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I remembered every detail of your personality

The way you love purple

How you hate to run unless its to seek pain

What makes you laugh and cry

I have a list in my notes of what you love

Remembering your favorite Artist

Having the memory of you crying when I gave you the most precious gift

You can't even remember the last story I told you

Every piece of information forgotten

Replaced with others

“I'm impatient but I can wait a lifetime for you”

The times where you would call me to hear my voice

All seem like a distant dream

I shall not wait for you to care anymore

I have deemed myself credible to move on

I deserve that

I have changed based on how you did me wrong

Now trust has to be earned not given

Change has happened in cause of you

My love will stay in heart

Not to be shared again

As if I was born in the wrong generation

The people of today not knowing what love is

The opening doors

No reason flowers

A simple…. I Love you.

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