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Conversation between two friends Geena and Soumya

Soumya: Hey Geena and Rithika! How are you guys doing?

Rithika: We’re Great!

Geena: I am great! How about you?

Soumya: Well, I am alright, except just wondering, how I will finish this massive pile of Science and
History homework by tomorrow… How will I face my teacher? I am going to be in BIG trouble. You
have to help me!

Geena: Um…. Ok, I have an idea. Why don’t we practice how you will tell your science teacher some
excuses to avoid getting in trouble…?

Soumya: Hey… that is a good idea…

Rithika: Ok, you be the science teacher will be myself.

Geena (Clears throat to imitate Teacher’s voice): Good morning, Soumya.

Soumya: Good Morning Ma’am, how are you ma’am? Hope your work is going well ma’am.

Geena: Oh dear, don’t ask about me about my work, it is always never-ending. Anyway, Soumya, did
you finish your home-work?

Soumya: My homework… ma’am, uh actually I didn’t do my homework since you said you had a very
hectic schedule, I thought I shouldn’t add to your work-load…

Rithika: Oh, super Soumya! That one will definitely work…

Geena: (Back to character) it really makes you seem very compassionate and believable at the same

Rithika: Speaking of Science, Today I had come across some fascinating facts in class today!

Geena: Oh, we would love to hear it!

Rithika: Listen to this… Did you know that dogs have the ability to smell cancer? (Pause for friend’s
reaction) Researchers have found that dogs are able to pick up on a specific scent that cancer
produces in a person, which is undetectable to humans.

Soumya: Incredible! Maybe that’s why Dogs are often known as "man's best friend"!

Geena: Did you hear any more interesting facts?

Rithika: Yes! if you thought that was impressive, check this out: (Pause) Did you know that bees
are able to detect bombs with their tongues.

Geena: How is that possible?

Rithika: Apparently, bees can be trained by bee handlers to identify the smell of an explosive by
using their feeding tube.

Soumya: (Pause) Wow! could this “bee” … any more interesting!?

(Geena, Soumya & Rithika Laughs!)

Geena: Your too silly Soumya! Anyways, didn’t you say that your history homework, was still left

Soumya: Oh, My History Homework…! Maybe you can help me think of an excuse?

Rithika: Not a problem… let’s try again. Geena will be your History Teacher.

Geena: (Clears voice to impersonate History Teacher) Hello Soumya! Have you completed your
history homework?

Soumya: Hi Ma’am, umm… Ma’am, I actually didn’t complete my History homework, because I didn’t
believe it was necessary to dwell in the past too much…

Geena: (Back to character) Oh, you nailed it! Perfect excuse, the right balance of humour and
inspiration… it reminds me of a quote which goes like this, (Pause) “Yesterday was history…”

Rithika: “Tomorrow is a mystery”

Geena: “But today is a gift,

Soumya: “and that’s why it’s called, PRESENT!”

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