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Liceul de Arta, Oradea

Disciplina: limba engleza

Profesor: Mihaela Gaie
Clasa/nr. ore pe sapt.: a VI-a - 2 ore/sapt.
Manualul: English Factfile
Planificare calendaristică
Anul şcolar 2012-2013

Nr. Unităţi de învăţare O.R. Conţinuturi Nr.ore Săptămâna Observaţii

1. Revision 2 1
2. Diarires 1.2 Vocabulary: Adjs. Describing holidays, Family
1.Holiday Snaps 1.3 relationships; Days of the week (recycling), Holiday
2.Dear Diary 2.2 activities 6 2-4
3.Thos Book Belongs to... 3.1 Structure: Simple Past; Question-tags(recycling);
4.Lucky Colours 4.1 because vs. So
5. Charlie And the Chocolate Factory 1 Function:Asking, talking & describing past
activiries and events, Giving pregerences and
reasons, Asking for information & confirmationn,
Contradicting, Expressing reasons & results, zodiac
3. Once Upon A Time 1.1 Vocabulary:Physical description, Clothes, Everyday 6 5-7
1.Welcome to Story Land 2.1 actions- recycling
2.Aquarius-One Last Chance 2.2 Structure: Simple Present – to be, to
3.Riddles And Jokes 3.2 have( recycling), Past Continuous, Simple Past vs
4.Writing a Stry 5.1 Past Continuous(interrupted past), Connectors: first,
5. Carlie and the Chocolate Factory 2 after that, next finally
Function: Describing appearance, Expressing likes
& dislikes, Narrating past events, Expressing
interrupted past actions, Narrating, Asking &
answering ab, past events, Children’s classics
4. Health 1.2 Vocabulary:Illnesses, Food(recycling) 6 8-10
1.What’s the Matter? 2.3 Structure:Have got + illnesses, Should (advice), Had
2.A Day’s Wait 3.2 better (advice(, Will (prediction)
3.An Apple A Day 3.4 Function: Asking ab. health, Giving advice, Healthy
4.Healthy Minnd in a Healthy Body 4.1 habits
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3
5. The Green Planet 1.1 Vocabulary: Words referring to Ecology, Animals 6 11-13
1.Galactic Travellers 2.1 (recycling)
2.Peace and Harmony in Our Galaxy 3.1 Structure: Present Perfect Simple (present result),
3.Save the Dolphins 4.1 Present Perfect Simple + yet/already, Positive &
4.Animals in Danger 4.3 negative imperatives (+/- always/never)
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 4 Function: Talking ab, a present result of a past
action, Expressing achievement/lack of
achievement, Giving & accepting warnnings
6. Round Up I 2 14
7. Books and Libraries 1.2 Vocabulary: Parts of a book, Types of books, Adjs. 6 15-17
1.The Books Around Us 1.3 describing books
2.The Library- A Magic Place 2.4 Structure: Present Perfect Simple ( general
3.Bookworms 3.1 experience), +/- ever/never, Present Perfect Simple
4.Books We Enjoy 4.2 vs. Simple Past
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Function: Expressing likes & dislikes ab. books,
Expressing opinions ab. books, Asking for &
expressing opinions, Talking ab. general experience,
Asking & answering ab. general and specific past
time. Making a book report
8. Customs and Traditions 1.2 Vocabulary: Dates, Ordinal numbers, Food & 6 18-20
1.Halloween 2.1 drinks, Time expressins – recycling
2.Halloween Party 3.3 Structure: Simple Present & Simple Past
3.New Year Resolutions 4.1 (recycling), a few// a little + countable/uncountable
4.Our Calendar 5.1 nouns, Would you like...?- offering-( recycling),
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 6 Present Perfect Simple + for/since, Will/won’t
(resolutions, promises)
Function:Talking ab. celebrations, Giving
innstructions, Making & accepting/refusing offers,
Talking ab, unfinished actions, Makinng promises
9. Household Items 1.1 Vocabulary: Household equipment, Housework, 9 21-23
1.Useful Things 2.1 Food & drink- recycling -, Actions to make
2.It’s Handy 3.2 machinery work, Signs of faulty equipment
3.It Doesn’t Work 4.1 Structure: It’s for + -ing, Let me... + offers, Shall
4.Inventions in Our Home 5.2 I ... + offers, Connectors ( recycling), Present
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 7 Perfect Continuous + since & for
Function: Describing shape, size & colour, Saying
what things are for, Explaining how things work,
Offering & accepting/refusing help, Complaining,
Explaining how long an action has been going on
10. Round Up II 2 24
11. People and Places 1.1 Vocabulary:Countries & nationalities, Adjs – 6 25-27
1.People in the World 2.1 English, Scotish..., Jobs, Monuments around the
2.Spotlight On the U.K. 3.2 world
3.Talking Abbout People 4.1 Structure: Simple Present – recycling-, Relative
4.Around the Worls 5.2 pronouns:who, which, that
5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 8 Function:Describing countries and their people,
places & jobs, Asking for & giving personal
12. Communications 1.2 Vocabulary: Numbers, Letters of the alphabet 6 28-30
1.Talking and Telephoning 2.2 (recycling), Means of communication, TV &radio
2.TV and Radio 3.1 programmes, Adjs. describing weather, food, places,
3.Postcards and Letters 4.1 people
4.Codes 5.1 Structure:So/neither + am/can/have I, I’d rather &
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 9 I’d prefer to, So/neither + do, Verbs + two
objects( give +/- to)
Function: Guessing meaning, Expressing
agreement, Expressing preferences, Describing
weather, food, places and people, codes and
13. Cities Of the World 1.2 Vocabulary: Words describing places, Geographical 6 31-33
1.It’s a Small World 2.2 location and terms
2.Cambridge and Los Angeles 2.3 Structure: Prepositions + geographical location,
3.A Visit in London 3.3 Points of the compass, The definite articles + places,
4.The City of My Dreams 5.2 Conditionals (type I)
5.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 10
14. Round Up III 3 34-35
15. Final Revision 3 35-36

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