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covery ced People in the story \ \ \ \ Andy Lawson: athirteen-year-old boy; Mary Lawsonis twin brother | ‘Mary Lavson: a fitteen-year-old gi Andy Lawson's twin ster ‘Miss O'Brien: Andy and Mary’ science teacher [Mr Green Shirt Mary ses this man in a shop ‘Mr Blue Shit: felend of Me Green Shirt Ingpector Helen Forrester: a Dublin police aicet Sergeant Tom Brady: a Dublin police oficer Chapter 1 Funny money BEFORE YOU READ ‘Int it beautiful” said Andy Lawson to his sister; Mary. No} replied Mary. ‘R's not beautiful and it’s not interesting? Andrew Lawson, always called Andy, looked at his sister. She was thirteen tand:he was thirteen. They were tins" ~ but they were not the same, He was 170 7 0 @ Lookat the pictues in Chapter 1, Answer the questions. 4 What does Mary buy athe tart of Chapter 1? 2 What do Andy and Mary buy athe end of Chopter 1? i i i centimetres tll with short red hats and blue eyes. She ‘wes only 160 centimetres tall with long dark hat and big brown eyes. They didett look the same and they didnt think the same ‘Mary! suid Andy “Look att ts overa thousand yearé Old, Hal «muilion people come here every year, They ‘want tose this because it is very old and very famous? Andy and Mary were in te city of Dubin in Irland, Actually, they were in Tkinity College in Dublin and in Groat of them wes the Book af Kells, 680 pages of words and pictures, and over thousand yeas ol “Well don thinks beautiful saé Mary Tm going to the shop’ And she walked away. ‘The shop was inthe next oom. Maty looked round ‘There were books and CDs about the Book: of Kells, ad there were Tinty College Tshirts, Mary looked atthe Tshirts : ‘Uke thes she thought And theyee not too expensive? Shetook down aed shirt and gotout some rhoney Mary walied with the money in her hand. a front of her was & big man with a green Ireland football shirt. "The shirt was ‘uch too sta for him and Mary sw his stomach. Yuk! The man bought a post ‘Tm sorry! he said to the shop asistant. ‘I know the Postcards are just 75 cents, but I've only got this! There wos €20 note in hishand “Thats OIG replied the shop asstant Mary looked at the money in het hand. It was « 650 ote and a kindof orange colou. In England, of course, the money was not the same ~ pounds not euros, ‘he man walked away. Mary gave the Tshirt to the shop assistant. “614.95, please! sid the shop asistant. Mary gave her the €80 note, The asstant put the Thiet in a bag and gave it to Mir. Then she gave her +3505. Mary looked atthe notes, The €20 note was blue, the €10 note was re, and the €5 note was grey. Ske put the money in her bag. ‘Then Andy came into the shop. "You know is beautiful and interesting’ he sid, with a smile on his face, ‘but not for very long. Come on. I. ‘ant an ice cream, Wee got time, We'e. meeting Miss (Brien at five dclockeand its only three now. Andy and Mary were in Dublin with students from, ‘their school in England, ‘Their science teacher, Miss OBrien, was from Dublin and every year she took ten or twelve students thereat the start ofthe summer, The students enjoyed seeing a new city: Dublin is small and fiendly,and thereisalottodo, And Miss O'Brien enjoyed seeing her family Andy-and Mary walked to Grafton Street, one of Dublin important shopping stieets and found gn ce cream shop, Andy asked for a chocolate icecream. Nary ‘wanted a strawberry one. Mary gave the shop assistant €20.and he looked at the note, "Then ke turned the note over and looked att again “Teant take this) he said “Why not?” asked Mary. ‘Ws not areal €20 note} he answered, ‘Is forged is not rea. Look here? He found a new €20 note and put it ‘on the shop windows. Then he put Mary's note next to it ‘Look on the left ofthe note? the assistant told Mary. “You can see a kind of window on the real note, buighere ‘ant one on yours, Yours is forged. Here) He gave Mary her note, ‘But— Mary stated to speak. ‘Vlave you got some more money for your ioe creams?” the man asked. ‘Mary found some more money. “The police say there are a lot of those forged notes ‘nthe city just now; the assistanttold Mary. You need to take that one tothe police tation? bee BO Se re err ew eer eew won LOOKING Back Check your answers to Before youreadon page 4, ACTIVITIES ® Complete the sentences with ether andy or Mary 1 Anat. tnks the Book of els beaut 2 has long dark har and big brown eyes, knowshow old the Book of Kel. 085 to the shop net door, ~ tes the Tiny Colege sits. thinks they've go tne for an ce cream ants strawberry icecream, ~—— es the shop assan 2 €20 note ® Underline the comect words in each sentence, 1 Any Macy doesnt tink the Book of els interesting, 2 Andy and Mary lok / don fok the same 3 Andy and Mary tink dor think the same 4 Marys 1601170 centimetzes tal 5. Overamition fhalfa ition peopl vst the Book els vey yea, 6 ‘theman with the green elind fotball shit gvs the shop assistant a €20 /€50 note, ‘May boys Wnty Cllge shite a CD about the Book of kal: 4 Mary's €50/€20 notes forged fee cv e wow serv ee soegeue @ Who or what do the undedined words eter to? the shopasstant Andy ad Mary Book ofl (2) 2€20 rote Tiny College shits 1 vt beaut (page's) Back of ke 2 Look (page 6) 3 Ad they'enot,to expensive page 6) 4 Actual, hey were in rty Coleg in Dublin (page 6) 5 Then tuned the note over and ele tit apn eee) : {Thane pit Mayne next toit (pages) © Match the questions with the ansiers 4 Whats ery old ard very eros? 2) ‘ 22 What does the man withthe gn shit buy? C] 3 Who does Mary g'the fori note to? 4 What does Moy need to take tothe police tation? The €20 te, + The Book offal, The ee-ceam shop asian 4 A postcard i LOOKING FORWARD @ Tick(V) what you think happens in Chapters 2 and 3. 1 Andy and Mary oe the forged net to the pletion] 2 Andy and Maryse the man fom the ty Calg shop serene stein ny So Chapter2 ‘The man with the forged notes Outin the street again, Mary was angry. She ate some ice ‘ream, then took out the €20 note and looked a it ‘A forged note! shesaid ‘Not reall How can Tuse itnow?” ‘Listen; said Andy. ‘Why don't we go and tell Miss (OBrien about i” ‘Good thinking’ replied Mary, and they started ‘walking back to their hotel on Feet Street ‘hey got to the hotel at about a quarter to four They found Miss O'Brien and told her about the forged note. % ea ‘Miss O'Brien looked at it Then she looked at Mary’ face, Ie was half angry, halfsad, ‘Oh, Mary! she said and put ¢ hand om her shoulder "Ws €20; sald Mary “That's alot of money to meand now I cant buy anything with i) “Thats all right} said. Miss O'Brien, She found her bag and opened it. “Hore! she sad, giving Mary ariew €20 note. ‘You have this. Lean call the police? She put Mary’ forged hote on the table in front of her, 7 ‘Oh, thank you, Miss O'Briea} said Mary happily. “That is kind of you “that’s allright} replied Mise-O"Brien, ‘Now, are you: coming to the cinema this evening?” "Yes} answered Mary, 1 ‘Tdou'tknow sald Any, Miss O'Brien smiled. "Well, we're meeting inthe restaurant at five delock? ‘Andy and Mary went to their room and walched television for half an hour. But Mary dida' really" watch. She thought about the forged note ... and the Tkinity College shop ... and the man with the green Ireland football shirt. . ‘Yes! shouted Mary. She turned ofthe television ‘Hey said Andy. ‘'m watching that” ‘Listen} Mary told him, “The man in the Tkinity College shop—" pelea hotel “What about hit asked Andy “le geve the shop assistant a €20 note, The forged €20 note answered Mary. "You dont know that} said Andy. ‘es, do replied Mary. He sad, “Ibis is all ve got” cor something ike that! | ‘Andy said nothing, ' ‘And heba fat man, witha green shirt said Mary ‘And the shict was too small Isa his stomach! "Yo" said Mary end Andy at the same time. They | laughed | ‘Then Andy said, ‘OK. The forged note came from a ran in. green shit, but. how many people ae therein Dublin? You're not going find him? "You'te right replied Mary. She looked angey again. “There ae lots of people -but Tlie to find him Andy gave her a funy look and tured the television backon. ‘Ata quarter to five Mary asked, ‘Are you coming to the cinema, Andy? Come on. The filmis got some very 000 ators in it? ‘Ohl Allright! sid Andy and tarnedoff the television ‘Anyway, who are these very goad actos?” ‘They went down to the hotel restaarant and Mary told Andy «litle about the film, Mary stopped near the restdhcant. She put her hand on Andy’ arm. “Stop he said ‘Look! nt of the hotel wab a fat man in a green “Thats him! said Mary quietly’, ‘Mr Groen Shit? “ i Mr Green Shirt had a big box in his hands, He gave the box tothe hotel receptionist and sid something. The receptionist replied. Andy and Mary tried to listen tothe conversation, but they were too fa aay, Then Mr Green Shirttumed andl the hotel, “Come on! ssid Mary. Weve going after him? ‘We cant replied Andy. "Were going to the cinema? ‘Not now said Mary. She took hien by the hand. ‘Sometines dont understand my sister thought Andy But he ran out ofthe hotel with he. 1s Tre wn wee wr www we ww ye ww ww ewe eee eee ee we ee eee Chapter 3 Going after Mr Green Shirt (Out on the street they stopped and watched the man in the green shirt walking away. ‘Miss O'Briesis going to be angry! said Andy. ‘Not everyone's going to the film; replied Mary, ‘But she thinks you are sald Andy. ‘Porget about Miss O'Brien! sald Mary, “This is Important! ‘Mary watched the man. He turned right, Andy and ‘Mary ran after him and turned right too. ‘Dont get t00 near him; said Mary. “A him to see us Forten minates they walked absut ity metres behind the min. First there was Trinity College on their lef then the National Gallery on thei right. Next came Merrion Square. There were houses round the equate, and trees and gardens init ‘The man walked up to the front door of a house, ‘opened the door and went in, “OK? said Andy. "We can go back now. We've still got time to get to the cinema. The flo: actually stars at half past five! ‘No! said Mary and took him by the atm. “Were going towaitin the gardens? ‘Why?’ asked Andy. ‘We cant see him? ‘But whats he doing there? asked Mary. Twant to know e don't want { i ie dy was angry, but heidid say anything ‘east ony sister here} he thought! d they ‘waited. After thirty minutes Andy sad, ‘Come on, Mary. és not coming out agen’ “just fire more minutes said Mary. ‘Please, Andy? Andy started to speak but Just then the fr opened and Mr Green Shirt came out He walked into the gardens. ‘Here he comes; said Mary. Then she sa the ook on the man’s fice ‘Ohno’ she said. Hes coming over her And ‘The man stated to run, ‘Who are yout" he shouted. ‘I saw you behind me Why are you watching met” ” "unsaid Mary. And she and Andy turned and started running. Mr Green Shit ran afte them, ‘op! he shouted. But they didi At the end! ofthe sarcens May saw a man in e green and red jacket siting, on abig ston. She ran up to him, Can you help~' she started to sey, but then she stopped 18 Andy took her arm. ‘Come onl’ he sild. “that’s not «real person, stupid. Thaté a statue of the famous Irish ‘writes, Oscar Wilde. There a picture of it in the hotel! ‘They started running again. Mr Green Shitt was behind them, but he wasnt very fas: ‘Dont stop} said Andy. They ran out of the gardens and down the stret. Alter two or three minutes they stopped and looked back.-Mr Green Shirt waunt there, Andy looked at Mary. Shelooked afraid, “if allright sald Andy, He put his arm round her. "He's much too slow? ‘Andy smiled a his. ‘Come on; he sald. "We must go and tell Miss O'Brien! 9 © checkyour answers to Looking foward on page 11 ACTIVITIES se seaeee @ Underline the correct words in each sentence, 1 Andy want doe want tl Mis en bo the forged nate 2 May gt deri get new €20 note fom Ms 34, 3 Inthe htt oon, dy and Mary tl but Ms re themanuit the geen lard otal sir. 4 Andy and vary 90 tthe cine go afer MGs Shit 5. Andy and Mary wel for Me Geen Sit come out of he fuse goes 6 MrGren sit wats Anya May to eve oka aboutAndy and May 7 Marstons ond tas to asta /Mr een she. 8 Andy and Mary scp runing and tock back but hyd {ReGen Shit] Mr hen Shtsllamig. © Putthe sentences in order. 1 Mary tts ndy sbout he fn. C] 2 Mary sees MrGreen Shit tthe ont ofthe hotel.) 3 Andy and Mary tell Mis O'8Hen about the forged note. 1] 4 Mary runs up toa statue, C] 5 MrGreen shi uns after Andy and Mary. C) 6 Andy and Mary un out of Merion Square and int the street.) 7 Andy and Mary watch television, C) 1 Andy and Mary wal for MrGteen St. C] 2» ween @ Ne the sentences true (7) or fase (A? 1 Mary thinks its good to tel Miss O'Brien about the Forged note, 2 A€20 note! ot of money to Mary. [} 3. Andy is gong tothe cinema in the evening, [] 4 Andy and Mary listen to Mr Green Shirt’ conversation with the receptionist. [) Md 5S Mary thinks that iis important to go ta the fen, [] 6 Andy and Mary walk behind Mr Green Shirt to Merion seuace. 2 a "Mr Green Shirt sees Andy and Mary inthe gardens. [] {8 MrGreen Shirt is fast runner, C] © Arsive the questions. 1 Who ges the ty College hop exist the fogs 20 rote 2 Why does Mary want 0 walt nthe gardens? 3 Why's Me Green shir angry? @ Tek(v) what you thinkhappens inthe nxt shee chapters 1 Andy and Mary det gto te nes, [} 2 Miss O°ien cal the pote. [] 3 Andy andar se Mr Gren Shit agin] a A taxi to the police station Miss O'Brien came back from the cinema at half past seven, Mary and Andy went to see her in her room ‘Where were you, Mary?” asked Miss O'Brlen, She looked a litle angry. Why didnt you come to the cinema with ws?" ‘Tm very sorry, Miss O'Brien} sald Mary, but we've gotsomething to tll you? ‘Well’ asked Miss O'Brien, She didsitsmile, “ell me? Hirst Mary told Miss O'Brien about Mr Green Shirt 'n the Trinity College shop. Then she told her about the house i’ Merrion Square, and about him running after ‘hem. Miss O’Brien listened to Mary. Fora minute or two shelooked at her hands and thought. Thea she looked up at Andy and Mary Bie ‘Right she sald, "We must go and tell the police about this, Tin going to call a taxi, You go and wait at the frontyof the hotel. gagf Tin coming down in just a minute! “Thatikeyou, Mis OfBren sei ‘Andy and Mary went down tothe fron af the hotel. ‘They walked across the street and waited forthe tax. “Miss O’Brien is nes sald Macy. ‘She did actually et angry with us! othe dd. Butwee ere fortwo more dj sd Andy darkly. “Ther stil time! ‘Andy and Mary stood and waited. Not many cars drove down Fleet Street. After five minutes a taxi tured into the stret, It stopped just in froat of the teenager. This must be our taxi suid Mary. She walked over to itand opened the back do a yo ‘Ds this for Miss OB: * she asked the back of the drivers head: “Thats tight? sai the driver. ‘Mary got into the back. Andy went round the car, got Sn next to her and closed the door, ‘Miss O'Brien is just coming? sald Mary to the dtiver, Shetumed and started to sey Something to Andy, but then saw the look on his face, Andy's eyes were on the driver, Mary looked atthe driver too. "then she saw it. Under the driver’ brown jacket, A green shirt! ‘Out now’ said Andy and tried to open his door. Mary ‘tied her door at the same time, The back doots didn't open, but the front door did and s second man got into ‘the ear, He was tall and thin, He wore a blue shirt and bltck trousers. He looked back at Andy and Mary, He Iiad black hair and a cold sini, 4 oarhabieeeait eames “Yo cstget out eld “The dors dot open, And nobody can see in ... the windows are dark! "He ried to bis Green Sito! he ld. The ca started and they drove off. "Whar you dling? Where a outa aed Nr Ble Sued nd kd at Mary. He Be sgn Hiss rely erecld s Tree sey i Chapter 5 A swim in the River Liffey “Help! shout Andy, ‘HelpY’ Mg Green Shirt turned on the adio, twas loud sock ‘music. Nobody heard their shouts. Mr Blue Shirt tamed tovind gain and looked at Andy and Mary He didnt say anything He didnt need to, Andy stopped shouting. The ‘an turned back and watched the road. Andy looked ‘out of the window. Nobody looked in, Mr Green Shirt drove across the River Liffey end turned right, There were houses on their left andthe river on the right "Where are these men talking us?” thought Andy, "What are they going to do” He thought of answers to his questions and he didnt like them, "These men were bad, ‘We need to do something quickly’ thought Andy But he didst know what, He looked at Mary. She dat look afraid “The Goodbye Game! she said, “What?” thought Andy. "What is she talking aboat? ‘Why is she talling about a film?” The Goodbye Game was, ‘film about a Brench cook and his family It was a very fanny film. Bit... ‘Mr Blue Shirt looked round quickly: ‘Stop talking” he said angrily. ‘Andy looked at Mary again. He didst understand. What was important about the film? Mary closed her eyes slowly Then she opened them again, Of course! Now Andy understood, In the film the cook is driving down the road with his five-year-old son in the back of the cat. The son puts his hands over his father’s eyes. The car goes off the road into a tree and all the doors open. The father is very angry but... maybe h and Mary... {was « dangerous thing to do, but they needed to {get away from these men. He locked at Mary and closed. ‘one eye. She gave hima litle smile, Andy closed his hand. ‘Mary watched his hand, One finger came out, then a second, then a third, ty / | At the same time, Andy put his hands over Mr Green Shirts eyes and Mary put hers over Me Blue Shit. The two men shouted. Mr Green Shit tobk his hands off the Wheel and the car turned fast across the road, The ri ‘Left! Left!’ Mr Blue Shirt shouted, But it was too late, | was now in front of them, Andy and Mary took their “There were shouts and noise in the car and on the sireet. | hhands avray quickly. Mr Green Shirt put is hands back ‘There was rock music from the CD player. There was on thé witel. But the car was tho fast to0 lose and the river was ‘more noise, then the sound of thelcar hitting the water | But the doors dida’t open, : | “ > Y Chapters ‘Oui!’ shouted Andy. He and Macy got quick water They were good swimmers, In minutes they were i ‘out ofthe water and on the street. Back ‘opened the car doors slowly and started to swim away, “What happened’? asked people on you OK? Do you need doctor?” “There wes a seat near the river. Andy and Mary sat Talking to the police ‘Then Andy looked up the ste a police station "Theres a police station up there? he said to Mary, He ‘tookcher by the hand, ‘Come on’ They started running up the stcet in thelr wet clothes, “Hey! Wait called th police are coming? in-the brown coat. “The shouted, Quicldy he iows ofthe car and started to ge out, Water started to come in. Cold water. Lots of | st coming inf ‘The men jn the fro I By v But the teenagers diduit stop. "They ran to the police Station, ‘Ihe police took away Andy and Mary’ wet clothes ancl gave them some old ones, then they put the teenagers in a room and gave them some hot tea and biscuits. Two police officers, a man and a women, came {nto the room and them. Andy and Mary told them everything. At ten oblock the teenagers were still at the police station. Across the table sat the two officers. The woman, Inspector Helen Forrester, wore a dark blue jacket end ‘trousers and a white shirt. The man, Sergeant Tom Brady, ‘ore alight bive shirt and dark blu trousers, : “Wie got tothe river too late Forester sid to Andy sand Mary, “The men in the car got awey: She put some pphotos on the table in front ofr, youte OK. But first I've got ‘over, ‘Are any ofthese the .ephotos! She turned them. ‘in the taxi? she asked. ‘alae now and oar teacher and tel her Andy and Mary started looking atthe photo of men’s faces, After a minute or two, Andy took ene and gave it to the inspector. ‘Heres one? he said. “Thats the man with the green shirt? ‘Then Mary turned a photo round for the inspegtor to look: ‘And heres Mr Blue Shirt she said. Forrester looked atthe photos ad gavethem to Brady, He looked et them, “Tenow these two! he said wih k small sme, “OK?sald Forrester tothe teenagers.‘Now'Tm goingto call our teacher, What did you say her name was again?” ‘O'Brien’ replied Mary. ‘Miss O'Brien? Brady looked quickly at Forrester. (Of course? said Forrester She thought for a minute, ‘And you say abe called us about the forged notes on Grefton Street this afternoon?” “Thats tight} replied Mary, Forrester looked at Brady and then back at Andy and Mary, ‘Is something wrong?’ asked Andy. ‘No, no! sald Forrester, “There ate @ lot of O'Beiens in Dublin? She looked at Brady. ‘Sergeant! she seid, you get their clothes. 'm going to call Miss O’Brien Thet she looked atthe teenagers. ‘And you two, wait here « minute! The police officers left the room, ‘Andy looked at Mary. Why did she say “There ae alot of OBriens in Dublin?’ he asked, "Tdonit know! replied Mary. 5 v We eee ee eee eee eee eee We ee eee ewe eee ee eeuevon LOOKING Back @ Check your answers to Looking forward on page 21 ACTIVITIES @ Undestie the corect words in each sentence. 1 Ayan Hays Ms Ban afer ef he fi, 2 ay ts His reat ete en 3. MrGren Shit Mr Blu Shirts dving thet, 4 sme ae the ca ver to ga) 5 nad ant ahd nl oe meres, ~ 6 ere neg foc ny 7 Tepoleget oe RS iy ire fe ren av. 0 aha daerorh Ger Sta Me Se ® Complete the sentences with the words In the box. OT wean 1) Miss O'Brien cores back from the cinema at Atif ast seven 2 Andy ed May wa the fot ofthe boar (pa ses 3 Adaya a _—talssbout the Gaodbye Game i theta 5 Andynd ty pt cutter andor te rte sce 6 M22 Dandy and arya atte plese 1 ha espera pet a iN “ @ etch the we pars ofthe sentences 1 Wat are Andy and Mary doing ot ofthe ote?) 2 Why ert arody sen the tax? 3 Why dest Marj lok ald in the ta? (5 4 Why dbs Mi ren Shir tte is hands of the wheel? 5. Wi des Forester leave dy and Maryn the oom? EJ ‘Sa Andy pts hs hands owe his eyes. “B Thee ating fata, ‘KS gosto cal Mis ren, “a She's hsb ho to et nay rom the en “Te ina ae dak @ srowerthequetons “oF Where te Angy and Mary atthe star of haps addy SFR en Mul e Miaeg Seow Wat im rd Mey dbo te meine ad chops LOOKING FORWARI © Tek (/) what you thinthappensin the final wo chapters 11, Miss 6'8riee comes tothe police station. C] 2 Any an Macy ot he the en in. 3 ‘Andy and Mary help the police 4 7 w Chapter ‘Are youll ight?’ she asked again “es sald Mary Tm OK? ‘Tm hungry, seid Andy Miss O'Brien andthe police oféers laughed. ‘Come cal’ said Miss O'Brien. “Theres a late night café on (O'Connell Streets ony ive minutes from here! At ten thirty Mary, Andy and Miss O'Brien weve in ‘Magultes Café on O'Connell Street. May had tea and some biscuts ~ Andy had milk ad cake. Mss OBrien tookher phone out ofher bag. "Well 'm going to call my brother! she sid. ‘No more taxis for us! Fergus can come and get us! A café on O'Connell Street ances essai At twenty pat en Miss O'Britn came into the room at the police station, Forrester an} Brady were behind her “Oh! Andy Mary. ‘There yo areshe sald and put her ams fest round Mary then rodpd Andy. ‘Ave you alight? The inspeltor told me everything! "Forester spoke, ‘OK, you ct go now. You get some sleep, Were going to try aug ind these men? “Miss O’Brien looked at he ‘teenagers. ' ‘Miss O'Brien went out of the café and made a short hone call. Then she came back in and st down again Wel, then’ Miss O'Brien looked at Andy. ‘Did you enjoy seeing the Book of Kells ths aternoon, Andy?” i said Andy, laughing, but Mary didnt P sid Mary. ll tight) said Miss O'Bren, ‘Not everyone finds interesting Andy and Mary finished thee food and drinks. Then theyallstood up and walked othe cafédoor Miss OBrien opened “That’s Fergus cae over ther! she sald Andy and Mary walked oat onto the street, Twenty mete away to the right was a black eat. A man in & baseball cap got out, He turned and opened the bck door of the car Someone came up behind the from thee Then everything happened very ast. Police ofcers ran out fom) everywhere. The man by the car was Mr Blue Shirt, He turned and tied to Tun, but he was too slow. Two police officers quielly stopped hin, The man behind them was Mr Green Shiet. Two police officers toochis ams Andy looked round for Miss O'Brien, But she was fast, She saw the police ad started running up O'Connell Sweet 1b Green Shirt saw this, Run, Deedes, ran! he ‘May looked st Andy ‘How does Mr Green Shst know Miss O'Brien? she asked Then she understood. 8 Chapters ‘Stop!’ she shouted, ‘Stop! ‘Miss O'Brien tied to get awayybut Andy took her let arm, and then the police were there: By then it was to late Back at the hotel -Attwelve block that night Andy and Mary and Inspector Forrester were back atthe hotel ‘I phoned your parents and told them everything? she sald, T also spoke to the head’ of your school. Anew teacher is getting to Dublin'tomorzow morning, Shes sping to take you back to England? “Thank you said Andy. ‘But [sill dont understand, Howcdid you know about Miss O'Exien?? “We dnt relly? Forrester started to reply, ‘but your Mr Green Shirts Fergus O'Bridh, And we thought there ate alot of OBriens in Dublin but— [pels eatin a Mary shovted ‘Quick! and statfed running ater OBrien ' Andy was behind Mary.Polictoficersstartedranning =f behind Andy and Mary Bt the tenagers were fist. Mary got to Miss O'Brien frst She tookher right arm, ” bbhoed bbseas ‘But they'e from the same family finished Mary. “Yes! said Forrester. ‘Actually, Mr Green Shirt is Fergus, ‘Miss O'Brien's brother. And Mr Blue Shitt, hes Patrick Donnelly a friend of theirs. Donnelly and O'Brien make forged notes and Delrdre O’Brien, your teacher, helps them change forged notes for real money. You stiv her brother at work. He buys something cheap with a forged note and gets real money back? ‘How do you know she helps him asked Andy, Well, we know that she never called us about your forged €20 note, Also her brother left a bax here at the hotel for her this afternoon} said Forrester, ‘You told us about that? ‘That’ right) said Mary, ‘Well, we found it in her room said Forrester. “There ‘was €20,000 init. In €20 and €50 notes. Andy and Mary looked at Forrester, heir mouths open, ‘Then Ancly asked, ‘But Mr Green Shirt and Mr Blue Shi? How di they know aboutus and ebout the hotel?” Miss O'Brien phoned them said Forrester. ‘She told them to come in a taxi and take you away. Her brother Fergus sometimes works for Grafton’s Taxis? “What did they want to da wit us? asked A Forrester stood up. ‘Think its time for bed} she said, Tes afier twelve ddodl ‘Andy and Mary stood up too. “Yes! ssid Mary. 'm tized? ‘Me too! said Andy. ny a Se er eer ve Sie s Forrester looked at them, ‘Your teacher's getting hhere at leven otdock tomorrow morning’ said Forrester. ‘What are you going to do before that? Why dorit you go and see the Book of Kel" “We saw that today? said Andy quickly, his eyes laughing at Mary ‘twas beautiful, wasnt it Mary?” Forrester saw the look on Andi’ face ‘see she seid, She smiled too You didi like it mach then, Mary? ‘No} she said. ‘T didnt. And 1 lost €20 when I went there!” Vee sere e eee seeeuee LOOKING BACK ® ceckyour answers to locking frat on page 3. ACTIVITIES @ Put the sentences in order 1 Andy, Mary an Wis Oe go to Maguire's Café.) 2 Andy Mary and Forester goto the hotel. C] 3 The pie ind forged nots in Mis Bets tel pom. 4 -Andy and Mary earn that Mr Green Shirt & Mss Ores brother.) 5. Miss O”en goes tothe police station, [2 6 Andy and Mary run after Mis Olen, 7 Miss Ben rus up O'Coonel Street. E] 8 Miss O'Bien cals ee bother] © Match the mo parts ofthe sentences 1 Whete does Miss Oe take Andy and May 2 Why aoe Frguscome to take Mss en Ay rd May? 3 Why do police offcers un out of everywhere? C] 4 Haw do the police know that Mis O'en helps Mr Green shi (3 5 How do Mr reen shirt and Mr Blue's know that Andy and Mary ae at the hotel? 3 They want to tak to Mr Gree Shirt and Mr ue shirt. They find forged nots in er hotel rom, (© Miss O'ien phones them, 4 Alate right cat 1 Miss O8hen does want them to take a al agp. ae @ Wo tho sentences te (or fale (F)? 1 Atte police statin, Forester tlle Miss Bien eying. 2 Maguire's Café near the police stetlon 3. Miss Oe cals Fergus fom Maguir’s Cte. 2) 4 Mary enjoyed seeing the Book fel. C] 55 MrGreen Shit sees the police and str runing 6 7 8 ‘Andy and Mary take Miss Oarien by the ams: 2) Deir ©'Bfen rakes forged notes, [] Fergus buys things wth forged nots and gets el money back: C) © Undatine the corect words In each sentence, 1 Miss O'Bien comes into the room atthe police station at ten chia twenty past ren. ‘andy n't gy /enoyed seeing the Book ofl, 3. MrBlue Shit isa slow fast ann, 4 Fergus Patrick Donel sometimes wer for Grafts Tas, [5 Ay and Mary are going back to England wth thei parents anew teacher. @ Answer the questions, 1 Why does Mis 0'8en go out of Megue’s Ca? 2 Who eM Green Shit?

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