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Ramesh (Accused) and Reena (Complainant) were working together in some private
company. Reena belonged to a very rich family and the financial position of Ramesh was
mediocre. They started liking each other and after sometime got married in 2015. After
some time the attitude of Respondent became harsh towards Reena Petitioner.
Respondent started making demands of money from petitioner. He also started putting
pressure upon her to ask her parents to purchase a bungalow in the city for them. After
some time he also started asking petitioner to get a share in the property of her father.
Petitioner did not accept the unjustified demands of respondent. Respondent started
giving physical beating to petitioner. With passage of time, petitioner’s attitude also
became hard towards respondent. She stopped taking care of respondent and started
hitting back. On 19 November, 2017, at about 9:30 pm a quarrel started between Ramesh
and Reena. Reena threw a shoe at Ramesh and Ramesh threw a statue of stone at Reena.
The statue struck at theof head Reena and she fell unconscious. Ramesh took her to the
hospital where Reena was admitted to I.C.U. However with a great difficulty her life was
An FIR was registered and during investigation the fact came out that Ramesh was
already legally married to one Roopa in the year 2003. The charges were framed against
Ramesh under Section 307, 498A of the Indian Penal Code, 1890.

The trial in the matter is now pending before the District and Session Judge.

Prepare your Memorial supported by case laws on the behalf of Complainant Reena or Accused

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