Reading Material FCE

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Reading Material FCE

Instructions:You are given a piece of text with eight spaces.You are also given a set of four
words (A, B, C, and D) which correspond to each space.You are required to choose the correct
word for each space from the set of words given. .

“They discover a second 'Great Blue Hole' off the coast of Mexico”

Almost like the Eiffel Tower, the new blue hole located in the Pacific Ocean (1) almost as far
as this famous monument. Blue holes are underwater sinkholes that can span the length of
skyscrapers. Like this case. They are believed to have formed during the last ice ages and
are considered "ecological hotspots" with (2) and animal life.The current one -which,
although it was discovered in 2021, its discovery has just been published in a peer-reviewed
journal-,(3) identified in the shallow waters of the Chetumal Bay in Yucatán.

And (4) named the second largest blue hole. of the world. Scientists have named it Taam Ja'
(meaning precisely 'deep water' in Mayan) and detail (5) in the journal Frontiers in Marine
Many of these underwater vertical caves contain a great diversity of plants and marine life,
including corals, sea turtles, and sharks. The newly discovered,(6) , has steep slopes with
slopes of almost 80 degrees.

The blue hole was initially discovered by a team of scientists from the Southern Border
(ECOSUR) who,(7) scuba diving, water samples and echo-sound surveys, determined that
the hole (8) a surface area of 13,690 square meters (9) whose mouth or mouth of the cave,
is located just under 5 meters below sea level, where the water changes (10) with
temperature and (11) gradients.
The researchers responsible for the study say that follow-up studies should seek to analyze
the microbial diversity of the waters and understand what kind of life lives here. Its walls are
practically vertical and form a huge cone-shaped structure covered by sediments, biofilms
and limestone.

1 a) stretches b)interval c)distance d)remoteness

2 a) enough of plant b)store of that plant c)an abundance of plant d) abundance
3 a)have been b)has been c) were d) have has been
4 a) has been b)had been c)have has d)have been
5 a) that discovery b)by discovery c) their discovery d) that discovery
6 a) Taam Ja b) Tamm Ja c)Ja Taam d) Jaa Tam
7 a) uses b)used c)use d) using
8 a) have b)were c)was d) has
9 a) and b)by c)that d)there
10 a) meaning b)significantly c)significance d) sense
11 a) salty b) salinity c)sal d)saltiness

1 a) stretches b)interval c)distance d)remoteness
2 a) enough of plant b)store of that plant c)an abundance of plant d) abundance
3 a)have been b)has been c) were d) have has been
4 a) has been b)had been c)have has d)have been
5 a) that discovery b)by discovery c) their discovery d) that discovery
6 a) Taam Ja b) Tamm Ja c)Ja Taam d) Jaa Tam
7 a) uses b)used c)use d) using
8 a) have b)were c)was d) has
9 a) and b)by c)that d)there
10 a) meaning b)significantly c)significance d) sense
11 a) salty b) salinity c)sal d)saltiness

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