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Materials 
Please follow examples 1 - 10 in the previous chapter. 
String in automata Example 11: 
Power of Alphabet ( ∑ )
Given language L = Set of all even length string. Construct the corresponding grammar.
Languages   
Grammars 
Automata  This is regular language so, we can write regular expressions for it.
Regular expression: 
Regular Language and Expressions 
DFA/NFA to Regular Expression 
All form of (a+b)*  Grammar of the given language:
Simplification Regular Expressions
S → SB | ϵ                                    (This production generates ((a + b) . (a + b))*)
Arden’s Theorem  B → AA                                       (This production generates (a + b) (a + b)) 
A → a | b                                      (This production generates (a + b))
Regular Expressions to Finite Automata 
Finite State Machine (Transducer)  We can write in more optimize way:
Identification of Language 
Pumping Lemma 
Ogden’s Lemma for CFL
Myhill-Nerode Theorem  
Example 12: 
Grammar Part- II 
Examples: Grammar Construction from Language Given language L = Set of all odd length string. Construct the corresponding grammar.
Examples: Grammar Construction from Language
Reverse of Grammar   
We can also a regular expression: 
Context Free Grammar (CFG) 
Push Down Automata (PDA) 
One Liner   
This grammar construction is similar to the previous one Example 11.
Formula 
Question Answer  S → SB | λ                        (This production generates ((a + b).(a + b).(a + b))*)
Subject Mock B → AAA                         (This production generates (a + b) (a + b) (a + b))
A → a | b                          (This production generates (a + b))
Programming   
Previous Year  

Reference Book  Example 13: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = anbm | n.m ≥ 1. 
This language is not same as  anbn | n ≥ 1  because it has an infinite comparison but our given language has no comparison,
here anbm both are independent.
Regular expression: RE = a+b+, this given language does not contain any empty string because n . m ≥ 1.
S → AB                            (This final production generates a+b+)
B → bB | b                       (This production generates b+)
A → aA | a                       (This production generates a+)
Note:  Every time we are doing the same thing first generates a sub-grammar for sub-string and then merge it to the final
production of the grammar. 
Example 14: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = anbncm | n.m ≥ 1.
Here we are doing the same thing first derive grammar for anbn then we calculate cm then add them.
And from Example 9 we know the grammar of  anbn | n ≥ 1 is  S → aSb | ab.
cm | m ≥ 1 is nothing but c+.
For the practice we start the grammar as our sub strings then final merge production:

Now we can rearrange it

Example 15: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = ancmbn | n.m ≥ 1.
Firstly we can say it is not regular because it has infinite comparison  anbn. Now for this infinite comparison, we can design
grammar easily i.e. S → aSb | ab. 
But there is cm in-between anbn .
Still, we first design simple grammar for anbn and cm separately.

Now how we put c between a and b. Look when we want stop S then we can replace S by aAb.
S → aSb | aAb                 (This production generates an c+ bn)
A → Ac | c                        (This production generates c+)
Example: aaaccbbb

i.e. S → aSb we can use this production no. of time whenever we want to stop it, we use production aAb from where we can get
any no. of c’s. 
Note: We cannot S → aSb | A, A → Ac | c because it can generate only c.
Example 16: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = anbncmdm | n.m ≥ 1. 
This language has two infinite comparisons but not at a time so, it is CFL.
If you see the language properly two comparisons are separated and we know the grammar of  anbn or cmdm from Example 9  
i.e. S → aSb | ab.
So, we can construct final grammar very easily by first generating grammar for anbn and then grammar for cmdm then merge two
S → AB                                         (Final production generates anbncmdm)
B → cBd | cd                                 (This production generates cmdm)
A → aAb | ab                                (This production generates anbn)
Example 17: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = anb2n | n ≥ 1.
This language is CFL because it has only infinite comparison.  It is similar to anbn the only difference is here b is twice of a. 
And we know the grammar of anbn | n ≥ 1 from Example 9   i.e. S → aSb | ab.
So, we can construct grammar from the help of the above grammar by adding twice ‘b’ because here b is twice of a.
So, grammar of the given language:
S → aSbb | abb          (This production generates anb2n)
Example 18: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = anbmcmdn | n.m ≥ 1.
This given language is almost similar to Example 16 L = anbncmdm | n.m ≥ 1
This language has two infinite separate comparisons andn and bmcm. 
So, first, we design grammar bmcm.
A → bAc | bc      (This production generates bmcm)
Now as we see from the given language bmcm is in between andn. If any comparison or string is in between a comparison how
we design a grammar that we learn from Example 15. 
So, we can design this way 
S → aSd | aAd           (This production generates anbncmdm)
Overall grammar

Example 19: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = am + n bm cn | n.m ≥ 0.
In that case, we first break the power of a and rewrite grammar as  an am bm cn | n.m ≥ 0.
Now this language pattern is the same as the previous Example 18
 L = anbmcmdn | n.m ≥ 1.
So, we can design grammar the same as the previous way.
S → aSc | aAc                  (This production generates an am bm cn)
A → aAb | ab                   (This production generates am bm)
Example 20: 
Construct grammar for this given language L = an bn + m cn | n.m ≥ 1
Same as the previous one we break the power of ‘b’ and rewrite the grammar as an bn bm cm.
Now this language similar to the previous one L = anbncmdm | n.m ≥ 1 (Example 16)
So, we can construct grammar easily as previous was because it has two separated comparison anbn and bmcm.
S → AB                                              (This production generates an bn bm cm)
B → bBc | bc                                       (This production generates bmcm)
A → aAb | ab                                      (This production generates anbn)

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Contributed by

Debashis Roy Faculty of Computer Science Department, JCC College, University of Calcutta


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