(DEP) EST Analysis France

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The internet connection in France can become a problem when a company wants to work with their
own online web-shop. Especially in the rural areas of France the internet connection can be of very
low quality. There are projects currently active where fiber optics are placed throughout these areas
to increase the quality of the internet but this may take a long time. (Connexion France, 2017)

The main energy source in France comes from Nuclear Power, an estimated 72.3% of the total
production. Nuclear Energy is relatively cheap to produce, because of this the prices in France are
very low compared to other European countries. French electricity costs are just 59% of German
electricity prices. Because of the low energy prices it is attractive for certain companies to settle in
France. (World-Nuclear, 2018)

In France all the stakeholders of the French seed and plant sector are tightly linked. They even
represent different parts of a chain leading from a variety creation to consumer use of seeds and
plants. Due to the close relations in the seed sector the agricultural skill in France is very professional.
There are currently 246 seed production companies in France, ranging from cooperatives to private
firms. They form a strong nationwide network that provides technological advancements in the seed
market. (Gnis, 2019)


France produces a large amount of major agricultural products, this places France among the top
producer in the world market at for example milk, wine, and cereals. In the last years, the French
government has pursued the embrace of clean technology by implementing government subsidies. A
lot of French companies are acquiring clean technology for their companies. It is attractive for
environmentally friendly companies to settle in France because of the financial help the government
offers to these companies.

The current President of France Macron has called for an acceleration of the ecological transition and
advocated a balance between ecological imperatives and economic requirements. This means that it
is important for companies in France to pursue a greener way of business. (Azo, 2019)


The company act in France is important to be familiar with when settling a company here. The
Commercial Code is the main Company Act in France. The law explains the most important
requirements and rules for a company organization and its structure.

The current President of France is Emmanuel Macron. He wants more renewable energy to be used
by companies in France. This should be taken into account when starting a new company here.
Companies also should pay less corporation tax according to Macron. This makes it more attractive to
come to France as a company. Macron is also trying to increase the number of working people. This
makes it easier for companies to find employees and might also be attractive. However, this law also
prevents companies to fire employees more easily which may hinder the business. (BBC, 2017)






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