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What is freedom?

Freedom is all about a state of independence where individuals can do what they want
without any restriction. We inherit freedom from the day we are born. It is a quality that each
individual possesses. Freedom is a feeling that is felt from within. It can also be defined as a
state of mind where you have the right to do what you can think of. The concept of freedom
is applied to different aspects of life, and it’s not an absolute term. Some examples of
freedom 1.Letting a bird out the cage.2. A women regaining her independence after ending a
controlling or abusive marriage.

Article shared by Pragathi Gosh Freedom is an innate right which humans have since
their birth. Freedom is not something that can be touched, seen, felt or reached. All this gives
a vague idea about freedom.

Basic right:

Freedom is the choice to live one’s life doing what one wants, live where one wants,
eat by own choice and learn what one’s heart desires. This means that freedom can apply to
different aspects of life and freedom is not an absolute term. The freedom of the press, the
right to assemble to protest and petition the government. To me the First Amendment means
that you have the right to freedom of expression and be allowed to express who you are
without being judged

Value of Freedom:

People have always wanted to be free. So what about freedom makes it so valuable? Why do
we need it? Freedom links us to contentment. The real value of freedom can only be
appreciated by a person who has fought for it. Only when you are deprived of freedom, you
realize its importance. Freedom liberates you from the forms of injustice (racism, ethnic
hatred, discrimination).
Misusing the freedom:

We can enjoy our freedom but not at the cost of violating others. Freedom is a
broad psychological concept, and people have diversified views. The more freedom we have,
the more responsible we become. No one has the authority to violate our rights.

Role of a citizen:

India is a democratic country, and we have the freedom/right to choose the

government representatives. This freedom has been earned by our ancestors by sacrificing
their lives for free India. We must respect our freedom and choose wisely and go for voting
not only as a right but also as a duty. One wrong candidate can ruin the freedom of millions
of our fellow citizens. We should stay away from dirty politics but at the same time take part
in healthy politics. The government has taken many initiatives to involve citizens in the
nation building. We can give our support by participating in those efforts. This not only gives
us freedom to contribute to the nation building but also to take ownership and pride to make
India our dream country, a role model for other democratic countries in the world.

My opinion:

As a person, I feel that the freedom of thought is one’s birthright. In pre-

independence era, when Gandhi Ji was thrown out of the train in South Africa for being an
Indian, then only the thought of freedom of India from British rule came into his mind. This
thought became a revolution, and Gandhi Ji’s Non-violence movement (Satyagraha) made the
British leave our country and India won freedom. This freedom means a lot to me. I was born
in a free country. I had the freedom to choose my school, college, university; freedom to
choose my profession; freedom to choose my job; freedom to live my life as I wish.

Conclusion: At last we can conclude that freedom can be enjoyed by everyone. To be

free means to express your opinion and build your future, freedom is the ability to be true to
your own ideas and principles. To be free is the most wonderful thing that humanity can
afford to give to you.

“The best road to progress is freedom’s road.”– John F. Kennedy

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