SE-CBSA0001 - 1587586325 - 04-1-3 Adjusting Preferences and Tolerances in Robot-Tasks PDF

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04-1-3 Perform Structural Analysis in Robot - Adjusting job preferences,

meshing parameters and model generation tolerance

In this practice you will step through the process of setting recommended model generation and
meshing parameters in Robot, changing local mesh settings and modifying the tolerance of model

1. Open Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2020

2. Open in it the project STRUCTURAL_before analysis.rtd
3. Select Tools > Job Preferences… from the pull-down text menu:

4. The Job Preferences dialog box is opened. Select Meshing in the left panel and switch off
Kinematic constraints in incoherent points. It will result in additional iterations to generate
coherent FE mesh instead of using kinematic constraints to connect incoherent meshes. Select
… next to Panels (all), as shown below.
5. The Meshing Options dialog box is opened. Activate Complex mesh Generation (Delaunay),
then in the Method parameters tab switch off Regular mesh. After returning to the Meshing
methods tab activate Automatic selection of a meshing method and specify the Element size
equal to 3 ft. Accept these changes with OK in the Meshing Options dialog box and in the Job
Preferences dialog box.

6. Choose the icon marked below to open the Options of FE Mesh Generation toolbar
7. Make sure that the mouse cursor is in the selection mode. If the cursor over the graphic view is

different than press right mouse button to display the context menu, as displayed below,
and choose Select.

8. Select the slab marked below and choose the Meshing Options icon from the Options of FE
Mesh Generation toolbar. Slab can be selected hovering mouse cursor over its edge until the
edge is highlighted and pressing the left mouse button.
9. The Meshing Options dialog box is opened. Change the element size from the default size of 3 ft,
set in the point 5. above, to 2 ft. This change is applicable to the selected panel.

10. Chose the Analysis Parameters icon marked below to open the Analysis Type dialog box.
11. The Analysis Type dialog box is opened with the Analysis Types tab active, where load cases and
combinations defined in the model are displayed. Select the Structure Model tab to access
parameters related to model generation.

12. The Structure Model tab of the Analysis Type dialog box is opened. Change from Automatic to
User-defined tolerance of structure model generation and set the tolerance value equal to 2
13. Save the model with a new name using File > Save As… from the pull-down text menu.

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