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Front Office Department plays a vital role in a

hotel, and it is the face of a hotel or hospitality
establishment. It is the first and the last
department where a guest interacts. A
seminar can help you with a variety of things,
such as enhancing your communication
abilities, learning from subject matter experts,
making new connections.

Last March 8, 2023 we attended a seminar entitled Current trends in front office operations.
The seminar held in Cagayan State University Andrews Campus. With the very aspiring guest
speaker Ms. Contesa Victoria M. Catuan which give us to inspire of all 3rd year BSHM student
sharing her experience in working at front office department as a supervisor. I would say that
the front office is the most important department in the hotel, it is like the face of the hotel,
and this department is facing directly to the guests. Ms. Contessa explain the important of
being in the front office department, one of she discuss is In our industry which our impression
to our guest is very important. Just “show simple smile, be friendly and approachable with
them it will give a good impact and also it encourage the guest to comeback again in our
establishment . another one is the passion for service, a passion means having a passion for
something and having a strong interest in it and like it very much. She discuss on how
communication skills and personal appearance are important and influencing factors. Also a
person should be confident, warm, polite, patient and sincere to deal with the queries of guests
at the Front Office.

Overall, I have learned that there are so many more personal details which front officer should
know to reserve. I have learned that which information I should know and ask to guest. I have
also learned that front office has to always be aware of their customers and have good attitude
and grooming, because attitude and grooming can be seen as a entire of hotel service and
image of hotel. I have learned from Ms. Contessa that treat all your team members with the
highest respect and honesty. Put their needs first. When employees feel heard, respected and
appreciated that’s when they become loyal.

Mary Jane E. Corres BSHM 3B

Mary Jane E. Corres BSHM 3B

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