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DATE: May 10, 2023 YEAR & SECTION:

I. Objectives a. Identify the primary colors

b. Present the fruit flashcard based on their
c. Apply the right primary color for fruit
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Primary Colors
References: Booklet p. 68
Materials Flashcards, pictures
II. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayers
Let us pray

b. Greetings
Good morning class!

c. Checking of attendance
Is there anybody absent for today class?

B. Motivation
Who want fruits? Can you tell me which fruit you like most?
Why do you like that fruit?

Very good everyone.

C. Group Activity
So class I have flashcards here (Mango, apple and blue berry) Pick one do you like the most and
tell me what is the right color should we apply to it.

D. Analysis
What color did you use in coloring the fuits?
What fruit did you color the yellow?

Yes correct, the right color for the mango is yellow.

The red?

Yes correct, the right color for the apple is red.

The blue?

Yes, the right color for the blueberry is blue.

Very good children!

E. Abstract
Our topic for today is all about primary colors.

Any idea from the class? What is primary color?

Yes, Maya?

Very good Maya, that’s correct.

When we say primary colors- It includes the red, blue and yellow. It is the source of all other colors.
Primary colors cannot be mixed from other colors because they combined to create new colors.

Any questions or clarification regarding our topic?

That’s good to hear class.

F. Application
Since we've finished talking about the primary colors. I'm going to give you ten minutes to color the
fruit flashcards you chose. Put it on the board and present it to the class.

Very good class! Each of you did a great job of presenting your activity.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: In a box, choose a fruit picture that you love, color it and write your explanation below
why you love that fruit so much.

V. Assignment
Trace the broken line to spell out the words.


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