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St. Lawrence Parish MASS SCHEDULE

1520 East Delavan Avenue Watch on our YouTube channel StLawrenceBuffalo
Buffalo, New York 14215 Saturday: 4:30
Sunday: Noon
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
Fr. Joe Rogliano………………………………………………………...Pastor
Dcn. Paul Weisenburger……………………….Permanent Deacon PHONES
Luke Dyer…………………………………....Food Pantry Coordinator Rectory………………………………………716-892-2471
Joe Strusienski...………..……………………………...….Maintenance Fax………………..……………………………716-892-1315
Debbie Obstarczyk…………...………………….....Parish Secretary Faith Formation…….……………………716-892-2471
Parish Hall………………………………….716-896-9796
LITURGY AT ST. LAWRENCE Franciscan Guest House (FGH)……716-893-8853
Saturday, May 13 Vigil: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Children’s Clinic……………………716-308-6302
4:30 p.m. Maurice Materise—Family
Sunday, May 14—Sixth Sunday of Easter RECTORY OFFICE HOURS
Noon George Bailey—Holy Name Society Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17
5:30 p.m. Special intentions from our Mother’s Day Spir-
itual Bouquet
Saturday, May 20 Vigil: Seventh Sunday of Easter
Regular Sunday Collection.........................................$1,066.50
4:30 p.m. George Bailey—Rene & Pat Zimmer
Sunday, May 21—Seventh Sunday of Easter
Noon Special intentions from our Mother’s Day Spiritual
Total month to date...…………………..………......$1,347.50
LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER We are grateful for the prayers and financial support of our
Please pray for Julie Aquino, Bruce Austin, Jo- parishioners and friends of St. Lawrence Church.
seph Biniaszewski, Roseann Barthelemy, Larry
Bartos, Twila Berst, Bob DeRoss, Baby Luca HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
Matthew Dicenzo Mike Ellis, Pat Farrell, Joe
Giancarlo, Linda Hammer, Carol LaBelle, Adam
Strusienski, Nancy Vogt, and all of our parishioners and their The following were remembered by name in our
families during this challenging time. Please contact the recto- Mother’s Day cards: Ann Blake, Sallie Bartos, Suzanne Bar-
ry, 892-2471, to have a person placed on the List. tos, Doris H. Benincasa, Eleonore Clark, Ethel Elizabeth
deVyver, Diane Dibruono, Marilyn Ebert, Betty Felschow,
MASS ATTENDANCE Hazel Galvin, Helen Gardon, Cheryl Giancarlo, Geri DiCarlo,
Saturday 5/6 4:30 p.m.—33 Margaret Giles, Corrine Golombek, Laura Golombek, Irene
Sunday 5/7 Noon —42 Herale, Gladys Hunter, Anna Irlbacher, Estelle Jedrzejewski,
Irene Krakowiak, Anna Koperski, Grace Metz, Christina Mac-
Donald & Mom, Mary Missert, Donna Moyer, Marie Musca-
READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 14, 2023 rella, Adelle, Ann and Deborah Obstarczyk, Dorothy Pacillo,
Sunday: Acts 8:5-8/1 Pt 3:15-18/Jn 14:15-21
Dorothy Paluck, Sue Panneri, Helen Podniesinski, Jessica
Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26—6:4
Przybysz, Stella Przybysz, Lorraine Rainel, Rose Regan, Marge
Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11
Reidy, Sara Rivers, Earline Sampson, Willie B. Sampson, Eliza-
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Jn 16:12-15
beth Santiago and Mom, Mary Schupp, all Setter Mothers,
Thursday: Acts 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20
Katie Sinski, Honorota Slachciak, Sara Smith, Sandy Steven-
Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23
son and Mom, Barbara Strusienski, Tiana Valentin and Mom,
Saturday Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23-28
Charlotte Vranjes, Barbara Weig, Melanie Weig, Marie J.

St. Lawrence Pray Weisenburger, Mary Weisenburger, Frances Widger, Julia

Zawadzki, Agnes Zimmer, and Patricia Zimmer.
for Us
FAMILY OF PARISHES From the Desk of Fr. Joe
Monday 5/15: 10-11:30 AM Food Pantry Dear Family 21,
7 PM Bi-Lingual Rosary (Spanish/English) I am trying to stay on top of my letters to you early in the
via Zoom Click the Family Calendar Links BT week, so I don’t miss the bulletin deadline - which means
Tuesday 5/16: 5:45 PM Turning Point: Eight Encounters I’m writing this on Sunday morning, in between Masses.
with Jesus (Gospel of John) BT
Wednesday 5/17: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM Food Pantry BT I’m sure much will have happened from the time I write
Volunteers are needed this until the time you read this like, for instance, a dinner
12:30 PM BINGO STL Doors open 11 AM meeting of your priests, which we plan on doing regularly.
Thursday 5/18 I know, too, that our pillars are continuing to meet on a
10 AM–11:30 AM Food Pantry SLVMI regular basis, which is a huge help to the process. Open
6:00PM First Communion Class BT communication is so important for this journey to succeed.
8:00PM Bingo doors open at 6:30 PM BT Remember, you can always email me
Friday: 5/19:10AM Food Pantry STL at if you need to. Yes, AOL!! I
also have a land line: 716-834-4610, or my cell, which is
Our regular weekday Mass schedule: 716-510-1340.
BT Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11 AM
STL Wednesday 5:30 PM Prayer to the families & friends of those who lost a loved
one a year ago during the tragic Tops shooting. Lord, have
SMdP Monday through Friday Noon
Our weekend Mass schedule:
BT Saturdays 4:30PM & Sundays 10AM Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms, both living and de-
CB Saturdays 4PM and Sundays 9AM (Spanish) &11AM ceased, and to all who act as a mother in any and all ca-
Last Sunday of the month: Bi-Lingual 10AM pacities. God bless you all!!
SMdP Sundays 8AM and 9:30AM
Have a wonderful week, everyone.
STL Saturdays 4:30PM and Sundays Noon
In Christ’s love,
BT—Blessed Trinity, CB—Columba Brigid, SMdP—St.
Martin de Porres, STL—St. Lawrence SLVMI -St. Law-
rence Vineyard Ministries Inc FP – Family Promise
Fr. Joe
Please, support the fundraisers of our Family of Parish- FOOD PANTRY WORKDAY
es. There are several June events coming up. The next Vineyard Ministries Food Pantry workday is sched-
Tickets for Blessed Trinity's third annual chicken barbecue
on June 10 from 2-6 PM featuring a hefty half chicken, and uled for 9 am to Noon, next Saturday May 20th. We will be
homemade sides - including cornbread and a brownie are on sorting, packing and delivering food to families unable to pick
sale now for just $15 each. This year, we are offering delivery up. The pantry is located at 25 Roma Avenue.
to St. Lawrence and SS. Columba-Brigid parishes following Questions? Please call 716-896-0047.
their 4:30 PM Masses as long as the order is placed in ad- We hope you can join us!
vance. Please contact Pat Dyer at 716-256-2598 - or visit
Blessed Trinity's parish office for tickets.
Save the Dates:
Chicken Dinner Fundraiser CB June 4
Chicken Dinner Fundraiser BT June 10 from 2-6 PM Prayer Blessed Trinity Church celebrates the NY Landmarks Conserv-
Partners gathering CB June 8 ancy’s 50th anniversary by participating in its statewide Sacred
Holy Name Father’s Day Gala Fundraiser for SMdP June 17 Sites Weekend. This year’s Open House will be on Sunday,
May 21st from 1-3PM and coincides with the church’s construc-
tion centennial, its cornerstone having been laid in August
1923. Experience this “made in America” treasure considered
IN IT TO WIN IT! to be the purest replication of 12th century Lombard-
May tickets are now on sale. Our church Romanesque architecture in the USA. Learn about its hand-
made bricks set in a style dating back to the Middle Ages, ex-
benefits from each ticket sold! REMEM- tensive use of terra cotta, fascinating medieval iconography,
BER-all tickets, sold and unsold must be display of more than 2,000 Christian symbols and recent build-
returned. Thank you for your support! Get your ticket(s) by ing preservation efforts. The church’s original 1927 Tellers-
filling out a request and dropping it in the collection basket! Kent organ will be featured in musical interludes during the
Thanks for your support. Open House with a concluding performance at 3 PM. This is a
FREE event. Visit or call

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