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Hasil Regresi (metode OLS)

. reg Y2ProduktifitasTenagaKerja X1NilaiTambahTanamanPangan X2IPM Inflasi

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 12

F(3, 8) = 11.12
Model 7.77502707 3 2.59167569 Prob > F = 0.0032
Residual 1.86517269 8 .233146586 R-squared = 0.8065
Adj R-squared = 0.7340
Total 9.64019976 11 .876381796 Root MSE = .48285

Y2ProduktifitasTenagaKerja Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

X1NilaiTambahTanamanPangan .0002105 .0000824 2.55 0.034 .0000205 .0004005

X2IPM .1864716 .077809 2.40 0.043 .0070437 .3658994
Inflasi -2.148514 .9796558 -2.19 0.060 -4.407604 .1105764
_cons -15.73178 6.917201 -2.27 0.053 -31.68287 .2193157

Uji Asumsi Klasik

1. Homogenitas/heteroskedastisitas
. hettest

Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity

Ho: Constant variance
Variables: fitted values of Y2ProduktifitasTenagaKerja

chi2(1) = 0.21
Prob > chi2 = 0.6463

2. Autokorelasi

Breusch-Godfrey LM test for autocorrelation

lags(p) chi2 df Prob > chi2

1 0.403 1 0.5253

H0: no serial correlation

3. Multikolinearitas
. vif

Variable VIF 1/VIF

Inflasi 1.35 0.738839

X2IPM 1.24 0.803971
X1NilaiTam~n 1.11 0.900085

Mean VIF 1.24

4. Uji Normalitas
. swilk uhat

Shapiro-Wilk W test for normal data

Variable Obs W V z Prob>z

uhat 12 0.91584 1.406 0.664 0.25332

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