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The Benefits of Work Ethics in Work Immersion Engagement Among Grade 12 Students in

General Tiburcio De Leon National High School


Work Immersion is one of the most important studies needed of all Grade 12 students. This ensures
that the student's talents and skills are applicable to the many jobs to which they may apply. All applicants
must be able to apply and demonstrate all work immersion techniques in order to become flexible in all
parts of their jobs. Work ethics is a personal set of values that affects how employees perform in their
jobs. Students’ Skills and Work ethics are what need to be considered in order to be outstanding in their
field of work. A good work ethic must be possessed by an individual in order to attain good results.
Employees who have good work ethics do better in their job, have it easier to achieve a certain task, have
better social skills, and overall performs well in his/her field of work.

Conceptual Framework

Work Ethics Work Immersion

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

The figure shows the involvement of Work Ethics in the Work Immersion of the Grade 12
Students whether it benefits the Work Immersion of the students. It illustrates how Work Ethics benefit to
how the students will perform in their Work Immersion.

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