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Parts of speech ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Articles ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Pronouns ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Verb tenses ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Modal verbs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Plurals.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Comparison ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Adverbs ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
Prepositions ....................................................................................................................................................................11
Passive voice ...................................................................................................................................................................14
Indirect speech ...............................................................................................................................................................15
Important conjunctions/connectors ................................................................................................................................16
Gerund and infinitive ......................................................................................................................................................17
Common prepositional verbs .........................................................................................................................................18
Common Phrasal verbs ...................................................................................................................................................20
Common false friends .....................................................................................................................................................23

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Parts of speech
All words are divided into grammar groups. The grammar groups are called parts of speech, and the different groups are:

1. nouns
2. verbs
3. adjectives
4. adverbs
5. determiners
6. prepositions
7. pronouns
8. conjunctions

Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb

A noun is the name A pronoun is used in An adjective A verb shows an

of a person, place, place of a noun or describes, modifies action or state of
thing or idea. noun phrase to avoid or gives more being. A verb shows
repetition. information about a what someone or
Examples of nouns: noun or pronoun. something is doing.
Daniel, London, Examples of
table, dog, teacher, pronouns: I, you, we, Examples: big, Examples: go, speak,
pen, city, happiness, they, he, she, it, me, happy, green, young, run, eat, play, live,
hope us, them, him, her, fun, crazy, three. walk, have, like, are,
this, those is.

Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection

An adverb
describes/modifies a A preposition shows A conjunction joins An interjection is a
verb, an adjective or the relationship of a two words, ideas, word or phrase that
another adverb. It noun or pronoun to phrases or clauses expresses a strong
tells how, where, another word. They together in a feeling or emotion. It
when, how often or can indicate time, sentence and shows is a short
to what extent. place, or how they are exclamation.
Many adverbs end in relationship. connected.
-LY Examples: Ouch!
Examples: at, on, in, Examples: and, or, Wow! Great! Help!
Examples: slowly, from, with, near, but, because, so, yet, Oh! Hey! Hi!
quietly, very, always, between, about, unless, since, if.
never, too, well, under.
tomorrow, here.

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O artigo definido é o THE (o, a, os, as), e os indefinidos são A, AN (um, uma).

O artigo definido é usado:

• antes de substantivos que podem ser precedidos ou não por adjetivos.

Ex: the girl (a menina) the pretty girl (a menina bonita)

• antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais ou nomes de famílias.

Ex: the piano (o piano) the Kennedys (os Kennedys)

• antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, ilhas, rios, montanhas, países, hotéis, cinemas, teatros, trens e navios.
Ex: the Pacific (o Pacífico)
the United States (os Estados Unidos), etc.

• antes de um representante de uma classe ou espécie.

Ex: the poor (os pobres) the rich (os ricos)

• antes de um substantivo único na espécie.

Ex: the earth (a terra) the sun (o sol)

Quando o artigo the é omitido:

• antes de nomes próprios, nomes de línguas e ciências.

Ex: Beth English (Inglês) geography (geografia)

• antes de substantivos de uso comum e de substantivos incontáveis.

Ex: gold (ouro) money (dinheiro) coffee (café)

• antes de pronomes possessivos.

Ex: our dress (nosso vestido) their house (casa deles(as))

• antes de alguns substantivos como home, church, school, hospital, bed, prison,quando usados para o seu propósito

Ex: I go to church. (to pray)

Eu vou para a igreja. (para rezar)

I go to school. (to study)

Eu vou para a escola. (para estudar)
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Existem dois artigos indefinidos com usos diferentes no inglês: a, an

• A: é usado antes de sons de consoantes.

Ex: a car (um carro) a chair (uma cadeira)

• AN: é usado antes de sons de vogais.

Ex: an egg (um ovo) an umbrella (um guarda-chuva


Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. We often use them to avoid repeating the nouns that they
refer to. Pronouns have different forms for the different ways we use them.

Examples Type of pronoun

I/me, you, we/us, she/her, it, they/them personal
mine, ours, hers possessive
ourselves, myself, himself reflexive
who, whose, which, what interrogative
this, that, these, those demonstrative
-body, -one, -thing, one, you, they indefinite
each other/each other’s, one another/one another’s reciprocal
who, whom, whose, which, that relative

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Verb tenses

Verb tenses are verb forms (went, go, will go) which English speakers use to talk about the past, present,
and future in their language. There are twelve verb tense forms in English as well as other time expressions
such as used to. For English learners, knowing how to use English tenses can be quite a challenge

Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future

Last night, I read an entire I will read as much as I can this
I read nearly every day.
novel. year.
Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous
I am readingShakespeare at I was reading Edgar Allan Poe I will be reading Nathaniel
the moment. last night. Hawthorne soon.
Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
I have read so many books I I had read at least 100 books by I will have read at least 500 books
can’t keep count. the time I was twelve. by the end of the year.
Present Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous
I had been reading for at least a I will have been reading for at
I have been readingsince I
year before my sister learned to least two hours before dinner
was four years old.
read. tonight.

Modal verbs

Can pode; expressa permissão, Permissão: Can I go to the toilet?(Posso

consegue capacidade, habilidade e ir ao banheiro?)
possibilidade Capacidade/habilidade: He can speak
three languages fluently. (Ele
pode/consegue falar três línguas
Possibilidade: We can go to the movies.
(Podemos ir ao cinema.)
Could poderia; expressa permissão, Permissão: Could I talk to the director? (Eu
podia; habilidade e possibilidade poderia falar com o diretor?)
conseguia Habilidade: She could already sing when
she was four. (Ela já conseguia cantar
quando tinha quatro anos.)
Possibilidade: Jane could have been a
doctor. (Jane poderia ter sido médica.)

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Should deveria expressa conselho, Conselho: You should listen to your

recomendação, sugestão mother. (Você deveria ouvir sua mãe.)
Recomendação: He should wear a suit to
the conference. (Ele deveria usar terno na
Sugestão: He should tell her he isn't
going. (Ele deveria avisá-la que não vai.)
Would gostaria expressa pedido, desejo Pedido: Would you help me do my
homework? (Você poderia me ajudar a
fazer meu trabalho de casa?)
Desejo: I would like to have a pizza.(Eu
gostaria de comer uma pizza.)
May pode; expressa pedido, Pedido: Mom, may I go to the party with my
poderia possibilidade, permissão friends? (Mãe, posso ir à festa com meus
Possibilidade: It may rain tomorrow.(Pode
chover amanhã.)
Permissão: May I drink some
water?(Posso beber água?)
Might pode; expressa possibilidade Possibilidade: It might be sunny on the
poderia weekend. (Deve estar sol no fim de semana.)
Must deve expressa obrigação, Obrigação: You must pay your bills.(Você
proibição ou dedução deve pagar suas contas.)
Proibição: You must not tell it to anyone.
(Você não deve contar isso a ninguém.)
Dedução: Laura must be sick. She didn't
come to school today. (Laura deve estar
doente. Ela não veio para a escola hoje.)
Shall deve expressa convite, Convite/sugestão: Shall we travel to
sugestão, ação futura Miami? (Vamos viajar para Miami?)
(inglês britânico; usado Ação futura: I shall be there at 8.(Estarei lá
com I e we) às 8h.)
Will será expressa ação futura Ação futura: They will get married next
year. (Eles se casarão no ano que vem)
Ought precisa, expressa conselho Conselho: You ought to call the police.(Você
to deveria deveria/precisa ligar para a polícia.)

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patriarch - patriarchs
stomach - stomachs
Plurals 1.2. -s:
Plural dos Substantivos - Plural of Nouns
bus - buses
1.3. -ss:
À semelhança do Português, a maioria dos substantivos class - classes
tem seu plural formado a partir do acréscimo de"s" ao glass - glasses
seu singular:
1.4. -sh:
brush -brushes
crash - crashes
book - books
cat - cats 1.5. -x:
computer - computers box - boxes
fox - foxes

Exceções? Não poderia deixar de haver! E se 1.6. -z:

pensarmos nos nossos substantivos em Português, topaz - topazes
veremos que também existem exceções na formação de
Exceção: A maioria dos substantivos
seu plural, o que chamamos de plurais irregulares:
terminados em somente um z, no entanto, tem plural
rim - rins em -zzes. Exemplo: quiz - quizzes
anel - anéis
1.7. -o:
barril - barris
echo - echoes
cachecol - cachecóis
superhero - superheroes
A seguir, apresentamos uma relação desses casos potato - potatoes
especiais de formação do plural em Inglês:
Exceções: Nas formas reduzidas e nos vocábulos de
origem estrangeira terminados em o, porém,
acresecenta-se apenas s:
one dress - a rack of dresses
avocado - avocados
one buzz - many buzzes of many bees
cello - cellos
-ch: commando - commandos
church - churches dynamo - dynamos

match - matches Eskimo - Eskimos

watch - watches ghetto - ghettos

kilo - kilos
Exceções: Substantivos que terminam em ch com som
libretto - librettos
de /K/: acrescenta-se apenas s
conch - conchs magneto - magnetos

monarch - monarchs photo - photos

piano - pianos

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portfolio - portfolios Observação: as formas scarves, hooves e wharves são

radio - radios mais utilizadas.
solo - solos
- Os demais substantivos terminados em -f ou -
soprano - sopranos
fe seguem a regra geral de acréscimo do -s:
studio - studios
tango - tangos belief - beliefs
video - videos brief - briefs
cliff - cliffs
chief - chiefs
- As palavras a seguir podem ter o plural em -s ou -es; - cuff - cuffs
es é mais comum: grief - griefs
handkerchief - handkerchiefs
buffalo roof - roofs
gulf - gulfs
mosquito mosquito(e)s safe - safes

tornado tornado(e)s proof - proofs

cuff - cuffs
volcano volcano(e)s reef - reefs

Substantivos terminados em y

boy - boys
day - days
donkey - donkeys
Exceção: o plural da palavra soliloquy não segue essa
regra, ficando soliloquies.

baby (bebê) - babies

body (corpo) - bodies

city (cidade) - cities

half - halves
leaf - leaves
life - lives - Alguns substantivos terminados em -f ou -
fe podem seguir a regra geral (acréscimo de -s ao final
da forma singular) ou trocar o -f/-fe por -ves:

scarf - scarfs/scarves
dwarf - dwarfs/dwarves

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Comparative adjectives
Os comparatives comparam uma pessoa com a outra, um lugar com o outro, uma experiência com a outra e assim por

diante. É como no português: usamos essas comparações para expressar quem ou o que, é ou tem mais (ou menos)

disso ou daquilo.


I’m taller than my friend Mary [Eu sou mais alta que a minha amiga Mary]

Big cars are more expensive than small cars [Carros grandes são mais caros que carros pequenos]

This cake tastes better than the cake we ate yesterday [Esse bolo tem sabor melhor que o bolo que a gente comeu


Superlative adjectives

Adjetivos superlativos são aqueles que dizem que alguém ou algo é o mais alto do grupo, a menor da classe, o melhor

entre todos os restaurantes e assim por diante. Ou seja, é aquele que tem a maior ou menor quantidade de uma

qualidade, entre todos de um determinado grupo.


Jack is the tallest one in the family [O Jack é o mais alto da família]

This car is the most expensive one we have [Esse carro é o mais caro que a gente tem]

This is the best cake in the shop [Esse é o melhor bolo na loja]

Repare que os superlativos não comparam uma pessoa a outra, mas sim uma pessoa (ou alguma coisa) a um grupo.

Uma observação: quando estamos falando apenas de duas pessoas, a forma comparativa (e não superlativa) é a

gramaticalmente mais correta.

Exemplo: I have two brothers, Mike and Andrew. Mike is the younger.

No exemplo acima, eu não usei o superlativo (the youngest) para dizer que Mike é o mais novo dos dois. Eu usei o

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comparativo (younger).

No entanto, em linguagem informal, é aceitável e comum usar o superlativo nesse caso – quando estamos dizendo qual

das duas pessoas, ou das duas coisas, é a mais nova, mais alta, mais cara, etc.


I baked a carrot cake and a chocolate cake. They are both sweet, but the chocolate cake is the sweetest. [Eu fiz bolo de

cenoura e bolo de chocolate. Ambos são doces, mas o bolo de chocolate é o mais doce]


Os Advérbios são palavras que modificam um verbo, um adjetivo ou um outro advérbio.Em inglês, classificam-se, de
maneira geral, em seis categorias:

1. Frequency (advérbios de freqüência): Estes vêm antes dos verbos comuns e são colocados depois dos verbos
auxiliares em uma frase.São eles, entre outros:

always- sempre
never- nunca
sometimes – às vezes
often – freqüentemente
seldom – raramente
once – uma vez
twice – duas vezes

2. Manner (advérbios de modo): derivam de adjetivos e geralmente terminam por ly:

slowly- vagarosamente
quicly- rapidamente
carefully- cuidadosamente
fluently- fluentemente
patiently- pacientemente
kindly- gentilmente
really- realmente
hardly- mal
well- bem.

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3. Time (advérbios de tempo):

now- agora
still- ainda
soon- logo
early- cedo
tomorrow- amanhã
yesterday- ontem
tonight- esta noite
last month- no mês passado
next week- na próxima semana
on Saturday- no sábado

4. Place (advérbios de lugar):

here- aqui
there- lá
everywhere- em todo lugar
above- acima
around- ao redor de
beside- ao lado de
upstairs- no andar de cima
downstairs – no andar de baixo

5. Degree or Intensity (advérbios de intensidade):

very- muito
too- demais
almost- quase
more- mais

6. Doubt ( advérbios de dúvida):

maybe/perhaps- talvez
probably- provavelmente
possibly- possivelmente


Preposition of Time / Preposição de tempo

Preposition Use Example
Preposição Uso Exemplo
On Days of the week On Saturday.
Dias da semana No sábado.
In Months In August.
Meses Em agosto.
Time of day In Winter.
Horas do dia No inverno.
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Year In 2012.
Ano Em 2012.
At Exactly time: at night, for a weekend, certain specific time. At night
Tempo exato: à noite, no final de semana, algum tempo específico. À noite.
At twilight
No crepúsculo.
At nine.
Às nove.
Since From a certain point of time (past till now). Since 1986.
Em um certo tempo (do passado até agora). Desde 1986.
Não pare agora... Tem mais depois da publicidade ;) Since we were born.
Desde que nós nascemos.
For Over a certain period of time (past till now). For 5 years.
Depois de algum período do tempo (do passado até agora). Por 5 anos.
For a long time.
Por muito tempo.
Ago A certain time in the past. 10 years ago.
Um certo tempo no passado. 10 anos atrás.

Before Earlier than a certain point of time. Before you were born.
Antes de algum tempo no passado. Antes de você nascer.
Before that.
Antes disso.

Preposition of place / Preposição de lugar

Preposition Use Example
Preposição Uso Exemplo
On Being on a surface On the left.
Estar em uma superfície Á direita
For a certain side The bookshelf is on the wall.
Para algum lado (direita ou esquerda) A prateleira está na parede.
For a floor in a house The ruyg is on the floor.
Para o piso da casa. O tapete está no chão.
The mobile phone is on the
O celular está na mesa.
In Room, building, street, town, country I'm in the living room.
Quarto, prédio, rua, cidade, país. Estou na sala de estar.
Book, paper. He's in Paris.
Livro, papel. Ele está em Paris.
Car, taxi. That quote I love is in the book.
Carro, táxi. Aquela citação que eu gosto está
Picture, world. no livro.
Fotos, quadros, mundo.
At Next to, by an object. At the door.
Perto de algum objeto. Na porta.
For table. At the table.
Para mesa. Na mesa.
For events. At the cinema.
Para eventos. No cinema
At the party.
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Na festa.
By, next to, Left or right of somebody or something. Direita ou She is next to, by/ beside your
beside esquerda, ou alguém, ou algo. house.
Ela está próxima da sua casa.
Under On the ground, lower than (or covered by) My backpack is under the table.
something eles. Minha mochila está debaixo da
Debaixo, mais baixo que algo, coberto por algo. mesa.
Below Lower than something else but above ground. Look at the examples below.
Abaixo de algo, mas acima do chão. Veja os exemplos abaixo.
Above Higher than something else, but not directly over I know there are more than we
it. can see above us.
Mais alto que algo, mas não diretamente em cima. Eu sei que há algo mais do que
podemos ver sobre nós.

Tipo de oração condicional Uso Tempo verbal Tempo verbal
da oração "if" da oração

Tipo 0 Fatos gerais Simple present Simple present

(if + present simple, ... present simple)

If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

Tipo 1 Uma condição Simple present Simple future

possível e seu
(if + present simple, ... will + infinitive) resultado provável
If it rains tomorrow, we'll go to the cinema.

Tipo 2 Uma condição Simple past Present

hipotética e seu conditional ou
(if + past simple, ... would + infinitive) resultado provável Present
If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world. continuous

Tipo 3 Uma condição irreal Past perfect Perfect

no passado e seu conditional
(if + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle) resultado provável no
If I had gone to bed early, I would have caught the passado

Mista Uma condição irreal Past perfect Present

no passado e seu
resultado provável no
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presente conditional

Passive voice
Tempo na voz Voz passiva Exemplos

Presente simples are/ is + particípio Voz ativa: Bob writes letters. (Bob escreve cartas).

Voz Passiva: Letters are written by Bob. (Cartas são escritas

por Bob).

Presente contínuo is/are + being + verbo no Voz ativa: Bob is writing a letter. (Bob está escrevendo uma
particípio carta).

Voz passiva: A letter is being written by Bob. (Uma carta está

sendo escrita por Bob).

Passado simples was/were + verbo no particípio Voz ativa: Bob wrote a letter. (Bob escreveu uma carta).

Não pare agora... Tem mais depois da publicidade ;)

Voz passiva: A letter was written by Bob. (Uma carta foi escrita
por Bob).

Passado contínuo was/were + being + verbo no Voz ativa: Bob was writing a letter. (Bob estava escrevendo
particípio uma carta).

Voz passiva: A letter was being written by Bob. (Uma carta

estava sendo escrita por Bob).

Futuro simples will be + verbo no particípio Voz ativa: Bob will write a letter. (Bob escreverá uma carta).

Voz passiva: A letter will be written by Bob. (Uma carta será

escrita por Bob).

Presente perfeito has/have + been + verbo no Voz ativa: Bob has written letters. (Bob tem escrito cartas).
Voz passiva: Letters have been written by Bob. (Cartas têm
sido escritas por Bob).

Passado Perfeito had been + verbo no particípio Voz ativa: Bob had written letters. (Bob tinha escrito cartas).

Voz passiva: Letters had been written by Bob. (Cartas tinham

sido escritas por Bob).

Futuro com o am/is/are + going to be + verbo Voz ativa: Bob is going to write a letter. (Bob escreverá uma
“going to” no particípio carta).

Voz passiva: A letter is going to be written by Bob. (Uma carta

será escrita por Bob).

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Indirect speech
Direct speech Indirect speech/Reported speech

She said, “I am sad today.” (Ela disse “eu estou She said that she was sad that day. (Ela disse que estava
triste hoje.”) triste naquele dia.)

She said, “I listened to music yesterday.” (Ela She said that she had listened to music the day before. (Ela
disse “eu ouvi música ontem.”) disse que tinha ouvido música no dia anterior.)

She said, “I will travel tomorrow.” (Ela disse “eu She said that she would travel the next day. (Ela disse que
vou viajar amanhã.”) iria viajar no dia seguinte.)

She said, “I am going out now.” (Ela disse “eu She said that she was going out then. (Ela disse que estava
estou saindo agora.”) saindo em seguida.)

She said, “I was sleeping an hour ago.” (Ela She said that she had been sleeping an hour before. (Ela
disse “eu estava dormindo uma hora atrás.”) disse que tinha estado dormindo uma hora antes.)

She said, “I have studied here.” (Ela disse “eu She said that she had studied there. (Ela disse que tinha
tenho estudado aqui.”) estudado lá.)

She said, “I can do this.” (Ela disse “eu posso She said that she could do that. (Ela disse que poderia fazer
fazer isso.”) aquilo.)

She said, “I must work.” (Ela disse “eu tenho She said that she had to work. (Ela disse que tinha que
que trabalhar.”) trabalhar.)

Important conjunctions/connectors
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Gerund and infinitive

When to use the infinitive

The infinitive form is used after certain verbs:

- forget, help, learn, teach, train
- choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like
- agree, encourage, pretend, promise
- allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean, refuse

 I forgot to close the window.

 Mary needs to leave early.
 Why are they encouraged to learn English?
 We can't afford to take a long holiday.

The infinitive form is always used after adjectives, for example:

- disappointed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sad, surprised

 I was happy to help them.

 She will be delighted to see you.

This includes too + adjective:

 The water was too cold to swim in.

 Is your coffee too hot to drink?

The infinitive form is used after adjective + enough:

 He was strong enough to lift it.

 She is rich enough to buy two.

When to use -ing

The -ing form is used when the word is the subject of a sentence or clause:

 Swimming is good exercise.

 Doctors say that smoking is bad for you.

The -ing form is used after a preposition:

 I look forward to meeting you.

 They left without saying "Goodbye."

The -ing form is used after certain verbs:

- avoid, dislike, enjoy, finish, give up, mind/not mind, practise

 I dislike getting up early.

 Would you mind opening the window?

I like to play tennis.

 I like playing tennis.

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Common prepositional verbs

Verb + for
The preposition for can be used with a number of verbs, often to emphasize purpose or reason. For example:
Verb + for Example Sentences
apologize for “Brittany never apologizes for her behavior.”
ask for “The student asked for a pencil.”
beg for “The man begged for a second chance.”
care for “I don’t care for salads.”
fight for “Many generations of people have fought for freedom."
hope for “The family is hoping for a miracle.”
long for “The man longed for the days of his youth.”
pay for “Who’s going to pay for these tickets?”
provide for “Parents are expected to provide for their children.”
search for “Did you search for the missing piece yet?”
wait for “I’m waiting for the bus.”
wish for “Some people wish for nothing but fame.”
work for “She works for the government.”

Verb + to
To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or
things. For example:
Verb + to Example Sentences
adjust to “You’ll adjust to your new school in no time.”
admit to “He admitted to reading her diary.”
belong to “The wallet belongs to that woman over there.”
travel to “I am traveling to England tomorrow.”
listen to “Grace is listening to music in her room.”
go to “Anthony, please go to the back of the classroom.”
relate to “I can’t relate to this character at all.”
respond to “Josh responded to his friend’s email.”
talk to “He talked to the manager for more than an hour.”
turn to “Turn to page 46 for a diagram of the procedure.”

Verb + about
Many verbs take the preposition about when referring to things, events, or gerunds. For example:
Verb + about Example Sentences
ask about “I asked about the company’s job opening.”
care about “She doesn’t seem to care about going to college.”
complain about “The boy complained about his early curfew.”
forget about “I forgot about the wedding reception.”
hear about “Did you hear about the renovation project?”
joke about “Kim often jokes about her high-pitched voice.”
know about “What do you know about physics?”
laugh about “The friends laughed about their terrible luck.”
learn about “Michelle is learning about film production.”
talk about “What are you talking about?”
think about “We’ll need to think about hiring some more staff.”
worry about “So many adults worry about getting older.”
write about “Dean wrote about his day in his journal.”
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Verb + with
Verbs using the preposition with usually point to connections and relationships between people or things. For example:
Verb + with Example Sentences
agree with “I don’t agree with his opinions.”
argue with “The two argued with each other for several minutes.”
begin with, start with “Let’s begin with a short quiz.”
“I shouldn’t have started with a salad.”
collide with “It is possible, albeit unlikely, for an asteroid to collide with Earth.”
compare with “How does the restaurant’s soup compare with Vera’s?”
compete with “When I run races, I only compete with the clock.”
cope with “It’s not easy to cope with failure.”
disagree with “She disagrees with my suggestion.”
interfere with “Be careful not to interfere with the conference upstairs.”
meet with “When will you meet with her?”

Verb + of
The preposition of can be used with a variety of verbs. For example:
Verb + of Example Sentences
approve of “Ellen doesn’t approve of her sister’s friends.”
consist of “Pizza consists of bread, cheese, and tomato sauce.”
dream of “I dream of visiting Europe.”
hear of “Have you heard of this new TV show?”
take care of “Who will take care of your goldfish while you’re away?”
think of “If you only think of failure, you’ll never take any risks.”

Verb + in
The preposition in accompanies several verbs and tends to point to involvement or connections between people or things.
For example:
Verb + in Example Sentences
believe in “The majority of children believe in Santa Claus.”
engage in “Maurice likes to engage in political debates.”
invest in “Now is the time to invest in as many companies as possible.”
live in “Haley lives in Seattle.”
participate in “What sports did you participate in as a kid?”
result in “The hotel’s failure to exterminate the bed bugs resulted in fewer customers.”
specialize in “English majors can choose to specialize in creative writing or literature.”
succeed in “Steven succeeded in earning a scholarship.”

Verb + at
At is commonly used with verbs to indicate places, skills, and reactions. For example:
Verb + at Example Sentences
arrive at “We arrived at the hotel in the morning.”
balk at “Melissa balked at taking out the garbage.”
excel at “My five-year-old niece already excels at math and science.”
laugh at “The boy couldn’t stop laughing at Isabella’s joke.”
look at “Look at the whiteboard, please.”
nod at “She nodded at her coworkers.”
shout at “He could hear someone shouting at the TV.”
smile at “My son smiles at me every time I walk through the door.”
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stare at “It’s uncomfortable when people stare at you.”

Verb + on
The preposition on is used with a number of different verbs. For example:
Verb + on Example Sentences
agree on “The committee finally agreed on a solution.”
bet on “I wouldn’t bet on that happening.”
comment on “The lawyer briefly commented on the lawsuit.”
concentrate on, focus on “He’s trying to concentrate on his work.”
“I'm too tired to focus on this assignment.”
decide on “He eventually decided on a career path.”
depend on, rely on “You can’t depend on him forever.”
“Too many students rely on the Internet to conduct research.”
elaborate on “This paragraph elaborates on the previous one’s claims.”
experiment on “The company offered assurances that it does not experiment on animals.”
insist on “She insisted on joining us.”
operate on “Aspiring surgeons learn how to operate on people.”
plan on “Do you plan on attending the concert tomorrow?”

Verb + from
The preposition from is commonly used with verbs to identify a point of origin or a connection or disconnection between
people or things. For example:
Verb + from Example Sentences
benefit from “Aspiring musicians benefit from getting public exposure for their music.”
come from “Saya comes from Japan.”
differ from “How does milk chocolate differ from white chocolate?”
escape from “The prisoners escaped from their captors.”
recover from “The girl recovered from her illness.”
refrain from “Could you please refrain from shouting?”
resign from “The CEO resigned from her position after 25 years with the company.”
retire from “He retired from his job last year.”
suffer from “Many people suffer from social anxiety.”

Common Phrasal verbs

Phrasal Verb Meaning

Back away! move backwards, away from something frightening or dangerous
Back off! (slang – rude) stop bothering or threatening someone
Back up! move backwards; step backwards; drive backwards
Bear down! push or press down hard
Bend down! lean over and forward; lean down
Bend over! lean forward from the waist
Breathe in! take a breath in; take air into the lungs
Breathe out! take a breath out; push air out of the lungs
Brighten up! be cheerful; be happier
Buckle down! start working, studying, or doing something else seriously

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Buddy up! find a partner

Bugger off! (slang – rude) Go away!
Butt out! (slang – rude) don’t interfere
Buzz off! (slang – rude) Go away!
Calm down! relax, don’t be angry, don’t be upset, don’t be worried
Carry on! keep doing what you were doing
Cheer up! be happier; don’t be sad
Chill out! relax; don’t be upset or angry
Clean up! clean yourself or your surroundings
Close down! close a shop or business so it is not operating
Come back! return to where you were
move down off something high
Come down!
come south
(encouraging someone) do what I am telling you to do
Come on! (not believing someone) I don’t believe you
(rushing someone) move faster
Come in! enter a closed space
Come out! leave a closed space
Come over! come to my house; come to where I am
Come up! move to a higher place
Cool down! Relax; don’t be upset or angry
Cover up! put on more clothes
Double up! form pairs because space or resources are limited
Dream on! (slang) I don’t think what you have just said will happen
Drink up! finish your drink
Eat up! finish your food
Fess up! (slang) confess / admit what you did; tell the truth about what you did
Finish up! finish what you have been doing
Fuck off! (slang – very, very rude) Go away!
Gather around! make a group and come together in one place
Gear up! get ready to do something
Get away! move away; run away; escape
Get down! come down from a high place
Get in! go inside something, like a car or bus
Get off! go out of something, like a bus or train
Get on! climb on board something moving or about to start moving, like a train
Get out! (slang – rude) Leave this place! (used when angry at someone)
Get up! become awake; don’t sleep
stop doing what you’re doing
Give up!
give yourself to the police or authorities
Go around! move to where you need to go by passing some obstacle instead of going straight
Go away! leave the place where you are
Go back! return to where you were
Go on! continue what you were saying
Grow up! behave in a mature way; don’t act like a child
Hang on!
hold tight
Hang up! end the phone call
Hold on! waithold this tight or you might fall
Hurry up! do whatever you are doing quickly, whether it’s physical or mental
Keep away! stay away; do not go near
Keep out! stay outside; do not enter
Lace up! tie your shoelaces; put on your shoes

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Lay off! (slang – rude) stop doing something that bothers someone
Lie down! put your body in a horizontal position; relax on a bed or sofa
Lighten up! cheer up; don’t be so serious or worried
Line up! make or form a line
Listen up! listen carefully
Loosen up! (slang) relax; don’t be so stressed
Move along! keep moving; don’t stop in this spot
Move back! move to a place in the back
Move forward! move to a place in the front
Move on! continue your life; go on with your life
Open up! Open the door!
Perk up! cheer up; don’t be sad
Press on! keep doing what you need to do; don’t give up
Pull back! move backward
Quiet down! stop being noisy
Queue up! Make or form a line
Saddle up! Get ready to ride a horse by putting the saddle on the horse
Scoot over! (slang) move to make space for someone else
Stand up! stand
Shut up! (slang – rude) be quiet; stop talking
Sit down! sit; be seated
Sit up! sit straight in your chair, bed, etc.
Smarten up! become more intelligent and aware of what’s happening around you
Speak up! talk louder
Speed up! move faster
Stand up! stand
Stay away! don’t go near
Straighten up! stand straight; do not bend
Stretch out! lie down comfortably
Sum up! summarize
Take off! leave fast
Tidy up! clean the place; put things in the right places
Turn back! go backwards
Turn over! move your body so that the other side faces up
Wait up! wait for me to catch up with you
Wake up! don’t sleep anymore; become awake
Walk away! leave a difficult situation
leave a situation because you do not approve of something
Walk out!
leave someone (leave a relationship)
Watch out! be very careful
Work away! continue working
Write back! reply to a letter or email

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Common false friends

English Portuguese Meaning in English False Friend in

Portuguese Portuguese

amass amassar to crush amass = acumular

application aplicação financial investment application = aplicativo

assist assistir to watch to assist = ajudar

assume assumir to take over to assume = presumir

balcony balcão counter (in a bar) balcony = terraço

collar colar necklace, to glue collar = gola, colarinho

dent dente tooth dent = amassado, batida

editor editor publisher editor = redator

fabric fábrica factory fabric = tecido

grip gripe the flu to grip = agarrar

injury injúria insult injury = ferida

jar jarra jug jar = pote

library livraria bookshop library = biblioteca

notice notícia news to notice = perceber

parents parentes relatives parents = pais

pasta pasta folder pasta = massa, macarrão

pretend pretender to intend pretend = fingir

pull pular to jump pull = puxar

push puxar to pull push = empurrar

support suportar to withstand support = apoiar

tax taxa fee tax = imposto


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