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QUESTION Cos Blooms Is Competitive Answer Length Question Type

1 CO1 Knowledge Level 1 No 100 words Descriptive Question

2 CO1 Knowledge Level 1 No 100 words Descriptive Question
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6 CO1 Knowledge Level 3 No 500 words Descriptive Question
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21 CO1 Knowledge Level4 No 800 words Descriptive Question
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44 CO1 Knowledge Level 3 Yes 800 words Descriptive Question
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48 CO2 Knowledge Level 1 No 100 words Descriptive Question
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78 CO2 Knowledge Level 2 Yes 800 Words Descriptive Question
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80 CO2 Knowledge Level 1 No 500 words Descriptive Question
81 CO2 Knowledge Level 1 No 500 words Descriptive Question
82 CO2 Knowledge Level 1 No 800 words Descriptive Question
Explain Data Science process.
Differentiate Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Science.
Compare Data Science and Statistics.
Define Data Science.
Define the role of data scientist
Analyze the different essential skills required for a data scientist
List out the areas in which Data Science can be applied.
Give the significant of normal distribution.
Compare Big Data with Data Science.
Analyze Data Science ethics.
Discuss about the structure data
Discuss about the unstructure data
Discuss about the semi-structure data
Differentiate Data Mining and Data Science.
Can Data Science Predict the Stock Market? Examine.
Discuss how data science can be applied for fraud detection
Show the ways in which decision making and predictions are made in Data Science.
Discuss on categorical, ordinal, interval and ratio data with example
Specify the life cycle of Data Science.
Illustrate the use of Data Science with an example.
Develop a general algorithm for Data Science process.
Given single set of data, explain central tendencies of the data.
Demonstrate the concept of variance and standard deviation with an example
Brief any four statistical measure with example.
Analyze the roles of Data Science.
Classify the different distribution of values of random variables.
Relate probability with respect to Data Science with your own illustration.
Compare variance and covariance.
Explain about various data wrangling techniques.
Describe the features of a big data in detail.
Explain the 5 K's of big data
Describe life cycle of Data Science with neat diagram.
List any four realtime applications of Big Data.
Discuss various types of data.
Give detail description of applications of data science.
Give the difference between Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) versus Big Data.
Give the various drawbacks of using Traditional system approach.
Demonstrate the ETL (Extract,
i. Hadoop Distributed Transform
File System (HDFS).and
(3) Load) system?
ii. YARN(2)
Analyze different roles of business analyst
Discuss the importance of big data analytics?
Extrapolate summary of various applications of Data science in the real world scenario.
Describe the roles and stages in data science project.
Analyze various data Science components.
Illustrate Barchart, piechart with neat diagram and variants of COUNT operation in excel.
Explain the data science classification and illustrate data science tasks.
Analyze different challenges of data science technology
List out the various challenges faced in big data in detail.
Explain storage consideration in Big Data.
Discuss Data Cleaning and Sampling.
Define data science and exemplify the need of data science?
Explain the concept of correlation and illustrate the different steps required for calculate it in excel.
Explain the concept of Histogram and illustrate the different steps required for calculate it in excel.
Explain the concept of descriptive statistics and illustrate the different steps required for calculate it in excel
Explain the concept of Moving avearge and illustrate the different steps required for calculate it in excel
Explain the concept of exponential smoothing and illustrate the different steps required for calculate it in excel
Illustrate VLOOKUP function with example.
Describe the challenges with real time data
Explain the different types of data.
Describe variables and its types. Also describe on Population and Sample.
Discuss about statistics and different types of statisitics.
Discuss on measuring variables using different scales of measurement.
Write a python program to get the data type
Write a python program to get the shape of the array
Write a python program to find min, max, average
Write a python program find variance and standard deviation
Write a python program to find corelation coefficient
Write a python program to convert a Series to DataFrame.
Define Numpy broadcasting
Describe Time Series, Time Offset and Time periods in Pandas with suitable program.
Write a python program to convert String to date.
Explain the filtering operation in Excel
Explain in detail about conditional formatting in Excel.
Describe the following excel analysis: Concatenation, Len and Trim with example.
Discuss about different variants of count operation in excel
Describe the following excel analysis: CountA, Averageifs and Find/Search with example.
Describe the following excel analysis: Sumifs, Countifs and VLookup with example.
Describe the following excel analysis: Left/Right, If() and HLookup with example.
Write a python
Illustrate program
an array that
creation usesNumpy.
using numpy and explain it.
List any three different types of charts in excel

Discuss various Toolkits in Python in detail.

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