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Priya: (Holds English Textbook and reads) Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one

travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

Ann: Hey Priya, what are you reading?

Priya: Hey Ann! Look it’s our 10th standard English Textbook from 2020

Ann: Wow! That is literally from 10 years ago! It’s shocking how time flies! Remember that year we
had online classes because of the covid-19 pandemic?

Priya: Yes! That had taken the world by shock. All of us were so uncertain about our futures,
especially since we had to make big decisions about, which stream to choose; science with computer
science, Science with biology, commerce with maths, Commerce with marketing etc…

Ann: Really! (Pause) hmm… It truly amuses me how we all were so stressed about things that don’t
seem like too big a deal, now.

Priya: Well, I guess it’s because we all looked at our stream choices as final life sentences. As if, there
was no possibility to change ever… However, so many of our classmates are doing something
different from what they originally envisioned for themselves.

Ann: Yes! Look at me, as a former Engineer, now running my own bakery. I am the poster child for

Priya: True… We were also mistaken in assuming that Mbbs and Engineering were the ideal career
choices. Yet, with the rapidly changing market trends, globalisation, technological progress etc, Job
satisfaction can take place in any career choice!

Ann: Absolutely! There is no “one fixed” recipe for success. Everyone’s path is different…

Priya: Moreover, the unexpected detours of life can even help us discover new strengths and fulfil
our potential!

Ann: So, I guess, it safe to say that there is a timeless truth within the words of the poem you were

Ann and Priya: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less travelled by, and that has
made all the difference!”

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