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M.B.A. (C.B.C.S.

and Old Pattern) Sem-III

PCB3C02 / MBA232 - Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
P. Pages : 1 GUG/W/19/10691
Time : Three Hours *2602* Max. Marks : 70
Notes : 1. Attempt any five questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the significance of Ethic's in business. 14

2. Critically Examine the ethical theories. 14

3. Give a brief account of Deceptive Marketing practices in Indian business. 14

4. Explain the Recommendation of Malhotra committee report on corporate governance? 14

5. What is corporate Social Responsibility? Why should corporate be socially responsible? 14

6. Define code of conduct? Explain the benefits of a good code of conduct? 14

7. Explain the responsibility of business towards employee's & share holder's. 14

8. Explain the important provisions SEBI'S clause 49 of listing agreement? 14

9. Discuss the need for corporate governance in Banking & financial institutions? 14

10. Write short notes any two. 14

a) Values & Ethics teaching from Holy Geeta.

b) Insider Trading.

c) Whistle blowing and its codes.

d) Beyond the 4 P's.


GUG/W/19/10691 1 P.T.O

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