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Patricia Nicole Cruz


M6A1 Activity 2-3

Activity 2 Comprehension Check-up

General Instruction: Read the entire content of Module 6. Watch all the videos. These
will provide lectures and guidance for you to have deep understanding about the
topic. Just research further for more information.

Answer briefly the following questions (25 points):

1. Why transcreation matters? When should it be used?

Transcreation involves a lot more than just translating. It takes the original
message and rewrites it in a different language, ensuring that the target language text
retains the original style, verbal tone, meaning, and emotional impact. It's a mix of science
and literature, as well as translation and interpretation. It's the practice of re-evaluating
and re-configuring marketing content created for a local market in order to appeal to an
audience with a completely different culture. Understanding the target demographic and
carefully customizing the content using appropriate vocabulary, style illustration, and
sound for ideal appeal and accurate marketing are all part of the transcreation process.

When adapting materials for a global audience, you should think about
transcreation. You'll almost certainly want a similar translation whether you're translating
research or extremely advanced materials into another language for a professional
audience. Transcreation is the best option when dealing with more complex materials
where you want your message, brand, and "voice" to be heard, such as advertisement or
promotional collateral, blogs, or publishing materials.
2. How do artists recreate, transform, or translate one artform into another work?

Light and shadow effects are used by visual artists to create the appearance of
three-dimensional structure. Enhanced contrast between highlights and shadow areas
will also help to build a clear sense of shape. Types, like curves, may be organic or
geometric. You can reach a global audience by producing high-quality localized content
with the right transcreation service. Any global content must be made local and created
with the end user in mind in order to be meaningful. This has to do with putting text and
photos in the right way. The discipline of translation is combined with the practice of
interpretation of transcreation (translation and re-creation). It is the method of re-
evaluating and re-configuring communications generated for a local market to adapt to a
culturally diverse audience.

3. What language is communicated thru elements of art?

Visual language, with its numerous images, unspoken codes, and symbolism,
seems to prioritize over spoken language in the modern world we now live in. Visual
language seems to be maintaining its influence as a primary mode of communication.
Fluency of the visual language, according to various artists, filmmakers, museum
professionals, and educators, not only enriches one's general appreciation of art and the
environment, but also has a significant impact on creativity, empathy, and critical thinking.
The mind is more powerfully engaged as we try to reflect and comprehend the world by
what we see rather than what we have to say with words. The translation of the universe
onto two-dimensional surfaces requires a thorough knowledge of unspoken codes and
symbols. These help in the development of visual language, and how one chooses to
present their view of the world is how visual language diversity is developed.

Many of those who comprehend nonverbal, especially visual language, can and
do control our attitudes to their own ends. Despite this, we often react unconsciously to
visual messages, choosing to assume that our views are shaped by our own good
judgment and personal taste. As a result, we can neglect to notice how visual cues
influence our views on policy issues and societal ideals, as well as our tastes for cars,
music, and fashion.

In this television age, a politician's body language, dress, and gestures, for
example, seem to be almost as important to the popularity of a party's program as the
policies and ideas he carries. We don't trust the guy on the screen because of the wrong
nonverbal signals, no matter what his beliefs and character are. Successful use of visual
signals, on the other hand, will cause one to forget a lot of a politician's background.

4. Concerning the principles of design, how would it give importance to the work
of art?

The principles of design are made up of different combinations of design elements

that are combined in one image to improve its appearance. When more than one concept
is combined, an artist will make artwork that can amaze viewers and attract positive
attention, actively helping the artist who created it. When you make artwork as an artist,
design concepts become extremely relevant. They are the instruments that you would
use and would naturally use because they improve the appearance of your photographs
and make them more physically pleasing to those who are seeing your work. Contrast,
the center of interest, repetition, and rhythm are concepts you should use to make your
image stand out and attract other people's attention, while symmetry, the direction of
expression, and balance are principles that help make your image more visually pleasing.
Even visual art or optical illusions use two or three of these ideas to produce an effect
that draws the viewer's attention in and keeps them looking at it.

Out of respect for artists, I will give importance to the arts by simply paying attention
to it, and appreciating what that art really portrays. It's only now that I've realized that
making an art can give you calm, even if you're not good at it. Then when you finish that
one artwork, you will be proud of yourself, so you will keep it. You don't want your younger
brother/Sister to write down what you worked so hard for and just throw it in the trash.
Same thing with artists who actually makes art.
5. What is art fusion? How does fusion in art take place? What is the importance of
art fusion

Art fusion takes the form of different component mixes of sculptures, or a series of
items to be used as the medium of an art, and is essentially a two-factor partnership in
the creation of a masterpiece. Art fusion has been more popular in recent decades, but
examples of teamwork date back to the 1930s. Fine artists and fashion designers were
the first to experiment with art fusion. When an artist (from any field – music, literature,
architecture, fine art, craft, graffiti, etc.) collaborates with a brand (of any sort – product,
service, fashion, charity) to produce a product, service, theme, or ‘piece' (for lack of a
more pigeon-holing word) for the good of all parties and culture as a whole, this is referred
to as art fusion.

Art Fusion benefits a lot of fields. In brands, A well-chosen, well-planned, and well-
executed partnership will benefit a brand in a variety of ways. It can generate genuine
interest in staid or even forgotten brands by adding reasonableness and talk-value,
creating a sense of innovation and enthusiasm, and generating genuine interest in staid
or even forgotten brands. It can be used to reactivate a dormant brand and is often
effective in bringing it to a new audience. For artists, Art has a significant effect on
society's ability to grow, develop, and adapt to change. It is the forerunner of the status
quo as well as its destroyer. Artists have important voices to be heard in order to nurture
our society's spirit, which art fusion will help to enhance. A partnership with a brand may
allow an artist to create work that reaches a new and wider audience, achieve recognition
for potential work, or simply reshape society in ways where their art would not otherwise
be seen. Art fusion can also be beneficial to our society, Unlike other traditional marketing,
art fusion seeks to create something of worth to humanity, and it always succeeds. It gives
artists a voice, gives brands life, and infuses our daily lives with interesting thoughts, guts,
and elegance that feed our deeper aspirations. Though art has always served as a visual
philosopher, stimulating thinking, values, and sentiment in our society, art fusion allows
the perception of art to be shared more broadly, attracting a broader, more mainstream
audience and mixing art into daily life.
Activity 3 Video Analysis

Examine this video, Live Forever in a House the Price of a Car. Write a well thought
response paper by discussing the elements of art and the principles of design you
observed involved in the construction of a tiny house. Do you consider this as the best
way to save money or a minimalist's smart move? Do you like to live in a tiny house or
maybe dream to have one. Why? Why not? Also, simply illustrate the possible
advantages and disadvantages you think involving constructing, living in or having a tiny
house of your own. (25 points.)

I currently live in a 30sqm house. Which is enough for the three of us, because I'm
the only child. This year I also like to look at space saver houses, and those that can be
applied to our small house. And in my opinion, the idea they made in the video I watched
was good, the color scheme combination used was very cozy and just right, which is more
on wood because it fits all color pallets that you want to apply in your home. I also see a
lot of loft bedrooms with architectural designs on the internet because their house is small.
which is very space saving.

For me, it is convenient that every space in your house is consumed properly and
not disturbing because of the organization of the strolls and cabinets that are installed.
But if I'm the one to be asked, if I'm just going to build a small house, I will not build it in
a car that can be carried away by disasters anytime. I would prefer the one that is really
fixed on the ground house. Maybe yes, I can say that it is a smart choice when it comes
to saving space, but I can't say that it is the best way to save money, because the prices
of materials are not a joke either which he used. Let's just say the wood blocks he used
in the bathroom, in our country, if I'm not mistaken, the 12x12in per piece is 364 pesos
from wilcon, which is more expensive than ordinary white tiles and vinyl which is also look
nice when placed. Almost everything in your house is customized because of the size of
each item that has been avoided since, she did save space. Which is when we estimate
the price of customized cabinets, bedroom pallets and etc. it will be more expensive. For
the customized loft bed, 20,000 pesos will be spent immediately, let's add the customized
staircase on the side finished with cabinet. In bed we can spend about 25-27,000 pesos
or more depending on the color and design you want.
One of the advantages of looking for used tiny houses for rent is the ability to live
a comfortable life. Unwanted items have no place in a tiny home. There's just enough
space for the basics. Where you just hold items that add value to your life. When it comes
to moving about, you still have more freedom. You will take your house anywhere you
want, wherever you want. This is due to the fact that a tiny house has a minimal footprint
and does not need a lot of rooms. And also, its is less clutter Filling a tiny home with
"things" is not a choice, at least not if you want to be able to walk around. When your
home is small, you must make some difficult decisions on what to keep and what to
dispose. This ensures that if you're bored or sad, you can't run out to buy useless
products. Since you don’t have a lot of stuffs in your house, it does mean that your have
a less time spend in cleaning It takes much less time to clean two or three small rooms
than it does to clean seven or eight big ones. Cleaning therefore takes less time so there
are fewer collectible figurines and trash to pick up and vacuum. And lastly, you can save
a lot since you are minimizing your space. In many ways, living in a small house saves
money. You save money on heating, air conditioning, property taxes, and house
maintenance. You save money on food (due to the reduced pantry and refrigerator), and
you eliminate nearly all unnecessary shopping.

In contrary, there are also disadvantages in living in a tiny house. The owners of a
tiny house have less rooms. This makes it difficult to live there, particularly for families
with children or others who need privacy. You must recycle or sell any of your belongings
whether you wish to downsize or switch from a typical big house to a small house. This
is due to the lack of storage space in a small home. Besides that, living in a tiny home
adds additional household responsibilities, such as emptying a composting toilet, hauling
water, and purchasing gas heater fuel, to name a few. Most importantly, hosting big
parties or simply inviting a few friends over for dinner can be difficult in a small space.
The best choice for hosting visitors is to build an outdoor living room.
Bashiru, S. (2020, July 29). UX Collective. Retrieved from Principles of Design

Brainly . (n.d.). Retrieved from,between%20highlights

Jirousek, C. (1995). Art, design and visula thinking. Retrieved from TheLanguage of

Reach, L. (2016, February 16). Language reach. Retrieved from What Is Transcreation
And Why Is It Important?:

Wild walls. (n.d.). Retrieved from How Do We Define Visual Language ?:

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