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Jesus is adored by many individuals for a variety of reasons.

Although Jesus was aware

that he was the son of God and had the authority to subjugate the people when he first arrived on
Earth, yet he maintained his humility and kindness. Back then, instead of wielding his authority
as God's son, he served the populace. Jesus loved us without condition; whether we were sinners
or not, followers of him or not, he treated us all equally. He was loved because he first loved us;
he showed the depth of his love for the people by attending to their needs, healing the sick, and
even offering his own life as a sacrifice for their sins.
As for me, he has fully accepted me for who and what I am. He understands and know
the reality of me. I believe he doesn’t judge me on the way I make my choices though he does
help and guide me. He is willing to forgive my sins, my mistakes and even things that I can't
seem to stop myself from doing. He doesn’t get tired by gives me multiples chances to try and do
things better. These points are more than enough to give me a reason to love our Jesus Christ.
Faith is all he wanted and so I gave mine. Same goes to other people, particularly those who
were present during the time he was on Earth. He also promised us the eternal life, it is the gift of
God that comes only through Jesus Christ. He knows that us human beings fear death, so he
promised “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and will raise him up at
the last day” (John 6:54). After the time we spent on Earth we will have the never-ending life
with Jesus Christ our Lord.

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