Aditya Chola I,-WPS Office

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Aditya Chola I, also known as Aditya I, was a ruler of the Chola Empire, one of the most

powerful and influential empires in South India. He is considered to be one of the greatest
kings of the Chola dynasty, which flourished during the medieval period in South India. Aditya
Chola I ruled from 871 CE to 907 CE, and his reign was marked by significant military
conquests, administrative reforms, and cultural achievements.

Aditya Chola I was the son of Vijayalaya Chola, the founder of the Chola dynasty, and he
succeeded his father to the throne in 871 CE. One of his first acts as king was to suppress a
rebellion in the Pandya kingdom, which had long been a thorn in the side of the Cholas. Aditya
Chola I's victory over the Pandyas consolidated his control over the southern part of the Indian
peninsula, and set the stage for further expansion.

During his reign, Aditya Chola I undertook several military campaigns, which extended the
Chola empire's reach to new territories. He conquered the Pallava kingdom, which had long
been a rival of the Cholas, and annexed the territory of Tondaimandalam. He also invaded Sri
Lanka and established Chola suzerainty over the island. His campaigns in the north brought
the Cholas into conflict with the Rashtrakutas, one of the dominant powers of the Deccan, and
Aditya Chola I defeated them in battle, establishing Chola supremacy in the region.

Aditya Chola I was not only a great military conqueror but also a wise and able administrator.
He reorganized the administration of the empire, dividing it into mandalams, nadus, and
villages, and appointing officials to oversee each level of administration. He also introduced a
new system of land revenue collection, which was more efficient and equitable than the
previous system. His administrative reforms helped to strengthen the Chola state and ensure
its continued prosperity.

Aditya Chola I was also a patron of the arts and literature, and his court was renowned for its
cultural achievements. He himself was a poet and musician, and his compositions in the Tamil
language are still revered today. He encouraged the development of Tamil literature and
supported poets and scholars at his court. His patronage of the arts helped to foster a vibrant
cultural scene in the Chola empire, which continued to flourish long after his reign.

Aditya Chola I died in 907 CE, and was succeeded by his son Parantaka Chola I. His reign
marked a high point in the history of the Chola empire, which continued to be a major power in
South India for several centuries. His military conquests, administrative reforms, and cultural
achievements laid the foundations for the later greatness of the Cholas, and he is remembered
as one of the greatest kings of the dynasty.

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