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Biker Boy 73,635 26.00%

Get praised by Jessie at the end of the motorcycle mini-game. ACHIEVERS UNCOMMON

Final Fantasy VII Remake Trophy Guide 734,826 719

Written by mrrj46 and Vanqishd • Published 10th April 2020 • Updated 19th June 2022 174 RATINGS VIEWS FAVORITES

At the beginning of Chapter 4, there will be a motorcycle mini-game. The requirement to get praised by Jessie is to have about 75% of your HP
remaining when &nishing the mini-game. It does not matter whether you do a lot of ramp jumps or none.

This trophy is very easy to get in Easy di/culty, as enemies will barely deal any damage. If your &rst playthrough is on Normal and you don't
manage to get it, don't worry, as you can do it later on again through Chapter Select.

Below is a guide for reference from someone that also dodges Roche's skill, so it's useful to watch it just in case.

Biker Boy Video Guide


Credit to HorizoN for the video.


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