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What is the internet?

The internet is the wider network that allows computer networks around the world run by
companies, governments, universities and other organisations to talk to one another. The
result is a mass of cables, computers, data centres, routers, servers, repeaters, satellites
and wifi towers that allows digital information to travel around the world.
It is that infrastructure that lets you order the weekly shop, share your life on Facebook,
stream Outcast on Netflix, email your aunt in Canada and search the web for the world’s
tiniest cat.

What is an intranet?
An intranet can be defined as a private network used by an organization. Its
primary purpose is to help employees securely communicate with each other, to
store information, and to help collaborate. Modern intranets use social intranet
features that allow employees to create profiles and to submit, like, comment,
and share posts.
An intranet software is primarily used by organizations as a tool to:
 Share organizational updates
 Store files
 Connect employees
 Collaborate with teams across borders
 Increase productivity
 Give employees a voice in the organization

What is Extranet..??
Extranet is an external-facing website containing information that is typically only accessible on
an organization’s intranet (or internal network). Access to an extranet is controlled and limited
only to authorized users such as partners, vendors, suppliers, or customers.
Extranets are a way for important stakeholders residing outside the organization to access
internal information. Some BI applications allow for the placement of data visualization tools on
a company’s extranet so that users can more easily consume key information.

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