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Wilderness Pointcrawl

PL ACES Generator
- Places -
Wilderness Pointcrawl
Biome types Duration
1-3 30 min

and Links 4-7

14-17 4h
18-19 8h (=1 day of walking)
1) First biome type 20 2 days

1-6 Grassland Type (optional)

7-12 Forest
13-16 Hills 1-4 Normal
17-18 Swamp 5-6 Difficult
19-20 Mountains 7 Dangerous
8 Special

2) Links Difficult means that the link duration

must be multiplied by 2 or that there is
Number a risk to get lost (refer to the rules you
1-6 One are using on this subject).
7-9 Two
10 Three Dangerous means that travelling along
this link may result in injuries or even
Direction death if the characters are not cautious.
1 North
2 North-East Special means that this link is magic or
3 East strange, and may not be very well
4 South-East
understood by the characters.
5 South
6 South-West
7 West
8 North-West

If the dice points to a node previously

generated, write +1 next to it (only
once) and roll another link.

3) Biome type of Grassland
adjacent nodes 1-10
17-18 Swamp
Roll on the table corresponding to the 19 Hills
biome type from which the link is 20 Mountains
Adjacent nodes with the same biome
1-10 Forest
type can be grouped into a named 11-16 Grasslands
biome if you want. 17-18 Hills
19 Mountains
20 Swamp

1-10 Hills
11-16 Mountains
17-18 Forest
19 Grasslands
20 Swamp

1-10 Swamp
11-16 Grasslands
17-18 Forest
19 Hills
20 Mountains

1-10 Mountains
11-16 Hills
17-18 Forest
19 Grasslands
20 Swamp

Points of Type
1-8 Landmark
Interest 9-12
16-19 Ruins
Points of Interest may be interesting by 20 Marvel
themselves or are places where
something may happen. Finally, roll on the tables and subtables
on the following pages to determine
Starting node what the Points of Interest precisely are.

The first generated node is the one the

PCs will start exploring the pointcrawl 1) Landmarks
In this node there is a:
1-10 Natural
1-6 Tavern 11-18 Artificial
7-8 Village 19-20 Magical

Other nodes Type of content and

chance of treasure
On each other node, roll on the
following tables to determine how 1 Hazard 25%
many Points of Interest there are and 2-3 Empty 15%
4 Special var
their type. 5-6 Monsters 50%

Number Hazard means that the place is

1-6 One dangerous by itself (it could collapse for
7-9 Two example) or is trapped.
10 Three
Empty means that this place tells a bit
If you wrote +1 near a node, add one of the story of the world or its
Point of Interest to what the roll inhabitants.
Special means that there is a mystery to
solve or that something strange is
happening here.
51 Mushroom circle
Natural 52 Mushroom covered tree
53 Mycelial proliferation
1 Alluvial deposits 54 Natural bridge
2 Animal cemetery 55 Natural stairs
3 Animal shaped rock 56 Natural stone arch
4 Animal skeleton/carcass 57 Nest of a giant bird
5 Anthill 58 Particular rock
6 Beaver dam 59 Permanent fog
7 Bedrock 60 Petrified tree
8 Beehive in a tree 61 Phosphorescent mushrooms
9 Berry bush 62 Pit
10 Bog 63 Place covered with cobwebs
11 Burning area 64 Place struck by lightning
12 Burnt area 65 Plant overgrowth
13 Burrow 66 Point of view
14 Bush 67 Pond
15 Carnivorous plant 68 Poison ivy
16 Cave 69 Precious metal vein
17 Centennial tree 70 Rapids
18 Circle of standing stones 71 Rare flower
19 Cliff 72 Ravine
20 Cocoons 73 Resurgence source
21 Colluvial deposits 74 Rift
22 Crater 75 River
23 Crystalline proliferation 76 Rock formation
24 Dead tree 77 Rock needle
25 Deformed tree 78 Rock slide
26 Dry area 79 Rock with keyhole
27 Ferruginous spring 80 Root arch
28 Flower circle 81 Sinkhole
29 Ford 82 Sandy area
30 Fruit tree 83 Scree
31 Geyser 84 Soil turned by wild boars
32 Giant animal footprint 85 Spring
33 Giant animal skeleton 86 Squirrel's nut cache
34 Giant crystal 87 Stone with fossil
35 Giant exoskeleton 88 Stream
36 Giant manure pile 89 Thistles
37 Giant mushroom 90 Thorn bush
38 Giant root 91 Tree alignment
39 Ground lined with flowers 92 Tree damaged by a deer/bear
40 Hollow tree 93 Tree stump
41 Hot spring 94 Tree with colorful leaves
42 Landslide 95 Unstable rock
43 Lava pool 96 Uprooted tree
44 Lichen covered rock 97 Waterfall
45 Lifeless area 98 Water-filled cave
46 Lonely tree 99 Wild roses
47 Meteorite 100 Wild vegetables
48 Moss covered ground
49 Mudpit
50 Mudslide

51 Latrines
Artificial 52 Log cabin
53 Manure pit
1 Abandoned market stall 54 Marble table and chairs
2 Altar 55 Menhir
3 Anchor 56 Monster statue
4 Animal shaped bush 57 Obelisk
5 Archery target 58 Pagan altar
6 Banner 59 Pile of branches
7 Battlefield 60 Pile of stones/dirt
8 Beehives 61 Pillory
9 Belvedere 62 Pit full of bones
10 Bench 63 Plundered caravan
11 Bird netting 64 Pyre ready to be lit
12 Birdhouse 65 Quarry
13 Bivouac area 66 Remains of a ritual
14 Boundary stone 67 Rotting trebuchet
15 Bridge 68 Ruined staircase
16 Broken cart 69 Ruined wall
17 Cage hanging from a tree 70 Sacrifice table
18 Cairn 71 Scarecrow
19 Carved rock 72 Sculpted tree
20 Chains anchored in the ground 73 Shipwreck
21 Collapsed mine entrance 74 Signboard
22 Commemorative cross 75 Skulls hanging from trees
23 Construction site 76 Snare
24 Copper emblem on a pole 77 Statue
25 Crashed aircraft 78 Stone arch
26 Crucifixion beam 79 Stone calendar
27 Decrepit fence 80 Street lantern
28 Dolmen 81 Sundial
29 Drinker 82 Swing
30 Duckboards 83 Sword in a rock
31 Dump 84 Symbols drawn on the ground
32 Fallow field 85 Tanning rack
33 Fenced pasture 86 Tent
34 Field ready to be harvested 87 Tombstone
35 Firewood reserve 88 Tomb with gisant
36 Fish pond 89 Totem
37 Fishing pontoon 90 Tree house
38 Freshly dug grave 91 Triggered trap
39 Gallows 92 Tumulus
40 Garland of bones 93 Vault
41 Golem in pieces 94 Vegetable patch
42 Graveyard 95 Watchtower
43 Greenhouse 96 Well
44 Hammock between two trees 97 Wood sculpture
45 Hanging bridge 98 Wooden arch
46 Hay bale 99 Wooden barrier
47 Heads on spears 100 Wrought iron gate
48 Hieroglyphics covered wall
49 Hunting tower
50 Information panel (map)

51 Lightweight area
Magical 52 Local magic nexus
53 Luminous engravings
1 Abrupt change of season 54 Mage eye
2 Activation pedestal 55 Magic amphitheater
3 Ancestors stone 56 Magic beacon
4 Antimagic zone 57 Magic circle
5 Area known for will-o'-wisps 58 Magic fountain
6 Area marked by a magic duel 59 Magic plants garden
7 Area where everything is food 60 Magic terminal
8 Area where illusions appear 61 Magical swirls escaping from
9 Area where time is frozen the ground
10 Area with different gravity 62 Magic spring
11 Armillary sphere 63 Magnetic pylon
12 Body covered with crystals 64 Mana well
13 Breatheable water 65 Musical flowers
14 Bubbling witch cauldron 66 Mutation tank
15 Circle protecting from Evil 67 Object stuck in never melting ice
16 Confusion zone 68 Perfect black cube
17 Corrupted area 69 Perfectly smooth cylindrical hole
18 Crash zone of an angel 70 Petrified traveler
19 Curative basin 71 Plants growing abnormally fast
20 Cursed area 72 Protective dome
21 Dome of darkness 73 Purifying basin
22 Enchanted area 74 Rainbow bridge
23 Energy ball flying above a pillar 75 Reverse waterfall
24 Eternal fireball 76 Riddle bridge
25 Evergreen tree 77 Singing crystal
26 Fairy pond 78 Singing stone
27 Ferryman's call bell 79 Soil made of living flesh
28 Fertility stone 80 Spell etched in bark
29 Field of rolling stones 81 Stack of empty scrolls
30 Fire giving off colorful smoke 82 Staff stuck in the ground
31 Floating crystal 83 Star forge
32 Force field 84 Stone of knowledge
33 Fountain of luck 85 Stones impossibly stacked
34 Ghost building 86 Suffering chained souls
35 Giant plants 87 Summoning circle
36 Giant vegetables 88 Talking rock
37 Glittering sculpture 89 Total silence zone
38 Golem mold & scaffolding 90 Tree with fruits all year round
39 Holy area 91 Tree of a dryad
40 Holy bush 92 Tree with shiny fruits
41 Illuminated area 93 Vegetal throne
42 Illusory wall 94 Visions pool
43 Incessant cyclone 95 Voice whispering in the wind
44 Invisible bridge 96 Vortex
45 Lake of the Lady 97 Walkable water
46 Lake with spread waters 98 Wizard's experimental zone
47 Levitating staircase 99 Wormhole
48 Levitating tower 100 Wormhole ring
49 Levitating wooden cabin
50 Light symbol

2) Settlements 3) Lairs
Type Lairs are the homes of monsters,
natural or built, they are rarely bigger
1-3 Hamlet than a few rooms, unlike dungeons.
4-10 Village
11-13 Stronghold
14 Camp Use your favorite wilderness encounter
15-17 Religious building tables to determine what kind of
18-20 City monsters live here and how many they
4) Ruins
14-16 Farmhouse
17-18 Manor To determine the nature of the ruins,
19-20 Ranch roll on the tables used for settlements.
21-22 Mill
23-24 Sawmill
25-26 Toll If the settlement type (or category) is
27 Brewery marked by an asterisk, then it will be a
28 Lighthouse/Watchtower
29 Circus/Festival dungeon and it should be created (or
30 Race field generated) as such.

Camps The other ones should be treated like

landmarks. To determine their content
1-4 Military
5-6 Refugees and chances of treasure, the same table
7-8 Labor (mine)* (p5) should be used.

1-6 Bastion
7-8 Wizard tower
9 Castle/Palace
10-11 Prison
12 Vault/Archive

Religious buildings*
1-4 Temple/Monastery
5-6 Crypt

5) Marvels
Marvels are special places that should
only appear once in a world. Reroll any
marvel that already exists.

If marvels appear too early in your

game, or too often, simply replace them
with regular buildings.

1 Celestial staircase
2 City of gold
3 Cornucopia
4 Demonic idol
5 Dimensional portal
6 Divine altar
7 Divine throne
8 End of a rainbow
9 Entrance to the fairy kingdom
10 Flying castle
11 Flying island
12 Fountain of youth
13 Garden of Eden
14 Garden of revelations
15 Giant bean plant
16 Global magic nexus
17 Hell's gate
18 Hidden magic school
19 Illusory village
20 Miraculous fishing lake
21 Mythical ruined city
22 Petrified army
23 Portal to the winter world
24 Protective wall
(magical or not)
25 Teleporting portal
26 Treasure cave
27 Valley of the Gods
28 Volcano
29 Wishing well
30 World tree

Example 2) Points of Interest
Now that you have the structure of the
1) Biome types and pointcrawl, populate it with Points of
Interest (PoI).
Starting with the first node you
The first step of the pointcrawl is
generated, roll to determine if the
generating the biome type of the first
pointcrawl starts with a tavern or a
Table Roll Result
First biome type 15 Hills Table Roll Result
Starting node 1 Tavern
Once it’s done, generate the links
Now, roll to determine the number and
leaving from it:
type of PoI in the second node:
Table Roll Result
Number 10 3 links Table Roll Result
Direction 4 South-East Number 2 1 PoI
5 South Type 1 Landmark
8 North-West
Duration 1 30 min Now, roll on the appropriate subtable:
2 30 min
9 2h
Table Roll Result
Landmarks (type) 6 Natural
Then generate the biome type of the
next nodes, using tables on page 4:
Since you rolled a landmark, more rolls
are needed to determine what kind it is
Table Roll Result
Hills 4 Hills and the content of the node:
19 Grasslands
7 Hills Table Roll Result
Landmarks 86 Squirrel's nut
(natural) cache
Now repeat step 2 and 3 until you have Type of content 1 Hazard
the desired number of nodes. Chance of treasure 82 No treasure

And so on, until you have generated

Points of Interest for all of the nodes.

This is what your pointcrawl should look like with 7 populated nodes:


1 5
30 m 4 h
30 m
2h 3 1h
7 2 6

① Hills (start) ⑤ Hills

 Tavern  Carnivorous plant
(empty, no treasure)

② Hills
 Squirrel's nut cache ⑥ Hills
(hazard, no treasure)  Ruined manor
(monsters, treasure)
 Thorn bush
③ Grasslands (monsters, no treasure)
 Ruined city
 Sinkhole (empty, no treasure)
⑦ Forest
 Animal cemetery
④ Hills (special)
 Lair  Ruined village
 Ruined house (empty, no treasure)
(hazard, no treasure)
 Stone with fossil
(empty, treasure)
Cover image
Ink Splats designed by kjpargeter / Freepik.
Scratch vector textures designed by Graphics Fuel.

Edition (all caps version) designed by Mike Diehl & Paul Volk / Dafont.
Highway Gothic Wide designed by Tom Oetken / Dafont.

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