
Laws Royal Purple
Masters degree Multimedia Citrus
A black master gown, hood and trencher. Research Silver Grey
The hood is black, fully lined with the
Sustainability Heliotrope
discipline colour, and is worn with the
colour showing on both shoulders. Technology Royal Blue
Doctor of Philosophy Chilli Red/Silver Grey

8 Swinburne University of Technology |Swinburne University

Graduation of Program
Ceremony Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 11
Wednesday 2 November 2022, 9.00am

Participating officers Order of proceedings

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, The Academic Procession

Presiding Officer
The Official Party Procession
Professor Simon Ridings, PhD (University of Queensland)
The academic and official party procession will enter the Great Hall
at 9.00am.
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho, BEng(Hons)
Music Processional
(Civil), PhD, MIEM, P.Eng, MIEAust, CPEng, NER
The audience is requested to stand as the procession enters
the Great Hall.
Executive Dean (Academic)
Professor Ir. Sim Kwan Yong, BEng(Hons)(UKM),
The National Anthems
The audience will sing the Malaysian National Anthem (Negaraku)
The audience will sing the Australia National Anthem (Advance Australia Fair)
Acting Dean, Faculty of Business, Design and Arts
The audience will sing the Sarawak State Anthem (Ibu Pertiwiku)
Dr Fung Chorng Yuan, PhD (USM), M. Sc. (HRD)
(Please refer to the last page for the lyric)
(UNIMAS), CA (M), Graduate Certificate in Learning and
Teaching (Higher Education)
The audience will sit when the Presiding Officer is seated.
Master of Ceremonies
Doa recital.
Ms. Norizan Tan, MA (TESOL) (SUT), PGrad Dip (TESOL)
(RELC), BEd (Hons)(TESL)(UiTM)
The Opening
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, Presiding Officer,
Mace Bearer
Professor Simon Ridings will open the proceedings.
Ir. Dr. Choo Chung Siung, BEng (Hons), PhD (Swinburne),
Grad. IEM, A.M. MGS, Grad. IEAust
The Presentation of Awards
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, Professor Simon Ridings
Doa Reciter
will present the awards.
Mr. Mohammad Safaree Sapuan

The Student Response

Ms. Karen ANAK PATRICK LAI will deliver the student response.

The Charge to Graduates

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, Professor Simon Ridings,
will deliver the charge to the graduates.

The Closure
Master of Ceremonies will close the proceedings.

The audience is requested to remain standing as the procession, joined

by the new graduates, leaves the Great Hall. The audience will leave the
Great Hall via the exit doors.

Music Recessional

12 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

This program contains the names of all graduates entitled to awards. For graduates who are unable
to attend in person (names in Italics), the awards will be made in absentia.

Award recipients Elizabeth Qian Ning KHIEW Yi Wen PHANG

Yi Ying TEN
Ellyson Wenjin NG
Emily Mei Yee SIA Yin Wei KHO
Faculty of Business, Design and Arts Errana BINTI NAZREEN CHAI Yu Zhen AUNG
Faaiq Husnul Wafeeq BIN SAIFUL HASRIE Ying Ying TOO
Diploma of Business Management Faustina Elvira MUJIMAN Yue Chen LAI
Adeline Zhi Yin TING Felicia Mei Jin LAW Zhen Lynn KHO
Anselm Joseph DALAYOAN Feona Gin Lin SOH
Athil Fikree BIN FIRDAUS Gabriel Hee Fan LAW Bachelor of Business
Bryan Kei Heng KONG Grace Ying Ying LEE (Accounting)
Chan Fung Jason NG Hanees Shaheera BINTI WAILLIE Abilash SIVAKUMAR
Henky Rumpang ANAK KUNJANG Alan Zong Han JONG
Frandy Loong WONG
Hua Jia TING Alyssa Emma BINTI UJAT
Gong Chin LING Hui Sie LIM Amelia Sze Chin BONG
Hao En SOON Jacqueline Jia Yi TAN Apple Wey Ting KIUNG
Ivan Clarence Thian Hao YEO Jacqueline Wei THEN Bernice Xin Hui GOH
Jayden John Jun Liang LOH Jade Ming Yik CHIAM Brennon Ross BUVILANGKUI
Jia Hong CHIN Jane Xiu Wen LING Celine Jing Ying TAY
Jie Xiang TEH Jasmine How Wei YONG Chai Lin LEE
Joseph Ling VU Jasmine Wei Xuan CHEN Chia Ho SIM
Joven Wen Cher VOON Jason Chong Yang WONG Chiap Him NGUANG
Jessie Nie Na CHIN Christina Yung Hwa TING
Justin Yung Sing CHAI
Jia Hua SIM Cing LAU
Keith Hong Tze JONG Colin Sing Kiek HII
Jia Shin CHUA
King Bin TIONG Joanna Hong Ling TANG Drusilla Dacona ANAK MICHAEL
Marcella Jill ANAK MATTHIS Joanne Koh Qi HUA Ebrahim Abdullah Abdo MOHAMMED
Marianne Suk Hui CHUA Joey ANG Fang SII
Mohammad Dzulhaqimien BIN John Sing Hann WONG Fennie Jing Jing WONG
ABDULLAH Jonathan Jun Jie WONG Fong TAN
Timothy Sze Jie HENG Joyce Yee TEH Gabrielle Huey Shin CHIN
Yeong Cheng TAY Ka Hui CHIN Huoy Shyuan YII
Kai Yong CHONG Ivory Mui Fung TAN
Yue Ping LING
Karen Serng Zhen NGU Jeffery Wee Yee LEONG
Zainab KHAN
Ke Chien ANG Jessica Hieh Kee TING
Zechariah Philip THAN Jessie Jen Wei KHO
Kelly Sin Yee YEO
Kelvin Chen Loong LEE Kay Jean CHIO
Bachelor of Accounting Kennedy Pan LAU Kia Fook NG
Elizabeth Cherembang Cai Rong Lam Kung Chung TIONG Kiing Sheng WONG
Ling Seen TEO Ling Hui LIU
Bachelor of Business Lyn Ee LAU Ling Siew TIEU
Aaron Yik Ren Law Mabel Yee Guan ONG Madelene KIMKUAN
Malvin Khai Hong TAY Maureen Yee Lee KHO
Dennis Ci Jiang JONG
Sampson Wing Song TIONG Paul Gui Hieng LING
Matthew BEN
Mi Fung LING Phelidia Wen Jing TAY
Bachelor of Business (Accounting Michelle King Hua LING Phoebe Kiew Ping TIANG
and Finance) Ming Ming NGEOH Shirnice Cher Wen LAI
Aaron Chong Tien WONG Mohamed Abid AKRAM Sie Fung SIK
Abel Guan Wei CHANG Nur Aqilah Ra'Isah MOHAMAD Sin Rong CHEN
Alex Wei Kiat CHANG
Nur-Alyssa Ayuni WAN YUSOF Watson Boo Han VOON
Alicia Sing Wen HU
Ronald Kuok Wen LEE Xiang Rong LU
Amanda Ming Fei CHAI Zhen Ren HUNG
Amelia Yen Ting WONG Zong Xuan HO
Sabrina Wen Hui CHAI
Ashley Han Chye LAU Shirley Yi Wen LAU
Belinda Siu Yen SIM Shu Yen CHONG Bachelor of Business (Finance)
Brendan Louis Thai Hong KUOK Siaw Man WONG Adrian Assan ANAK BELL AGGAN
Camy Sze Ting NG Sin Yee SIE Brian Hua Hieng KONG
Carmen Xin Yi TANG Sing Yan SUM Chiong Yi TING
Catherine Jia Wen CHUNG Siok Ching LAU Crystal Jia Fei BONG
Ching Heng CHEU Sze Kee CHUO Kasic Hui May NG
Taw Wuen NG Kia Yeen TAN
Chong Lim KUEK
Vivian Hui Ying WONG Melissa Wan Chin TOH
Colleen Hui Hui PANG Mohammad Tarik NADIR
Wan Ching GO
Daniel Sze Cheng LAW Nigel Siaw Wen HA
Wee Kiat WONG
Davina Chu Hui HENG Wei Fang CHONG Pui Shin JONG
Dayang Ellysa Izzaniqah BINTI ABG Xin Zhi TSAI Romuldo Kim Fat CHEW
Dayangku Nur Hazirah BINTI AWANGKU Yang Hoong KHO
Yee Xin Teo Bachelor of Business (Human
Yi Bin TANG Resource Management)
Yi Jing NGU Clarrissa Chia En THEN
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 13
This program contains the names of all graduates entitled to awards. For graduates who are unable
to attend in person (names in Italics), the awards will be made in absentia.

Anson Sheng-Shiang HONG Liyanage Sasika Chamod

Award recipients Celine LAU WANIGASURIYA
Chang Jian CHOO Marilyn Kunn ANAK MINGGAT
Dayang Sara Liyana BINTI ABANG Dominic Ugah ANAK SIKIN Matthias Zun Chen HENG
ALFIAN Edith Jia Ern SIAO Mcclarance Shao Rong THEN
Jackie Lee Chan LING Esther ANAK INGKOT Melvern Wee Liang CHUA
Jimmy LAI Evelyn Ee Ling TOH Nelson Jawan ANAK SEMET
Louis Chen Chern GOH Gabriel Tiong ANAK BUJANG Nur Nabilahuda Humaira' BINTI
Natasha Jazebel LAI MERVYN George Li Kang LAM ABDUL MALIK
Shahfiq Afham BIN ROSLAN Hua Jun KONG Philea Phei Foong CHONG
Issabell ANAK PERRY Samuel Cheong Soon WONG
Sharifah Siti Hawa BINTI WAN
Jeffrey Hong Ann KHOO Shin Ying PANG
YUSOP Johnson Pau Min JAP Siang Shen CHEW
Si Zuan TAN Kang Min PANG Sonia Natasha Gail HARDIN
Su Voon THIAN Karen Suk Lin LIEW Stephanie Wei En CHEAH
Kelvin Qin Wei WONG Suet Yeng LOO
Bachelor of Business Kew Sern KUNG
(International Business) Khiren Menon A/L VELAYUTHAN Bachelor of Design (Multimedia
Abdul Muhaimin SYED HABEEBUR Leong Hao CHUA Design)
Louis Jun Bin TAN Abraham Pengarah ANAK GIRA
Malcom Wee Jet CHIN Aloysius Chun Hung TING
Marilyn Yung Sing CHIA Amanda Sze Qi SIM
Alvin Hui Hiong TEO Mast ALI Ameena Khairina BINTI KERIA
Anjali Maribelle PROSPER Melvin Zian Shiung CHAI Amelia Xu Rong WEE
Annabelle Wan Xian CHEW Nicholas Lii You WONG Annabelle FERNANDEZ
Avy Ann Ling LEE Ping How GEE Basil Bejie ANAK DENNIS GIMANG
Bryan Malcolm Kuan Yuen TAN Rachel Yi Ting PUANG Charmaine Samantha PHILLIP
Connie SIA Sarath SATHEESAN Chia Chee KHEW
Devlin Qie Yee LEE Shareen Xichyn TANG Dylan Yu Ren CHUA
Donnoel Christian Jun Quan YEO Sharon Chin Yi TING Giden Kai Shen YIU
Shaun Ross Wai LEONG Hyo Jin MUN
Shu Zhen TANG Irene Feng Ai PHANG
Elliot Li Yean LAW
Tobias Li Jinq LAW Irene Kah Hui HII
Erida WINARDI Warren Siam Jiang SIM Ivy Kai Sin SIM
Ferick Weinie LAU Jessica Angelina Sze Chi CHIN
Ingrid Sarah ANAK DANALD Zi Lang NG Joe Pangwei LIM
Irene Ing Jie CHEW Zulfiqar Rahman Jonathan Chung Wen WONG
Javenson Serit ANAK SEMILAN Josette En KHO
Jessy Vianny NG Bachelor of Business Kelly Yi Zhen TIE
Jestin Zhi Ting OOI (Management and Digital Media) Kirstin Jia Ling KOAY
Jill Xi Xin LEONG Celine Xiao Han LOH Lena Siew Mang WONG
Cindy Yi Lin LAU Lesley Han Hui LAU
Jin Lin KONG
Clarissa Jiao Li SIA Mac Ryan Vern Deik TAN
Jing Mei YONG Monica Pei Loi WONG
Cornelia Lu Ee TAY
Jordan Kay Chin CHANG Nurul Fadzreen BINTI DOLHADI
Kin Sing CHAN
Joseph Hui Chuan LAU Mabelyn Chun Yun LAU Peter Nai Xin YEK
Joseph King Hao WONG Seng Ong LEE Qiao Xin TAY
Joshua Jian Dean FANG Yee Cheng LEE Sarah AZAHRA FAKHRI
Kelly En Yee LIEW Yew Peng LAW Shane ANAK HANSON
Michelle Bao Xia KOK Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Stanley Jian Lin NG
Aaron Ing Yuk TIONG Szelind LEE
Mitha Chintia LIM
Abdurrali DIKARI Thatchiayani A/P BASKARAN
Ngik Sing LOH Valerie Tipong JAWAN
Rachel Kai Yi LEE Adrian Majoy EDWARD
Ai Ni LEI Vivian Xin Jie CHAN
Sadia Sohel SHARA
Allan Kao Bang LEONG
Samuel Ki Wen HUANG Bachelor of Business (Logistics
Bella Febria JANUAR
Sarah BINTI SUPAHAN Brian Nyen Kai YAPP and Supply Chain Management)
Shannon Zi Jing LIAW Clement Wei Chun SIM Yen Yen Goh
Soon Ping CHUA Crisdyan Fook Ming WONG
Sy Hui NG Cymbeline Siew Siew CHIA
Timothy Wen Hau CHONG Dierdre Kristie Grenching ANAK
Tristan Yung Liang NG LEGAM
Wen Sze CHONG Dinuka Uthsara Dias KARIYAWASAM
Bachelor of Business Emmilia SIM
Git Young VOON
Aaron Han Lian TANG
Hean Wei HII
Aaron Zachary BIN HILARY
Ivy Pei Ling CHAI
Alvin Foo Kai CHONG
James Lee Hou TING
Anderson Kin Peng CHAN

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 14

Wednesday 2 November 2022, 2.30pm

Participating officers Order of proceedings

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, The Academic Procession

Presiding Officer
The Official Party Procession
Professor Simon Ridings, PhD (University of Queensland)
The academic and official party procession will enter the Great Hall
at 2.30pm.
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho, BEng(Hons)
Music Processional
(Civil), PhD, MIEM, P.Eng, MIEAust, CPEng, NER
The audience is requested to stand as the procession enters
the Great Hall.
Executive Dean (Academic)
Professor Ir. Sim Kwan Yong, BEng(Hons)(UKM),
The National Anthems
The audience will sing the Malaysian National Anthem (Negaraku)
The audience will sing the Australia National Anthem (Advance Australia Fair)
Executive Dean (Research), School of Research
The audience will sing the Sarawak State Anthem (Ibu Pertiwiku)
Professor Ida Fatimawati bt Adi Badiozaman, PhD
(Please refer to the last page for the lyric)
(Education-TESOL) (Massey University, NZ), MA (TESOL)
(Vic.Uni.,NZ), B.Ed. (TESL)(University of Malaya)
The audience will sit when the Presiding Officer is seated.

Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science

Doa recital.
Ir. Professor Su Hieng Tiong, PhD (Birmingham), BEng
(Hons) Liverpool
The Opening
Acting Dean, Faculty of Business, Design and Arts The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, Presiding Officer,
Dr Fung Chorng Yuan, PhD (USM), M. Sc. (HRD) Professor Simon Ridings will open the proceedings.
(UNIMAS), CA (M), Graduate Certificate in Learning and
Teaching (Higher Education) The Presentation of Awards
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, Professor Simon Ridings
Master of Ceremonies will present the awards.
Ms. Norizan Tan, MA (TESOL) (SUT), PGrad Dip (TESOL)
(RELC), BEd (Hons)(TESL)(UiTM) The Student Response
Ms. Diana Chung Yiing CHOO will deliver the student response.
Mace Bearer
Ir. Dr. Choo Chung Siung, BEng (Hons), PhD (Swinburne), The Charge to Graduates
Grad. IEM, A.M. MGS, Grad. IEAust The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, External Engagement, Professor Simon Ridings,
will deliver the charge to the graduates.
Doa Reciter
Mr. Mohammad Safaree Sapuan The Closure
Master of Ceremonies will close the proceedings.

The audience is requested to remain standing as the procession, joined

by the new graduates, leaves the Great Hall. The audience will leave the
Great Hall via the exit doors.

Music Recessional

15 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

This program contains the names of all graduates entitled to awards. For graduates who are unable
to attend in person (names in Italics), the awards will be made in absentia.

Award recipients Harold Wei Jing MAH Anthony ANAK AMBROSE

Ian Marcellus Hong ONG Brad Soon Yun TEO
Jasmin Ze Kee CHU Dicky Kwang Ze CHONG
Faculty of Engineering, Computing
Jason Wei Ting GOH Elise Emmaculate Elias GISAIN
and Science Emily Yik Sze PNG
Jia Jun LEE
Bachelor of Information and Faiqah BINTI TAIRINI
Jiawei Yi Song TANG
Fidelis Jia Lok CHUNG
Communication Technology Jibril SALEEM Gregory Budik ANAK JOSHUA
Annabel ANAK KENNEDY Jing Jie CHIN Gretel Michelle THAN
Edina Sze An PHANG Jing Te LAI Kai Yang HON
Erin Yu Tong LAI Joanna Wei Jen WONG Khe Ing TING
Joel Wai Hoe YEONG Joey Tzy Wei TAN Lit Chun LAU
Ke Xin JEE Jonathan Hao LIM Ming Sean CHAI
Kho Sung WONG Jonathan Yaw Tong SENG Muhammad Faiz BIN KAMARUL BAHRIN
Mohammed Tanvir CHOWDHURY Jun Cheng CHAN Nathalia Lissem ANAK NICHOLAS
Muhammad Arsalan SOHAIL Normand Vonod Thomas LOGIJIN
Jun Jie WONG
Nurul Nabilla BINTI FAKHROL AZMI Jun Yee LEE Odysseus Yabong A ROBERT KIMON
Parry Tze Gen LIAW Kah Heng WONG Samuel Zheng Jie CHONG
Philip Kwong Wei TIONG Kah Hie TOH Sharon Jasmine EDWARD
Robin VASHISHT Karyn Huei Xien CHONG Stanley Chang Xian TIONG
Sze Khai KUAN King Ang LU Tiu Seng LING
Ting Fung NGUI Kok Wui LAI Vanessa Ann D'SILVA
Wee Wee LAM Kwang Yung CHAN Zaid Ahmed SAIFUDEEN
Zhan Zhi JONG Mohamad Ashraf Semida MOAWAD
with distinction
Nicholas Tun Yang LIM
Bachelor of Computer Science Adiba Syahirah BINTI ZAILANI
Nirodha Sulakkhana JAYASINGHE
Abraham Chiun Wu TAN Alfred Cheng Yee CHUA
Peng Hung LAI
Andrew Ming Huan HO
Ahmed Tarek Abdelraouf BAHLOUL Phyo AUNG THANT
Andy Wei Han ONG
Alan Kai Lun LAU Raymond Kiat Fung LAI
Bryan Kuok Ming LEE
Alvin Khai Chuen CHUA Ryan Chen-Yen YAP
Cai Yuan TING
Alvin Zhong Xian SIM Saad SULTAN
Darren Shaw Ming LEE
Denzel Martin GUSTAF
Anthony Huan Jin LEE Sebastian Patrick SINSOON
Frederic Chen Onn LIU
Awg. Muhammad Izzat BIN AWANG Siaw Zhen BONG
Geilson Neville ANAK GOLLY
Ben Sii Lung JONG Hamza KHAN
Wei Shen MAH
Brandon Zhen Xuan LOH Jackal Ji Siong YONG
Wei Yuan TIONG
Calvin Seling LEE Jacky Wei Hieng WEE
Wen Jiun SIM
Camillus King Lian HII Jin Sing ONG
Wen Shen CHAI
Chen Shen TEOH Jonathan Shu Ming LAU
Wilson Chun Heng TING
Cheyenne Yan Shen TAN Woun Kai LIEW
Khai Ley CHENG
Chien WEE Wui Ze CHAI
Lee Sin LAU
Chun Keat HONG Xiu Jie WONG
Lit Yen YEO
Chun Wei THEN Yan Ting TAN
Man Yik LOW
Chung Long CHUA Yong Jun LOH
Nalthan Lissem ANAK NICHOLAS
Darrell Vui Kiat LAI Yuan Long TAY Shabbar MEHDI
David Hua Ming SONG Shyue Boon NG
Denis Hua Yang SONG Bachelor of Science Suryaswaran A/L VIJAYANDREN
Dennis Chia Yin LIM (Biotechnology) Thaneatharran A/L SANTHARASEKARAN
Derrick Chen Wei TEO Amanda Pei Qi KOO Theodoore Wayne ANAK HENDERY
Desmond Wei Jiunn SIM Annie Siong Sing HII Verio PUTRA
Dickson Jun Jie SIM Chun Gui PHANG Zheng Wei TAN
Didier Luther Chih-Yuan HO Clement Jun Wen SIM Zison CHUI
Elaine Wen Rou WONG Eunice Xin Ling LEE Cynthia Sim Yi NG
Elwin Kok Wei CHAN Kah Ho YEONG
Kavinda Kashi Juliyan GUNASINGHE with high distinction
Emmanuel Teck Loong LIM
Lilian Yung Ping SIAW Aaron Yi Sheng LEONG
Eric Ying Wui WONG
Satchitanantha A/L SIVAKUMARAN Alton Tat Hua CHIAM
Virginia Sin Le CHEN Chia Hui WEE
Gabriel Qi Hao KONG
Vung Chieng CHIN Crystal Avery Syn Yee KUEH
George KENNEDY Ying Xuen KANG Dennis Choon Hor CHANG
George Tze Hui CHAN Fang Jie CHAN
Gerald Kee Wang TING Bachelor of Engineering Hwa Jiat NGUI
Gimmy Toh Siong SII (Honours) (Civil) Jason Yi Yung OOI
Hans Louis Ee CHEN with credit Jayne Zhia Ne TAN
Ali Hamza THAHEEM Jin Jie NG
Andy Yi Ying LIU Joel Ken Han DING

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 16

This program contains the names of all graduates entitled to awards. For graduates who are unable
to attend in person (names in Italics), the awards will be made in absentia.

Award recipients with credit Mohamed Osman Babiker AHMED

Ahmad Hafeez Shahrezal BIN ISHAK
Jonathan Kung Yew TIONG Aqib MUSHTAQ Bachelor of Engineering
Lin Thiing SIM Arif Juma Mohammed AL-NOUFALI (Honours) (Chemical)
Charatha Nishadiptha Bandara with credit
Ming Hui LEE
DASSANAYAKE JAYASEKARA Thuppahimudalige Chandeepa
Nicole Lynn Shu Qin YONG
Qian Yung JONG Muhammad ALI Kee Teck KONG
Sheau Wan CHOO Omran Mohamed Rashid Khalfan AL AUFI Pitiduwa Gamage IJINI AKSHILA
Yook Sheng SHIM Precilla Ann ANAK LES Precious Keza BISANGWA
Zhuang Ping CHONG Chung Wei TEO Warnakulasuriya Revera Anton
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Gabriel Zhun Chen KUEH
(Honours) Samidini Dilanika KULATUNGA with distinction
with credit Vanessa KEDING Tharindu Dayan Buddhika
Jia Xiang POH with distinction Zhang Ying BONG
Malik FAHAD Ahmad Faiz BIN BOLHI Chie Wei GAN
Nathalie Ai Lin TENG Cheng Zhou WONG Julie Min Hui HO
Osbert Seng Toong WONG Deshan Vimukthi Laksman ARASHA Lamia Afrin RATRY
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Jin Leh LING
(Electrical and Electronic) Jing Han LEE with high distinction
with credit Kah Hong TANG Abdulqader Mohammed Alawi BIN
Aaron De Jun WONG Kah Jin KHO SAHL
Darren YII Rui Li SIM Celine Wei Ping TIANG
Ho Kuan LING Shan Ngee LEE Liang Wen CHAN
King Kae HII Teck Sian LEE Yu Chao TAM
Mukaram HUSSAIN Aaron Singkang WONG
Prashanth Prashobh KARUNAKARAN Eden Wu Qian VOON
Sheng Yie BONG Jason LEE Faculty of Business, Design and Arts
Siong Loong CHEN Li Jue HIEW
Graduate Certificate of Arts
Zhi Yau LEE
with high distinction (TESOL)
Yeng Chiang WONG Eugene Jen Hao TAN
with distinction
Brendon Xuen Ming MOI Chiung Leong NGO
Graduate Diploma of Arts
Clement Fung Cheng UNG
Elisia Jia Yee THO Bachelor of Engineering (TESOL)
Ivy Lee Jun LING
Insaf SAIFUDEEN MOHAMED (Mechanical) (Honours)
Jia Chiew LOH Syed Osman Abdullah Al Edruce BIN WAN
Nelson Wei Chieh JIN NIZAM EDRUCE Master of Arts (TESOL)
Shanthi Prashobh KARUNAKARAN Abdul Najib Azhfar BIN AINI
Talha Shahood HASHMI with credit Alina Eunice Mei Ching SONG
Xavier O'Neal DURIN Hegaindran A/L T SUNDRAM Gloria Enn Li LAW
Yew Yan CHING Guan Ling TEO
Yvonne Yik En CHONG with distinction Gwendolyn Huei Ming CHIU
Nathaniel Lik Fu CHONG Helen Joann LEH
with high distinction Kimberly Chiet Hsing LIM
Alan Wen Zheng YEK Mohd Adzree Zikrillah BIN ASMAN
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Amy Yi Xuan TIE Poy Eng TEH
(Robotics and Mechatronics)
Ben Lee Yang LAU Rebecca Su Hee CHIENG
with credit
Bernard Kai Sheng LIONG Sherilyn Ka Ling CHEW
Jasper Qin Kang LEE
Chung Ho KHO Sing Hie LAU
Edmund Huan Sheng LEE Winnie
Jeff Jun En FONG
Geoffrey Kay Meng TAN Jeremy Kien Yin LEE
Hui Ru MOK Kai Chen KONG Master of Business
Kek Seng UNG Jian Yew NG Administration (International)
Rui Geach CHEN Josiah Qi YANG Ali Ijaz RANA
Seng Jie HO Allan Bungan BEGRI
Zong Cheng CHAI with distinction Andre Ryan Thai Pheng KUOK
Bang Xiang SU Anna Bee Bee WONG
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Tze Zheng FOO Chze Fung KHO
and Electronic) (Honours) Saad WAJIH Fairuz Siddiqah BINTI MOHAMED
with credit AMEENUDEEN
Raymond Baring ANAK NYAMBONG with high distinction Felix Vui Cheng WONG
Ryan Jimbat ANAK PAULUS DANDEE Alexander Chun Yun CHANG Hasnain Nasir UDAIPURWALA
Hieng Hui TIE Ingrid Iona NAIS
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Jacklyn ANAK DANNY
(Mechanical) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics Jing Yi LUI
Lee Pheng NG
Chelward Theodore Hernandes BROWN and Mechatronics) (Honours)
Salim Ali Salim AL-ZAKWANI Merry BUN
with credit
Koh Hua WONG

17 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

This program contains the names of all graduates entitled to awards. For graduates who are unable
to attend in person (names in Italics), the awards will be made in absentia.

Mohammad Asyraff BIN MOHAMMAD

Mohanad Shaher Ali MOHAMMED
QinShen DAI
Vannessa Wan Yi CHAO
Yee Yuan SOO

School of Research

Master of Engineering (Research)

Adeline Kher Li LIM
Jules Guiliary RAVANNE

Master of Science (Research)

Celina Sze Jun PHANG
Kevin Thomas CHEW
Willone LIM
Xun Ting TIONG

Doctor of Philosophy
Chukwuka Christian OHUERI
Diana Chung Yiing CHOO
Hui En LEE
Yaw Seng EE
Zong Yang KONG

18 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

Swinburne Research Felicia ANDAYANI
Investigating the Impacts of LSTM-Transformer on
Swinburne has consistently pursued a policy of ensuring quality and Classification Performance of Speech Emotion Recognition
critical mass by investing resources in areas of research concentration.
Swinburne actively encourages and values its international and industry Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) is a task of recognizing
connections which enrich and enhance the research efforts and careers emotions by learning the features extracted from speech signals. This
of our academic staff and students alike. research focuses on designing and developing an LSTM-
Transformer hybrid model for the SER system to learn the long-
Graduates listed below have each made a valuable contribution to term dependencies in speech signals as well as investigating its
Swinburne and their respective fields of research. impacts on the classification performance of SER. The resulting
recognition accuracy showed that the LSTM-Transformer hybrid
Master of Engineering (Research) model could learn the temporal information from the frequency
Adeline Kher Li LIM distributions according to the Mel-Frequency Cepstral
Oil Palm Trunk Activated Carbon for the Removal of Tannin, Acid Blue 25, Coefficients (MFCCs) of each emotion on language-
and Sunset Yellow: Synthesis, Kinetics, and Isotherms independent and language-dependent datasets.

Activated carbon (AC) is a unique and versatile carbonaceous adsorbent Kevin Thomas CHEW
with a high degree of porosity, well-developed surface area, and specific Remote Arrhythmia Detection for Eldercare
functional groups that are necessary for the removal of contaminants,
making it one of the best candidates for removing pollutants from an Cardiovascular disease continues to be one of the most prevalent
aqueous medium. This thesis focuses on utilising oil palm trunk (OPT) as medical conditions in modern society, especially among elderly citizens.
the precursor for the synthesis of AC via chemical activation and semi- This thesis reviewed the challenges of automatically detecting heart
carbonisation for the adsorption of tannin, acid blue 25, and sunset arrhythmias and developed a platform for remote monitoring with an
yellow in single and binary adsorbate systems. The adsorption behaviours emphasis on early arrhythmia detection and scalability. Additionally, a
and future application of OPT-derived AC for wastewater remediation are novel two-phase classification scheme was proposed and applied to an
discussed. existing electrocardiogram classification algorithm, improving its
predictive performance for arrhythmia detection. Testing of a prototype
Jules Guiliary RAVANNE setup was performed on 27 unique patients at the Sarawak General
Design and Investigation of Low-Power Linear-In-Decibel S-Band Power Hospital to evaluate the effectiveness and future applications of the work.
Willone LIM
This research aims to design a low-power linear-in-decibel RF power Impacts of digital devices on digital skills, digital competencies, health and
detector using a 180 nm standard CMOS process. The RF power detector well-being of teenagers
targets S-band frequency range (2 GHz to 4 GHz) applications in wireless
communication and as sensing devices in the agriculture sector, where This result of this research could contribute to the limited existing
low-power consumption, wide dynamic range, and high sensitivity are knowledge on the impacts of digital devices on teenagers age group. This
required. The S-band frequency is suitable because most design of research explore the devices usage pattern among teenagers to help the
microwave ring resonators for agricultural applications operates in society to understand the truth about various problems that are
frequency ranging between 2 GHz and 4 GHz. The proposed power sometimes disregarded. Most importantly, this research provides a new
detector could also be used to manufacture cheaper VNA's which has perspective to different stakeholders on teenagers digital devices use
multiple important applications at present time. and implement intervention and support when necessary.

Master of Science (Research) Xun Ting TIONG

Celina Sze Jun PHANG Improving the Prediction of Diabetes in LIFECARE Cohort Using
Investigating The Adoption And Contribution of Literature-Based Cluster-Based Undersampling
Discovery Methods Towards Clinical Research Ideation Among
Investigator Initiated Research Projects in Sarawak, Malaysia This thesis aim is to help identify individuals that will develop diabetes
(high blood glucose in the body). In order to be able to predict
This research study indicated that the ability of Literature-Based accurately, risk factors need to be identified and a prediction model is
Discovery system to establish plausible connections enables researchers needed. As individuals that develop diabetes is of the minority group,
in gaining new knowledge for hypothesis generation and testing. Several there is data imbalance. Hence, to address this issue, Cluster-Based
challenges affecting the perceived usability of the Literature-Based Undersampling was used. The LIFECARE Cohort is a Cohort in
Discovery system were identified from the interviews with four Sarawak which recruited healthy individuals to study the development
researchers with biomedical background. The interview results revealed of diesease. This thesis shares the significant factors identified using
that the participants faced different usability challenges at the inquiry, LIFECARE cohort and the step by step methodology for the proposed
investigation and navigation stages of Literature-Based Discovery style method ODS-CBUS.
hypothesis generation activity. Despite the challenges, findings from the
interviews also showed that Literature-Based Discovery systems are
capable of broadening users' knowledge base through its employment of
graph visualization in result presentation.

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 19

Doctor of Philosophy Hui En LEE
Ai Joo CHAN Geo-tracing of Black Pepper using Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas
Reshaping Employee Engagement: The Effects of Transformational Sensors
Leadership, Workplace Digitalisation, Innovative Culture, Digital Literacies
and Rewards- Recognition Malaysia produces black pepper of superior quality, especially in the
state of Sarawak. Sarawak black pepper is widely known in the global
This study investigated and supported that transformational leadership, market and fetches higher price compared to its competitors. There
innovative culture, and workplace digitalisation are significant drivers of has been arising concerns of increasing fraud products that claimed
employee engagement. Besides, innovative culture partially enhances their origin to be from Sarawak for better price. Using metal oxide
employee engagement through workplace digitalisation. Digital literacies semiconductor gas sensors, this PhD research develops an accurate,
and rewards-recognition strengthen employee engagement. The results inexpensive, rapid, portable and non-invasive geo-tracing method to
suggest that industry practitioners who intend to raise employee establish product differentiation of black pepper by geographical
engagement can first focus on fostering employees' perception of origins. Therefore, the higher price of Sarawak black pepper can be
workplace digitalisation, and then supplement this with a supportive justified, and its product can be authenticated against fraud.
environment, such as digital literacies and rewards-recognition. Engaged
workforce are crucial as a competitive advantage to unlock organisations' Stanley NWOBODO
values, especially with the accelerated workplace digitalisation post- Medical tourism in Malaysia: an investigation of the destination
COVID-19 pandemic. branding factors and its influence on the behaviour of medical tourists

Chukwuka Christian OHUERI The steady growth of the medical tourism industry made it one of the
The Integrated BIM-MyCREST Process Model for Reengineering the Green most attractive and economically viable tourism sectors for different
Building Design Practices countries. Over the past few years, Malaysia has been one of the
beneficiaries of the industry and now wants to become the top
Sustainable buildings provide social, economic, and environmental destination for medical tourism around the region. This study focused
benefits. To accurately exchange the comprehensive information during on branding the Malaysia medical tourism industry. This was done by
the sustainable building design, the Building Information Modelling looking at the behaviour (their awareness, perception of image, quality
process was introduced. However, the most common problem in and satisfaction) of medical tourists to determine their intention to
designing a sustainable building remains the absence of accurate revisit the country in the future or recommend others to visit.
information to make timely decisions. Hence, this study provides a well-
structured approach that can enable the diverse design team to Su Chen PHANG
collaboratively use the enormous software to exchange accurate Cultural identity and branding: Insights from a multiple identities
information, and efficiently design buildings with high sustainability perspective in a globalised world
performance. The research output will promote the adoption of
sustainable building development; thereby facilitating the This thesis aims to better understand the influence of ethnic, national,
accomplishment of the United Nations sustainable development goals. and global cultural identities on ethnic, national and global brand
behaviours from single and multiple cultural identities perspectives.
Diana Chung Ying CHOO The findings support assertions that consumers' cultural identities
Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight) from Sarawak as a potential source of influence their brand behaviours, depending on the level of their
compounds exhibiting in vitro anti-cancer activity against nasopharyngeal identification with the cultural identities and the amalgamation of
carcinoma (NPC) these identities. The findings also established the existence of
anchoring cultural identity in multiple identities conditions. These key
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a cancer of the nasopharynx. The Malaysian findings have implications for studying multiple cultural identities and
state of Sarawak reports one of the highest incidence rates globally, brands' target markets.
coming in close to front runners Hong Kong and China. Natural products
have garnered research interest for drug discovery, depicted by Aspirin, Yaw Seng EE
Morphine and Taxol, all derived from natural plant sources. Sarawak Travellers' Online Hotel Booking Behaviour: Insights from Usability and
evokes images of dense forests rich in biodiversity, presenting the perfect Trust Perspectives
canvas for bioprospecting. This thesis focuses on Syzygium Polyanthum
(Wight) plant from Sarawak exhibiting activity against nasopharyngeal The novelty of this thesis lies in new knowledge contribution to
carcinoma cells. Computational-learning platforms were employed and literature, customers and practitioners on distinguishing the positive
validated by molecular methods to identify the anti- effects of cognitive-based usability and affective-driven trust attitude
nasopharyngeal cancer mechanisms of the plant. and their respective antecedents on adoption behaviour towards
online hotel booking mobile application and website. Affective- or
emotional-based trust is found to have a stronger positive effect on
adoption behaviour than cognitive-oriented usability. Given this,
industry practitioners may strategise and enhance technologies. Hotel
booking mobile applications and websites that generate feeling of
competency and integrity facilitate customers' decision making in
choices. This amplifies confidence and satisfaction, and hence, greater
technology adoption and usage.

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 20

Zong Yang KONG
Development of novel techno-economic framework for enhancing a Tri-
Ethylene Glycol-based natural gas dehydration unit

The maximum purity of the regenerated Tri-Ethylene Glycol (TEG) in an

absorption-based natural gas dehydration process is capped at 98.8%
since the operating temperature of the reboiler cannot exceed 204 oC,
otherwise the TEG will thermally degrade. Several enhanced dehydration
processes are available to overcome this limitation such as the stripping
gas dehydration process using a portion of dry product gas, inert gas, or
volatile hydrocarbon (DRIZO process). This thesis presents a novel
techno-economic framework for the selection of the best dehydration
process that simultaneously meets the water dew point specification and
generates the highest net profit margin.

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program 21

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22 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program

Malaysian National Anthem Australian National Anthem Sarawak State Anthem
Australians all let us rejoice Sarawak Tanah Air Ku
Tanah tumpahnya darahku
For we are young and free Negeriku Tanah Air Ku Sarawak
Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil Engkaulah Tanah Pusaka Ku
Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan
Our home is girt by sea Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku
Raja kita, selamat bertakhta
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Ibu Pertiwi Ku
Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan
Of beauty rich and rare Rakyat Hidup Mesra dan Bahagia
Raja kita, selamat bertakhta
In history’s page, let every stage Damai Muhibah Sentiasa
Advance Australia fair Bersatu Berusaha Berbakti
In joyful strains then let us sing Untuk Sarawak Ku Cintai
Advance Australia fair Sarawak Dalam Malaysia
Aman Makmur Rahmat Tuhan
Maha Esa
Kekallah Sarawak Bertuah
Teras Perjuangan Rakyat
Berjaya Berdaulat

Charge to Graduates
In conferral of your award I ask you as graduates of Swinburne University
of Technology to strive to:

• practise the University’s values of integrity, accountability, teamwork,

innovation, sustainability and respect for diversity;

• seek positive and creative ways to engage with and serve your

• remain curious and open to new learning and new experiences;

• use your knowledge, talents, skills and passion to encourage a better

future for the global community.
CRICOS Provider Code (Swinburne University of Technology): 00111D
DULN004(Q) MQA/SA/0007 Co. No. 199901022294
CRICOS and details
00111D contained in this program are correct at the time of publication, November 2022.
RTO 3059
Names and details contained in this program are correct at the time of publication, December 2021.

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