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This year I have taken Writing and Rhetoric II, which has included lots of research and

given me much experience. I learned how to research and organize different sources to use later

for a project or assignment. I have also found new ways to find more reliable resources than

before. I have also learned to reflect on my work and write about it, work with others, and get

help when I need it. Over the course of the semester, I have written three genres including one

inside my discipline, one outside my discipline, and one for a general audience.

The theme of my first genre lies in scientific research inside my discipline. I made a

shortened version of a funds request form. This is how researchers get the money and laboratory

to do research for so many things medical. The reason I chose a fund request form is that I

wanted to get ready to write in a form that I might have too later on. I also found it interesting

and felt that it gave me a little more insight into the process that occurs. I was able to find many

samples of a funds request the one I used specifically came

from There was also an annotated bibliography that I had

made earlier in the year that allowed me to make the request with further knowledge of the topic.

Knowing how to make an annotated bibliography will help me organize and keep information in

a neat fashion so that I can access it when I need it. This will help me in future classes and other


My audience for my second genre would be inside a class or a beginner technology

conference. The need for basic knowledge of cybersecurity is everywhere. It doesn’t just have to

be for a classroom or learning outcome either. Knowing about cybersecurity can influence the

way someone thinks about what they are doing on the internet or maybe even influence their vote

when it comes to topics such as technological national security. The reason I chose a slide-show

format is that it is easy to show widely, has bulleted points that help people absorb organized
information, and has a great way to hold people’s attention. I was able to get all of my basic

information from

For the last genre, I made a poster that would best go inside a hall for everyone to see.

Most preferably a gym. Drinking water can help improve in all endeavors whether they are

physical or mental. I used a poster so it could be put anywhere so I could reach a general

audience. I find it a nice short way to hopefully remind people to drink water even if they don’t

read it. I got all my information for this genre from


Writing and Rhetoric have taught me many things inside and out side of writing. I will be

able to use methods for this class in every class. Compared to other English classes Writing and

Rhetoric has prepared me better for my career path showing me different ways writing is useful

than just in a paper.

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