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Revision Worksheet

Spinning Jenny: A holder that carries

horizontal threads back and forth
between the vertical threads in
weaving. John Kay’s mechanical
flying shuttle enabled one weaver to
do the work of two.

A Flying Shuttle: It is an essential tool in the

process of weaving. A shuttle is a device that carries
the weft yarn back and forth between the vertical
warp threads of a loom, creating the interlocking
pattern of the woven fabric.

James Watt: a Scottish inventor, engineer, and

chemist who is best known for his work in improving
the efficiency of the steam engine. He developed the
concept of the separate condenser, which made
steam engines much more efficient and practical for
industrial applications.
Otto von Bismarck: a prominent statesman and
politician of the 19th century. Bismarck served as
the first chancellor of the German Empire, a period
during which he played a central role in the
unification of Germany and the formation of a
modern, unified German state.

Kaiser Wilhelm II, born Wilhelm Friedrich Viktor

Albert of Hohenzollern, was the last German
Emperor and King of Prussia, ruling from 1888 to
1918. He played a significant role in the events
leading up to World War I and the subsequent
downfall of the German Empire.


Order the historical events using numbers

Order Historical Event

3 Invention of the Spinning Jenny

Henry Bessemer invented a new process for mass-producing steel, which greatly
reduced the cost of steel production.
Manchester – Liverpool Railway

The Cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney

Steam engine invented by James Watt

Order Historical Event

Outbreak of World War I

5 Armistice and Treaty of Versailles: On November 11, 1918

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

United States enters the war

Battle of the Somme

Order Historical Event

Allied forces halt German advance into France during First Battle of the Marne.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, are assassinated by a
Bosnian Serb nationalist in Sarajevo.
Germany declares war on Russia, France, and Belgium.

World War I begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

5 The treaty of Versailles

CROP ROTATION (‫)ثناوب المحاصيل‬

The agricultural revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries was a period of
significant changes in agricultural practices that led to a significant increase in
food production. One of the key innovations of this era was crop rotation. Before
crop rotation was widely adopted, farmers practiced traditional farming methods,
such as the "three-field system," in which two fields were cultivated with crops
and the third field was left fallow to recover soil fertility. However, this system
was not sufficient to maintain soil fertility, and farmers faced declining crop yields
and soil erosion.

Crop rotation involves growing different crops in the same field over several
seasons or years, thereby preserving soil fertility and preventing the spread of
pests and diseases. This practice allowed farmers to grow a more diverse range of
crops, including legumes, which fix nitrogen into the soil and improve soil fertility.
Crop rotation also helped to break the cycle of pests and diseases that can occur
when the same crop is planted in the same field year after year.

The adoption of crop rotation was a key factor in the agricultural revolution,
which had a profound impact on society. It led to increased food production,
lower food prices, and population growth, which in turn drove the Industrial
Revolution. Crop rotation is still widely used today, along with other modern
agricultural practices, to maintain soil health and increase crop yields.

Questions to practice after reading:

a) Examine the role of crop rotation in the advancement of the agricultural

revolution during 18th century Britain.
b) Analyze the effects of rotating crops on the progress of the agricultural
revolution in 18th century Britain.
Your answer:


) ‫(الثروة الصناعية طريق للثروة الزراعية‬

The Industrial Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution were two major
transformative periods in human history that had a profound impact on society
and the global economy. While they occurred at different times and in different
regions, they were interconnected and complementary in many ways.

The Agricultural Revolution, which began in the 18th century, marked a significant
shift in farming practices and technology. It was characterized by the adoption of
new farming techniques such as crop rotation and the use of fertilizers, as well as
the development of new farming tools and machinery. These innovations led to a
significant increase in food production and allowed for larger food surpluses,
which in turn supported population growth.

The Industrial Revolution also had a significant impact on agriculture, as new

machines such as the plow, the reaper, and the combine harvester allowed for
greater efficiency in farming. This, in turn, led to increased food production and
allowed for more people to move to cities and work in factories.

In summary, the Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution were two
transformative periods that were closely linked and complementary. They marked
significant shifts in farming practices, technology, and manufacturing processes
that led to increased productivity, economic growth, and population growth.

Questions to practice after reading:

a. Identify the ways in which the industrial revolution facilitated the

agricultural revolution.
b. Examine the relationship between the industrial revolution and the
agricultural revolution, and how both of them influenced each other.
a) Your answer:

(‫)ةدات الثىر الصناعيه في انجلجرا‬

The Industrial Revolution is a period of rapid industrialization and technological

advancements that began in the late 18th century and had a profound impact on
the global economy and society. While many countries experienced some level of
industrialization during this period, it is widely recognized that the Industrial
Revolution began in England. There were several key factors that contributed to
England's early lead in industrialization. One of the most important factors was
the country's abundant natural resources, particularly coal and iron.

These resources were essential for powering the steam engines and producing
the machinery that drove the Industrial Revolution. Another important factor
was England's political stability and strong institutions, which provided a
favorable environment for entrepreneurs and innovators. The country also had a
well-developed financial system, including a sophisticated banking system and a
stock exchange, which allowed for the accumulation of capital and investment in
new technologies and industries.

England's geographic location and its access to global trade routes also played a
significant role in its industrialization. The country's ports provided easy access to
raw materials and markets, and its strong navy protected its trading interests.
Finally, the Agricultural Revolution that occurred in England during the 18th
century laid the foundation for industrialization by increasing food production and
freeing up labor for other industries.

In summary, a combination of natural resources, political stability, financial

institutions, trade routes, and agricultural innovations created the ideal
conditions for the Industrial Revolution to begin in England.

Questions to practice after reading:

a. Identify the factors that led to the industrial revolution beginning in

b. Analyze the reasons behind the emergence of the industrial revolution
in England.


(‫)الحياه قتل الثىره الصناعيه وةعدها‬

The Industrial Revolution marked a significant shift in the way of life for people
across the world. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, life was largely agrarian and
centered on farming and cottage industries. People lived in rural areas and
worked primarily with their hands, using simple tools and techniques to produce
The use of steam engines, power looms, and other machinery allowed for mass
production of goods, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. As a result,
people began moving from rural areas to urban centers to work in factories,
which became the new centers of production.

The Industrial Revolution also brought significant changes in social and economic
structures. With the rise of factories, a new class of industrial capitalists emerged,
who owned and controlled the means of production. This led to increased
economic inequality and class tensions.

In summary, the Industrial Revolution marked a significant shift in the way of life
for people across the world, with changes in technology, work, social and
economic structures, and the environment.
Question to practice after reading:

a. Identify and analyze the impacts of the industrial revolution on daily life,
including food, education, transport, and overall quality of life, and discuss
how these might have been different without the industrial revolution.

Observe the following map and mark countries in Central Power and Allied Power
during World War I.


1.Germany 1. France
2 2
3 3

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