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Maisie and the Dolphin Series tors: Andy Hopkin er Easystarts 200 headwords Level 1 300 headwords Beginner Level 2 600 headwords Level 1200 headworde Level 3 4 Level § Level 6 . Kale ye ANCE alls g AO By OU} YIM SOAY OF “004 41 sano] ToyFeyPuBIT ToFf “11 soaoy aistepy pur “nyENeaq SHE 1g “Pjo ArOA st yf “as oy Aq asnoy onjq-v — SuIOY TSG or Nag poudvOU Ty, wiidsoEy jeUTNY OTTTG OU) 1B FIOM AY, ’SAOJOOp ore JoYIEY pue sayOUL 40} “Bupwuisss pur Surpeaa ‘isn dod soy] pue pjo sivod TSENG si oyg “SeuiRyEG ou ur soay BarsparsTEA uses Wn SB7ONI 30 VdOS34ONd ZaUYNS VEY YAY his, boat, the Warm Wind. Maisie likes to swim underwater and look at all the beautiful fish. One day she sees something ~ it is a piece of wood. There are some letters on “What can that be?” Maisie thinks. “I know! I can ask Grandad.” 2 She swims back to the Warm Wind. “Grandad! There's a big piece of wo...” But her grandfather is not listening. He is watching a big, expensive American boat anda, dolphin. “Oh no,” he says. “That boat's going too fast, The driver can’t see the dolphin. Hey! Sto} late. The boat But it is too its the dolphin and drives away, «°8J00A 1N0J 108 aa,no¥ SO. ‘uy 0} ses yung eo AUN apn e pasu | “+ yng ‘T]aa A190 Burop just peridsoy oyp § AA. “uaLOUE B a0y SUN JOUR S2ISTHYA “2x04 [OrOY Bq & PIEng OF shes TUN [Ie , Zoshoy SIyp pur ferIasoy HP IOY OOO OOS ow DAI OF HEMT HGA,, Buntos sp 2H Yoypey 10y ABoY UeD og ‘asnoy ay} OIUE sUNZ aIsTEA, ® WWeog 51] s.3F YURI | “FUN [ED — Pel ya asnoy ays ,,c210y 1s st AYA, “180g teOLIoUTY Bq au) Saas ays & ‘uoYL ,.cWutYy djay peq pue nok uey “sag, ‘sXes ostepy aigutydjop y Zazoyy 108 nos aavy yey, ‘sXes oyg “uapae oy) Ut s} JoyjoUr JOH] “Hodaexy 0} Y9eq ULydjop oy} oye} oyyeypULAs Joy pur oyg ‘Aisa 19) rates ‘That night Maisie looks out of her bedroom window. She can see the dolphi hospital. She thinks, “He needs. name,.I know! Ben! in a big pool next to the- Then she looks at the moon. She says, “Carl Flint can’t, buy this house, It’s our home\” She feels very sad. Then she looks at the dolphin again, says “Goodnight Ben”, and closes her window. 6 ‘The next day Maisie goes to see Ben after school. She “How is he?” Mrs King looks at the Jong red line on the dolphin’s head. “He isn’t eating,” she says. There are a lot of fish in a bucket next to the asks her mother, pool. Maisie takes one out and says Ben.” The dolphin eats the fish. M: happy. She says, “That’s good! He likes you.” “This is for you, 's mother is very Rear Tsay, Suny owstepy Buyika9As Bey « SWOY 08 0F UY Joy OMI Sy “UIEBe [Tax s,uTydIop anof yng, ‘skes rapezpuesd soy ,“aIsTeWY “LIS Wh, “] ued ‘pudny Aur s,uag ‘pepurig, ING PUSAN ATE SKI SST, LOLIOTOL,, “unop 08 uns ou} yoqem soypeypuess say pur aster] . . 7 (.20Y 03 I UH 22] — HO. Sa, ‘skes roUpEypuRas sarsrep|-;-vas ayp UT yes SUSY “SIT MOU [SM SURG, ‘shes ay , MoUy J, Jy 1 SYOo] Bury uyof ,°* yng Addyyun aisieyy eyeUI oF IUEM 3,uOP : Fee 8 br TUYol YO, "Ske BUS sxyy BuTUOAD aUG ‘OP IEIOHD ‘The next day Maisie and her grandfather take sea, At half-past ten Grandad stops the Warm Wind. At the side of the boat Maisie puts one hand on the dolphin’s head. “Goodbye,” she says. “Please don’t forget me.” Then she cuts two > thick ropes and Ben swims away. “OK?” Grandad asks. For‘ iiidment, Maisie cannot speak. Then she answers, “Yes, OK.” 10 ‘They start to go home. Mi is very sad and does not say anything, ‘Then, two minutes later she stands up. “Stop! Grandad, stop the boat!” She can,see a dolphin beside them in , Ben and he has got something in his mouth, “What's he got there?” Grandad asks. Maisie says, “I can’t see. It’s not very big. an old key? the water. It a TTMAYT Jo Spuesnoyy aT uT SUF PROS JONG] aie SOY], KOT ays suodo pue yynow s,vaq “ory Kay 3) Saye) aistej “GOT SYN WO, PAOINOW., “PrONSUTSeTT "xoq ¥ 0} oUl09 Kay UAL, "saUO}s iq om uaoatyoq sums aff azotp doys jou saop wag. ng, “syUMp oys ist soquuoutad , WPUO "NW, SIONS} ‘DUT YTAe pooaryo-soard-vsaas-oIsTRPY JaIeM oy) ISpuEy zu PUIAL MUNA, a4] JO aps aq 10A0 sduunf oys J9}e] somnurun oat “o1stey ses ,jnos yuLY — pepuBID YO, « SOUL BAK 10J A[UO INg ~ YO, “sAvs oy , ‘souteT og puv ony NOK, ay Je SyOo] ueW PIO oy, 21 179 ™ SSeOTT UN MOYOY OF SUT SHUUA SY FONT, ‘sAws arsrepy syse pepues Buldum! st ug MON “pup uuny4 oyp sdors pepuerg We BurOp oy s.AyA,, ToIwA oy Jo no ‘ morning Maisie’sname is in.the newspaper, The story says “I ‘Mr King telephones Carl Flint in New York..“Ah; hello,” says Carl Flint. “Do you have an answer for me? FREEPORT GIRL FINDS SPANISH GOLD”. ‘Yes, I do,” says Maisie’s father, “.. . and it’s ‘no’. > don’t want to sell Goodbye, Mr Fl fhe house or the hospital, 4 mother.and father build.a, They are very happy. Maisie is happy, too. “Oh Grandad,” she says one evening in the garden, “now we can always live here because of ...” At-that moment Ben jumps out of the sea. The old man and the girl laugh. Then the sun goes down and they walk back to the house. 00} suousanb ows aisrew ¥Sy “ISTE 01 8He1® SUM OF EWN, 10 Al03S BUN SUM 6 ‘Arey anok pure BUOY sno ‘nok ynoge &I) “sequeTUes LOYS ust Ul uiYdjog eu PLE ehum 01s 4) ul yUeUOduu axe sul00 pjoB ewlos pue Ker @ ‘pom jo soady g pees nok sony “peydsoy meu e fou 8 yeudsoy etn 40 esnoy 1649 1188 ~ s6unyoul 5 : ~~ au UL eISREW InOgE ALOIS SI 9104, ~ pjo6 awos spuy aug P a ‘ayy suado aise 9 ‘oqem ug sepun ploue spuyueg 4 “fep Avene veg ym shed osren © SeoueTUOS OWN USI Z pees nok oun ‘jJovem oy) sopun puy elsrevi se0p veunn a” 28s a1 01 49eq 06 usg Seog e uN NOK op TeUM “seinioId at 12 4001 9 pees nok e10jeg si-e soBed suoysenb sy juepnig Jemsuy “@INE)Y OIE NO, ]UaDMS ‘yuey pue ewwoy sey ynoqe suoysenb DISIEW ¥SV JOoUDS SeISTEW YE UepMIS MeL R eIe NO, :yTUBPRIS pueuy e YIM HORN S pees nok seyy or sy 128 suydiog tuiudiop e s1 ueg, ‘sjeiou spying Ye keg “DUIN WHEN 42 SiY J20q anisuedxe ‘Bia y “Ayurey eup uy sony oyreypuesb 18H os ovpoe Teydso}y yeuruy wodeesy 1B siojoop exe soyjou pue Jay) Bun ose 44x) Buon J0 (7) 1811 ssoustues OM) any pee nok enum Joreyy abenBurj oui si ey q upg 40 PoveWY se8U Koy ary e ESPUBYER OUR NOME MOU NOK Op UM & EPUIM HEM, 84) SIEUNA QWIMS os Ue q EfsuN9 YoY B 40 Ksjunod pjoo B UI eA) Wseoq DIUM NOK op YUM "4009 oun UI SeuntoId @Y Ye YOO] z 4 “AreUOHOIp ® uy Wel} pul L@6eNBue| nO Ul spioM ‘Aan 9 exe 124M 4009 ey) Jo YOR 8yL TE IST PION Ou DEB (pea! nok aij dL soBeg . SAILIALLOW WORD LIST with example sentences box (n) She puts her money in a box under the bed. coin (n) I've got $10 and some small coins. Dad (n) Maisie sees her father and says, “Hi Dad.” dolphin (n) A dolphin is a big sea animal. fish (n) Some fish are swimming under the boat. low (v) He knows this road. Let’s follow him. gold (n/adj) This gold pen is $900. Grandad (n) Maisie sees her grandfather and says, “Hi Grandad.” grandfather (n) Your grandfather is your father's or mother’s father: help (v) I can't do this. Can you help me? hospital (n) This hospital has 200 beds and some good doctors, Jump (v) Can you jump actoss the river? key (n) I can’t open the door; I haven't got the key. lose (v) He's 50 years old, and he's losing his hair. ext to (prep) My mother is standing next to my father in the picture. plece (n) Do you want a piece of fruit? ool (n) The sea is cold. Let’s swim in the hotel's pool. sad (adj) Her friend is going away, and she’s sad about it sell (v) That shop sells books. I often buy books there. wood (n) Wood comes from trees. We make tables and chairs with it,

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