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Emmanuel Samudio

Quiz #1

Answer the following questions:

1. Write the definition of the following terms.

Culture: It’s the set of ideas, beliefs, values, and characteristics that define a society.
Acculturation: It’s when a person joins a new culture.
Believes: They are the convictions of a person and what defines them.
Values: They are the set of beliefs that define the behavior of a person.
Norms: They are like rules that we follow in society.
Attitudes: The way you act or think about something or someone in different kinds of

2. Discuss the following quote “Culture is a set of lenses through which we see
the world.”
This suggests that culture is the link that connects us with the world and how through
it we can know and understand it in different ways since each culture is different.

3. How can you explain the claim that culture and language are inseparable?
Language and culture are inseparable because both are linked. Without language,
culture could not be transmitted from generation to generation, and without the
influence of culture, language would not evolve, since culture influences the
language, giving it new uses through the generations.

4. What values and attitudes from your own culture do you consider most
important to teach students? why?
I believe that respect and a positive attitude should be taught to students from an
early age, since respect is something of the utmost importance in society and it is
something that everyone has to take into account throughout their lives, in addition, it
is very important to teach students to have a positive attitude since life is not easy so
when these children grow up they will go through both good and bad times and in
those bad times is when they will have to show a positive attitude if they want to go
out of their problems in the most correct way

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