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New Harmony: The Owenite Society / New Harmony
A historical society (1825 – 1827)

In January 1825, Robert Owen, a Welsh

The Harmony Society (1814 – 1824) industrialist and social reformer, signed the
agreement to purchase the town, renamed it New
The Harmony society was a Christian Harmony, and invited "any and all" to join him there.
theosophy and pietist society founded in 1785 Owen believed his utopian community would create
Iptingen, Germany. Due to religious persecution a "superior social, intellectual and physical
by the Lutheran Church and the government in environment" based on his ideals of social reform.
Württemberg, Germany, the group moved and While many of the town's new arrivals had a sincere
arrived in the United States in 1804 and settled in interest in making it a success, the experiment also
Pennsylvania. Led by Johann George Rapp, the attracted "crackpots, free-loaders, and adventurers
society’s founder and spiritual leader, the whose presence in the town made success unlikely.
members were known as Harmonists, The Owenite social experiment failed two years
Harmonites, or Rappites. after it began.

New Harmony, Indiana

First Settlement:
Harmony, Pennsylvania
The Harmony Society started as a small
community that had nearly 50 log houses, a
large barn, a gristmill, and more than 150 acres of
cleared land to grow crops. However, the climate
was not well suited for growing grapes and Second Settlement:
nearby property was not available to expand Harmony, Indiana
their landholdings. The harmonists had to find
other financial means to support their plans for In 1814, ten years later, the town was sold and
future expansion. In the years that followed, the the Harmonists moved westward to the Indiana
Society survived disagreements among its Territory, where they purchased 20 000 acres on
members, while shortages of cash and lack of the Wabash River and established the town of
credit threatened its finances. Still, the young Harmony, now called New Harmony, Indiana,
community had a good reputation for its and remained there from 1815 to 1825. The
industry and agricultural production. Indiana settlement was sold to Robert Owen
and was renamed New Harmony.
Twin Oaks:
A current Acorn: A current
"utopian society" "utopian society"
Twin Oaks was founded in 1967 by a group of
white people who intended to create an egalitarian
non-violent community that sought to address the In 1993, the egalitarian community of Acorn
inequalities of mainstream society. Community Farm was established in the
heart of Virginia. The community as well as
Due to the community's diverse beliefs, there is the greater community are dedicated to non-
no group religion. Furthermore, they lack a central coercive, non-hierarchical, voluntary
leader and govern themselves through a form of associations. Moreover, the community is The current utopia society is quite
democracy in which responsibility is distributed dedicated to fostering a lively, diverse culture, interesting with its independent governance
among various managers, planners, and committees. income sharing, and sustainable living. and acceptance of people from all
The community is economically self-sufficient, or socioeconomic classes and genders. When it
partially so, and income is shared. Lastly, each comes to individual needs, they recognize that
Acorn does not have hierarchies., and
member works 42 hours per week in the each person has unique demands, and what
owners, investors, bosses, and supervisors
community's commercial and residential areas. The made the community even more fascinating is
don't exist. Designers purposely keep policies to
community provides housing, food, healthcare, and due to its farmed-based livelihood dedicated to
a minimal, preferring a peaceful anarchy to
personal spending funds to each member. organic, heritage agriculture and independence
rule, even though some are structured in few
from the processed, genetically modified,
areas, including membership. Out of the few
corporately delivered ‘food’ paradigm. All in all,
policies that are in place, the culture promotes
their vision of a utopia is quite a vibrant one to
individual accountability above monitoring and
be a self-sufficient, non-coercive, supportive
handles problems on a case-by-case basis
and environmentally appropriate community.
while keeping in mind that every person has
different needs.
Victory City: Benefits for Residents:
future utopia Free City Services
There will be no city taxes so
services like fire and police
departments, city maintenance, and
educational facilities will be provided
for free.

Minimal Risk of Theft and Crime

No one carries real money and police
will monitor closed-circuit TV
cameras throughout the city.

Stress-Free Commuting
Residents can walk from the
residential buildings to the
commercial, cafeteria, industry and
transportation buildings in matter of
minutes. No driving necessary.

Fewer Health Care Concerns

All residents’ rent includes health
insurance. The elimination of the
insurance company's sales
department will result in significant
savings in insurance costs.
Victory City, the city of the future, is a utopia
More Free Time for Everyone
for anyone tired of urban problems and was
Victory City’s residents don’t have to
made by Orville Simpson. Simply put, it's a
cook for themselves since large
utopia with no crime, pollution, and over-
cafeterias will feed the entire city, Less Pollution
crowding. Moreover, the city aims to create
opportunities that have never existed before
and at least one cafeteria will be Victory Cities will be located in the
open all night. country or rural areas, surrounded by
by providing new, unique, and exciting living
and working environments. farmland, and far away from industrial
Better Conservation of Land and Natural
contaminants and emissions.
The Victory City era will peacefully coexist Elevators will replace automobiles as
Victory City will efficiently use
with the electronic, atomic, space, and the primary mode of transportation,
building space and surrounding
electronic epochs, as well as the computer
acreage. reducing air pollution significantly.
and automation epochs.
Victory City: Every month, the person's salary and apartment rent
will be deducted automatically. The salary will be
School and Education
Victory City has two education systems, the
future utopia automatically added the next time the person uses their
bankbook at the store, cafeteria, or anywhere else.
traditional and new educational systems. Both
systems will be placing more emphasis on
scientific, technical business, and professional
Except where a bill is required, all transactions will be subjects to help prepare students for careers in
conducted in cash. If the recipient of such a bill does not Victory City and elsewhere.
contest the bill or the amount within 10 days, the amount
will be automatically deducted from his bank account. If
there is a dispute, the case may be taken to court, and
the bank will obey the court's decision.
The current traditional education system will
Any commercial, industrial, or retail company locating in be preserved, including nursery school, kindergarten,
a Victory City will be required to agree to the money elementary school, middle school, high school, and
system, and terms to that effect will be included in the college or trade school. All of these programs,
rental contract between Victory City and each tenant including college, will be free for all students who
company. are Victory City permanent residents. Victory City
will pay for every expense associated with this
In addition to the one centralized bank, there will also public education out of the gross rental income.
be one centralized insurance company, which will be Dormitories won't be necessary because kids will
operated like the bank as a wholly-owned division of the be residing in Victory City on a permanent basis,
Victory City Corporation. The surplus money from each most likely with their parents.
will be used to finance the construction of future Victory

The funds could not be used for large-scale

construction projects, as this would be counterproductive
With regards to the new and free educational
and would only clog the countryside with unnecessary
system, it will utilize the same course methodology
as the traditional. However, students are given the
Money System choice to take exams or not, they may also go into
higher grade without passing the grade they are in,
In Victory City, no money will be used in any and auditing is encouraged. For instance, a second-
business transaction. Rather, everyone will carry grade student may sit-in on a fifth-grade class to
a bankbook with their photo to help with audit it. A student auditing classes may take exams
identification. Whenever a person buys if they so desires, and if they do, they must be
something in a store, they pay for the item right given the same class credit or degree as regular
away via handing the clerk their bankbook, which students. The goal is to encourage individuals to
the clerk then inserts into a specially designed find and develop their own interests, as well as to
machine that is electronically linked to another develop their own individuality, which is a
machine in Victory City’s one and only bank. fundamental part of specialization and the
capitalistic free enterprise system.
Utopian States: Utopian World
future utopia
Goals that one wishes to achieve regardless Utopia is a term that describes a perfect or
of whether there are realistic or not, or if there ideal civilization. Philosophers and writers have
are any known means by which it can be long argued what a purportedly ideal society
reached, can be coined as ‘Utopian Goals’. Such a would look like, which has led to a proliferation
term can also refer to both an impossible goal of utopian theories. The creation and
and a goal that provides a more or less concrete maintenance of such a society have never
description of a good or ideal state. The been effective in the actual world, but
utopianism involved in the former sense refers to attempts have been attempted with varied
the relationship between the goal and the degrees of success. Although there is
means to achieve the goal. disagreement about the specifics of what a
utopia should entail, conversations and
Additionally, it’s well-known that utopian goals literature about utopias frequently emphasize
have many adversaries such as being (1) too principles like freedom, security, equality, and
imprecise, (2) too far-reaching to guide action enlightened thought.
effectively, (3) counterproductive, and (4) morally
objectionable based on the assumption that We agree, since Utopians are highly
great social changes tend to have severe educated and invest a lot of their free time on
unintended side effects. learning. Philosophically, they steer clear of
empty abstractions and instead concentrate
The purpose of utopian fiction is typically to on issues related to their belief in the afterlife,
examine idealized versions of society. A narrative such as the purpose of life and what makes
examining the idea of a society based on perfect people happy. They make a distinction
harmony with nature would be an example of an between genuine joy, which results from
eco-utopia. On the other hand, a libertarian taking care of the body and mind, and fake
utopia would consist of a society that valued pleasure, which derives from status and
individualism and full freedom. These narratives appearance.
can be a terrific approach to put these theories
to the test by illustrating how they would
genuinely impact real-world situations. Thinking in terms of the possible future helps
us see the big picture, including the things
that bother or even repulse us, in a
productively positive way. It gives us the
bravery and self-assurance to view the gap
between our goals and reality as a window of
opportunity rather than a sign of inevitable
nder the watchful gaze of the guardian and the guise of pleasing thy
yearning heart, we spin the world and dance as one to a dreamer's waltz.

he utopia we seek is a place in which the people are united and connected,
finds contentment and the thought of true happiness and satisfaction.

rchestrating a dance of heavenly bliss, like bringing about a perfect and flawless
place worthy to be called the Heaven on Earth, and the Garden of Eden.

hantasmagoria, a word we like to associate with utopia. It’s a constantly changing medley of
real or imagined images, similar to what you might see in a dream.

wouldn't worry if the music stops. For in this reverie, it will be resolved and begin anew. The
world will keep on spinning as you take a step forward and two steps back.

type of solace we seek, free and unbounded utopia, where all worries melt like snow. An impossible
ideal it may be in the planes of existence and regarded as fool's paradise, but we'll gladly be the
fools that dance merrily all the while under the guardian's protection.

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