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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Savannah Barnes Grade Level: High School US History

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Vietnam War / Why was Vietnam so controversial? Date: April 14, 2023

This lesson is for a(n) ___X__ whole class _____ small group _____ individual

Essential Question Why was Vietnam such a controversial war?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies
and skills necessary to accomplish
the deeper learning in the standard?
Sequencing So far in this Cold War unit, students have studied the division of post-war Germany, the Korean War, the
- How does this lesson fit into the 1961 election, the Cuban Missile crisis, the assassination of President Kennedy, and now we are learning about
larger unit of study? the Vietnam war. This lesson is meant to help give students a general understanding of the cultural changes
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical happening around the time of Vietnam, as well as a general understanding of the geography of Vietnam and its
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas neighboring countries.
before details, similarities before
State Learning Standards SS.Hist2.c.h Evaluate how the historical context influenced the process or nature of the continuity or
List the complete, relevant grade- change that took place.
level standard(s).
Learning Target(s) and Learning Students will be able to determine how cultural changes impacted Americans’ views of the Vietnam War.
- Choose your learning target(s) and We will read a short article and then assess the impacts of societal changes on Americans’ views and opinions
objective(s) based on the relevant of the Vietnam War.
state learning standard(s).
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
September 2021
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping Students are seated in assigned seats at tables in groups of 2-4. Seats were assigned based off student behavior
Describe how and why students are and needs.
grouped based on
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition
Co-Teaching Strategy During this lesson, I will teach and my mentor teacher will observe and supplement any information she thinks
Does this lesson involve co- students need for the best understanding of this lesson.
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes,
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching

September 2021
Differentiation Content- The article we are reading will be printed to allow students to highlight, code or annotate.
Describe how you will meet The link to this article will also be provided to students to allow any struggling readers to adjust
individual students’ needs by reading difficulty while not altering the content.
adjusting the content, process, Process- While learning our reading strategy, I will model, we will do it together and then students will do a
product, and environment based on row or two on their own before we regroup and discuss what we came up with.
their readiness, interests, and learning Students will be able to work with a partner while answering our post reading activity questions.
preferences. Product- We will complete the graphic organizer step by step together.
Only one copy needs to be submitted per pair.
Environment- Good lighting will be provided for reading.
All content will be provided digitally on schoology to allow flexibility for student access.

ADVANCED LEARNERS will receive cold calls if no one else volunteers an answer to a class discussion

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal

Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)
Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification

Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping strategies)

September 2021
Formative Assessment Students will complete a questionnaire after reading that asks students to make connections between the
- How will you monitor student cultural changes of the period and the opinions of Americans on the Vietnam War.
learning throughout the lesson?
- Be specific about how your practice
assessments connect directly with the
lesson objective.
Formative Evaluation Criteria Answers need to make sense and be stated in complete sentences.
- What material(s) will you use to Students should offer supporting evidence from the article when answering questions when possible.
evaluate learning?
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other
Summative Assessment Students will pick an element/event of the Vietnam War that made it controversial and will then create a
How will students demonstrate presentation to explain the element/event and assess what made it so controversial.
mastery of the standard?
Note: This assessment does not have
to occur during/after this lesson but
in upcoming lessons.

Summative Evaluation Criteria Students will be graded on the historical accuracy of their project, the depth of their research, the clarity and
- What material(s) will you use to organization of their presented information and finally, their analysis and interpretation of their presented
evaluate learning? research.
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other

Opening: Introduction and Greet students as they enter the room.
Connection to Previous Learning Review what we have learned thus far about the American fear of spreading communism.

September 2021
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) Ask students to volunteer what they know about Vietnam.
● Activate prior knowledge. Ask students how they think Americans felt about the Vietnam War.
● Be sure students understand Ask students what changed between WWII and Vietnam that would alter the nationalist pride that Americans
procedures and instructions for felt during WWII but not during this Vietnam War. (Use this question as a segue into announcing our reading
the lesson. activity.)
● Establish clear expectations. Pass out articles and graphic organizers.
● Model concept. After reading the first two paragraphs out loud, I will fill in a row of the graphic organizer.
The groupings/instruction/lesson -advances in video and audio recording -enabled easier and more news coverage -more Americans were
progression may look different in different watching nearly live or very recent news coverage
parts of the lesson! -number of Americans owning TV skyrocketed -news networks strived for highest number of viewers -in
the spirit of competition, news networks turn to on-site coverage of Vietnam War
During: Lesson Progression Students will read ‘During World War II’ and ‘Government censorship’ and ‘In contrast’ paragraphs on their
In this portion of the lesson, you will own, and then we will regroup to decide what we should add to our graphic organizers from these paragraphs.
be letting go and letting students Ideally, we will add something along the lines of
engage in productive struggle; -Government Censorship of Vietnam much laxer – day to day coverage of combat zones - Americans are
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we exposed to the realities of war and don’t like it.
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or After this, students will have a few more minutes to read this article, and to try to add anything else of
independent practice, or other relevance they see to our graphic organizer.
learning methods. Please write what While students are finishing their articles, I will pass out the discussion questions that will ask them to assess
you are looking for in terms of: how the cultural changes of the period had such a big impact on the public opinion. The point of these
● Students’ thinking and how questions is for students to think critically and make their own sense and connections rather than testing for
they will start the lesson. comprehension.
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it). To segue into our next activity, I will ask students if they know where Vietnam is on a map. Next, I will ask if
● Provide worthwhile anyone can name any of Vietnam’s neighbors. As students are volunteering answers, I will pass out the map
extensions. activity and explain that we are going to spend a few minutes making this visual aid as a class to get a better
● Provide opportunities for understanding of the geography of the region around Vietnam.
students to engage in using
the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting
or modeling specific strategies
and helping students choose which
strategy makes sense to them.
However, you must make sure ideas
come from students.
September 2021
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension This lesson will likely take the entire period, but if it doesn’t, compliment the students on their speedy work
End the lesson with a final review of and announce the last few moments before the bell are theirs to utilize as they would like.
key ideas and knowledge. This is
where you have students talk about Remind students to turn in their article questions if they haven’t already as they leave and wish everyone a good
their thinking and share strategies weekend.
with the whole class. It’s important
to name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson
to broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating
or telling them how you
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
Curricular and Instructional graphic organizers
Resources or Materials discussion questions
- List and provide a brief rationale articles
for all necessary lesson resources and map activity
materials. If not original, cite the PowerPoint presentation for map activity
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.

September 2021
Supplies, Equipment and Students will need a writing utensil and whatever other supplies they would like to utilize during the map
Technology activity. (Colored pencils, colored pens, markers, etc.)
- List all other supplies that need to
be available.

September 2021
Change Effect Impact on Americans

1. How did the advent of television coverage during the Vietnam War impact public
perception and understanding of the conflict?

2. What were the implications of the Vietnam War being the "first television war" in
terms of media coverage, propaganda, and censorship?

3. How did the use of visual imagery, such as photographs and video footage,
shape public perception of the war and contribute to anti-war sentiment?

4. What lessons can be learned from the role of television in the Vietnam War in
terms of media literacy, critical consumption of news, and the power of visual
storytelling in shaping public perception of conflicts?

Vietnam War
Directions for the Vietnam War Map Name _________________
1. LABEL the following bodies of water and COLOR them BLUE:
Mekong River
South China Sea
Mekong Delta
Gulf of Thailand
Gulf of Tonkin
2. LABEL the following Communist countries and COLOR them RED: China, North Vietnam

3. Use a PATTERN or COLOR to show the location of the Demilitarized Zone. Then, LABEL it.

4. LABEL and COLOR the following countries:

South Vietnam Thailand
Laos Burma

5. LABEL the following cities: Hanoi, Saigon, Phnom Penh

6. DRAW and LABEL the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Name _________________
Directions for the Vietnam War Map
1. LABEL the following bodies of water and COLOR them BLUE:
Mekong River
South China Sea
Mekong Delta
Gulf of Thailand
Gulf of Tonkin
2. LABEL the following Communist countries and COLOR them RED: China, North Vietnam

3. Use a PATTERN or COLOR to show the location of the Demilitarized Zone. Then, LABEL it.

4. LABEL and COLOR the following countries:

South Vietnam Thailand
Laos Burma

5. LABEL the following cities: Hanoi, Saigon, Phnom Penh

6. DRAW and LABEL the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

North Before World War II, Vietnam was part of a colony called Indochina. In
Vietnam 1858, the French gained control of Indochina and ruled the area until
1940. In 1940, the Japanese invaded and took control over Indochina.
Japan occupied Indochina until the end of World War II and in 1945, the
Demilitarized Zone
French regained control over their former colony.
Many Vietnamese did not like being ruled by
foreigners. During Japanese occupation,
Ho Chi Minh led a group of guerillas fighting
South against the Japanese called the Viet Minh. When
Vietnam Vietnam was denied independence after World
War II, the Viet Minh continued their fight by
resisting French control. Between 1946-1954,
French and Viet Minh forces fought for control of
Vietnam. HO CHI MINH
In 1954, the French lost the Battle of Dien Bien Phu and gave up control of Vietnam. Vietnam was temporarily
divided at the 17th parallel - the North under the control of Communist Ho Chi Minh and the South under the
control of Emperor Bao Dai and, later, Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem. The North and the South were to be
reunited after democratic elections in 1956, but the elections never took place. Vietnam remained separated by
the Demilitarized Zone (an area where weapons and military forces were forbidden).


Meanwhile, the United States had been paying close attention to the spread of
Communism throughout the world. It was believed that if a country become Communist,
the countries around it would fall like dominoes to Communism. Therefore,
it was important to contain Communism before it took over a region.
Because of this idea, the United States opposed North Vietnam and
offered support to South Vietnam. The United States’ involvement in
South Vietnam grew slowly after the Battle of Dien Bien Phu and continued to grow once John F. Kennedy
became president. Following Kennedy’s assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson became president. American
involvement in Vietnam escalated after the Gulf of Tonkin incident when North Vietnamese war ships
supposedly fired upon a U.S. Naval Destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin. The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
authorized American military action in Vietnam and the war for control over Vietnam officially began.


A new guerilla group called the Viet Cong emerged from the Viet Minh in North Vietnam to target leaders and
sites in South Vietnam. The Viet Cong were aided by the Ho Chi Minh Trail which helped transport weapons and
men to support the Viet Cong’s efforts in South Vietnam. It was difficult for the Americans to distinguish friend
versus foe and to fight against the guerilla tactics of the Viet Cong. By the time the United States pulled out of
South Vietnam in 1975, over 58,000 Americans had lost their lives.
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