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Hey (Name), it’s nice to meet you, how are you?

Great! This meeting will take about 30 minutes. First, I have a couple of
questions to ask, this helps me diagnose your situation a little bit and see if I can
find a beneficial relationship between both of our businesses, if I can, I’ll show
you exactly what we do and how it works and you can decide if it’s something
you want to be part of it or not. Sound fair enough?

(If they say yes) Great!!! Let’s get to these questions… (or whatever you want to
say, just hit them with that energy bomb!!!!)

Quick Consultation – 20 Minutes

What motivated you to take the time to meet with me today?

What’s your ultimate objective?

What’s the biggest thing stopping you from achieving that right now?

Label: So (Name), it sounds like you’re looking for someone to help you XYZ so you can achieve
123 goal

2 bonus tips: (Pause… and say their name)

What are the main services you offer?

How are you getting new clients right now?

Have you done digital marketing in the past?

- What were the results like?
- How did it compare to what you were hoping for?

Who is your ideal customer? (Demographics)

What is the LTV of a customer?

(How long they stay) x (How much per month) x (Avg # referrals)

What’s your goal monthly/annual revenue?

What’s your current revenue?

How would your business be different if you were at (X) revenue?

How would YOUR life look differently if you were at (X) revenue?

To double down on that, what are your long term goals? Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Is (solving pain point that relate to your services a priority or more of a put if off for later kind
of thing?

Great, so based on everything you told me, it sounds like we can definitely support you.

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