2022B Passive Voice Describing Process

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Passive Voice: Describing a process


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In the workplace or in academic situations, you may need to give a presentation about a process or
procedure (e.g., how to apply for social benefits or how a new policy will be implemented). When
describing a process, we usually focus on the process and its results, rather than on the person who
performs it. To express this, we use the passive voice.
For example:
✔ Hockey is played by two teams of six players.
✔ Paper pulp is made from wood chips soaked in special chemicals.
✔ Open-heart surgeries are performed daily in almost every hospital in North America.
✔ New accounting procedures will be introduced at the end of this month.

Passive Voice Quiz

1. Passive voice is commonly used when describing a _proccess___. (Answer with one word.)

2. Passive voice ________ when the person who does the action is more important than the process
or result.
a) should be used
b) should not be used

3. How many sentences in the text on the left have one or more instances of the passive voice?
a) eight
b) nine
c) ten

4. How many sentences have an agent (a doer) included in the by phrase?

a) none
b) one
c) two

5. Why is a by phrase not included in so many passive sentences?

a) because the focus is on the process, not the doer
b) because there is no doer
c) because the focus is on the doer, not the process

Now, Make Popcorn!

Fill in the gaps using the passive voice.

Popcorn is something you often eat when you watch a movie at a cinema. It is very easy to make

perfect popcorn if you follow the correct process. I will outline it below. The first step is that three

tablespoons of oil __are put__(put) in a large pot. Next, the pot ___is placed___ (place) on the stove

and the oil ____is heard__(heat) on a high flame. Next, one kernel of popcorn _____is added___(add).

After this kernel pops, a quarter cup of popcorn ____is put_______ (put) into the pot. The pot ___is

covered__ (cover) with a lid. In the next stage, the flame_____is reduced______(reduce) and the pot

---- gently __is shaken___(shake) until the corn pops. Then, the pot __is shaken__ (shake) from the

stove, which ___is turned_ (turn)off. Finally, the popcorn ___is emptied_____ (empty) into a large bowl,

where melted butter and salt _are added__(add). In summary, making popcorn is very easy if you

follow the steps above. Enjoy your movie and your popcorn!



The sentences below make up a complete description of the wine-making process. Decide whether
the active or passive form is better for each one.

1. After the harvest, ______________________ for primary fermentation.

a) the vineyard workers take the grapes to a winery
b) the grapes are taken to a winery*

2. where they
a) press the grapes*
b) are pressed

3. and in the case of white wine,

a) the skins are discarded.
b) they discard the skins.*

4. In the case of red wine, _______________in the fermentation process.

a) the skins are used*
b) they use the skins

5. To start primary fermentation, ____________________to the pulp

a) they may either add yeast
b) yeast may either be added*

6. or it may _____________________ naturally on the skins of the grapes.

a) be occurred
b) occur*

7. _______________________________ during the process.

a) The yeast converts most of the sugars in the grape juice into alcohol and carbon dioxide
b) The sugars in the grape juice are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide by the yeast*

8. When this process is complete,

a) the wine is pumped off into tanks.*
b) the winery workers pump the wine into tanks,

9. __________________ warm at this stage

a) It has to be kept
b) They have to keep it*

10. while ___________________________________.

a) the yeast converts the remaining sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.*
b) the remaining sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide

11. The secondary fermentation stage is a bacterial fermentation process which

a) converts malic acid to lactic acid.
b) malic acid is converted into lactic acid.*

12. Then…
a) The acid in the wine is decreased and the taste is softened.
b) This decreases the acid in the wine and softens the taste.*

13. The time from harvest to drinking ___________________from a few months for Beaujolais nouveau
wines, to over twenty years
a) can vary*
b) can be varied

14. for those that ___________________ as vintage wine.

a) will be sold*
b) the vineyard will sell

15. However, only about 10% of all red and 5% of white wine _________________ better after five years
than after just one year.
a) is tasted*
b) tastes
Enter the following link https://tinyurl.com/v8brs5ya and complete the worksheet.

Describe any process you can make, do or solve by developing five steps. Your assignment is to
prepare a one to two-minute mini-lecture that explain a process related to any field of study or
research. Your objective is to help your classmates understand the basics of the process and why it is

Useful expressions for describing a process:

✔ Today, I'm going to [tell you/describe to you] how ....
✔ This is used for...
✔ This is important to understand because...

Describe your process here.

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