SE-CBSA0001 - 1587586293 - 04-1-2 Creating A SMXX File in Revit and Opening It in Robot Tasks PDF

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04-1-2 Perform Structural Analysis in Robot - Revit-Robot SMXX file link

In this practice you will step through the process of transferring the analytical model from Revit to Robot
using the SMXX intermediate file. This practice is possible if Robot and Revit are installed on different
machines or on the same machine.

1. Start Revit 2020 and open the project STRUCTURAL_before analysis.rvt

2. Select Robot Structural Analysis Link from the Structural Analysis panel on the Analyze ribbon:

3. The Integration with Robot Structural Analysis dialog box is opened. Activate Send model and
Send to the intermediate file (.smxx). Notice that SMXX send options are not available in such
case. Select OK to start the transfer.
4. The Save as SMXX file dialog box is open. Select the folder and save the intermediate SMXX file
selecting Save. In case of using Robot on another machine it can be a shared network folder to
easier access it later.

5. The dialog box with the progress bar corresponding to various stages of saving the SMXX file is
displayed. At the end of the transfer the dialog box is displayed, informing about possible
warnings or errors.
6. Answering Yes to the question from this dialog box results in displaying the list of messages, and
possible warnings and errors detected during the transfer.

7. Close the Warning list window. The SMXX file was saved.
8. Open Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2020 and start a new project – any
structure type.
9. Select Tools > Preferences… from the pull-down text menu:

10. The Preferences dialog-box is open. Change the regional settings to United States and select
Accept to close the dialog-box (it may result in automatic re-starting Robot if the original
language is different than English):
11. Select Add-ins > Integration > Autodesk Revit Structure from the pull-down text menu:

12. The Integration with Revit Structure dialog box is opened. Activate Update model and Update
from the intermediate file (.smxx). Notice that SMXX send options are not available in such
case. Select OK to start the transfer.
13. The Open SMXX file dialog box is open. Select the intermediate SMXX file saved in point 4.
above and select Open to load it.

14. The dialog box with the progress bar corresponding to various stages of importing the SMXX file
is displayed. At the end of the transfer the dialog box is displayed, informing about possible
warnings or errors.

15. Answering Yes to the question from this dialog box results in displaying the list of messages and
possible warnings and errors detected during the transfer.
16. Close the Warning list window. The model transferred from Revit is shown in the Plan view
corresponding to some level of the model.

17. Select the View tab of the graphic viewer to see the 3D view of the model.
18. Save the model with a new name using File > Save As… from the pull-down text menu.

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