Diseño de Lisimetros

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Estimation of potential evapotranspiration with shallow

lysimeters in a forest tree nursery

by Jean Stein1, Richard caissy2, Andre P. plamondon3and Pierre Y. ~ e r n i e r ~

Daily evapotranspiration values (ETL) were obtained during Les auteurs ont obtenu l'kvapotranspiration journalikre (ETL)
three consecutive summers from water balance measurements on s moyen de mesms de bilan hydrique
pendant tmis 6 s c o ~ u t i f au
eight shallow drainable lysimeters in similarly planted nursery beds faites sur huit lysimktres drainables et de faible profondeur
of either white spruce [Piceaglauca (Moench) Voss] or black spruce placks en pipinikre dans des planches similaires contenant des semis
[Piceamarianu W)B.S.P.]. Values of ETLand of potential evap- d7Cpinetteblanche [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] ou d'kpinette
otranspiration (PET), calculated with the Penman equation, were noire [Picea mariana (Mill) B.S.P.]. Les valeurs d'ETL et
nearly equal for most of the sampled days during the firsttwo Years. d'kapotranspiration potentielle (PET), calcul6es selon 1'Cquation
~ u r i the
n ~last year of study, the ratio ETLIPETwas reduced to de pe-an, Ctaient presqu'kgales pour la plupart des jours Cchan-
0.8 due to a lack of water input (precipitation and irrigation) to ,
~ o m ~ s a u kSdew premikes -ks. de la
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the lysimeters. Water balance measurements from the sur- ,,ke de l,ktude, le ratio E T ~ ~ aEktk T +duit 0.8 suite B une
rounding seedling beds showed that values of actual evapotran- baisse d'approvisiomement en eau (p&ipitation et irrigation) aux
spiration (AET) for the first two years were 0.61 times those of lysimktres.Les mesures de bilan hydrique effectuks dans les planch-
either PET or ETL. Rates of evapotranspiration in the lysimeters que les de 1'6vaporation actuelle
remained high because of the high water contents in the shallow
(AET) pour les deux prernikres m & s ktaient 0.61 fois sugrieures
lysimeters induced by the presence of a zero tension plane at the
aux PET ou aux ETL. Les taux d'kvapotranspiration dans les
base of the lysimeters, above the drainage holes. Results indicate
that shallow lysimeters can be used to estimate lysimktres sont demeurks BlevCs B cause de la haute teneur en eau
ues of PET and be used directly for the purpose of driving water du dans les lysimktresde faible P~~~~~~~~~~~~~par la Msence
balance models for irrigation scheduling. d'une zone de tension zkro B la base des lysimktres, au dessus des
trous de drainage. Les rksultats indiquent que les lysimktres de
water relations, irrigation scheduling, lysimeters, evap- faible profondeur bien approvisionnCs en eau peuvent &,re util-
otranspiration, white spruce, black spruce isCs pour estimer les valeurs de PET et pour obtenir directement
les intrants nkessaires aux modkles de bilan hydrique utilids dans
For personal use only.

la rkgie de l'irrigation.

Introduction data which might not be readily available at the nursery.

Irrigation scheduling is of critical importance in forest nurs- Another disadvantage of this approach is that managers can
eries as seedling moisture stress can have a severe effect on base their decision only on calculations and thus lose contact
growth (McDonald 1984). Many methods exist for schedul- with the soil-plant system. In order to fill this gap, the objec-
ing irrigation. In container nurseries, direct weighing of the tive of this study was t~ evaluate the usefulness of shallow lysime
container is the most popular method for controlling irrigation ters for estimating potential evapotranspiration.
scheduling (Landis 1989). In bare-root nurseries, procedures
range from the subjective tactile method to more technolog- Theory
ically demanding methods requiring the measurement of soil Lysimeters have been used to evaluate evapotranspiration
water tension (Pr6vost et al. 1989) or plant water potential. An since the end of the 18th century (Gray 1972). Brutsaert
alternative avenue is to base irrigation scheduling on water bud- (1982) defines a lysimeter as: "a container placed in the field
get computations.This latter approach can also be used to pre- and filled with soil, on which a vegetation cover can be
dict water needs from weather forecasting. Water budget maintained for the purpose of studying various soil-water plant
computer models are available for forest soils (Jensen et al. relationships under natural conditions". Description of com-
1971; Mital and Sucoff 1983), and for nurseries (Rao 1987; mon types of lysimeter can be found in Pelton (1961).
Papadopol 1990). These models are based on the computation The use of any lysimeter necessarily perturbs the normal
of potential evapotranspiration (PET) from which they obtain drainage pattern of the soil. Lysimeters with perforations at
actual evapotranspiration (AET) through the use of a site- their base to allow for draining tend to generate a zone of zero
specific ratio. Calculation of PET using an equation of the Penman moisture tension in the soil above the perforations. Only
(1948) or Rochette and Dub6 (1989a, b) types require climatic lysimeters which extend well below the root zone, or shallow
lysimeters with suction devices at their base, can therefore give
a representative evaluation of soil water content and drainage
'INRS-Eau, Universitt du Qutbec, Ste-foy, Qukbec, Canada G1V 4C7. in the root zone (Tanner 1967; Ritchie and Burnett 1968; Boast
2Stone Consolidated Inc., 255, lBre rue, Grand-MBre, QuBbec, Canada and Robertson 1982). Shallow lysimeters with depths equal
G9T 5L2. to or smaller than that of the root zone, without a suction device,
3Centrede Recherche en Biologie Fores&re, Universitc5Laval, Ste-Foy, Que'bec, retain more water per unit depth than the surrounding soil pro-
Canada GIK 7P4.
4Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, C.P. 3800, Ste-Foy, file, offering more water to be transpired by plants growing
Qutbec, Canada G1V 4C7. in them. Since, by definition, PET is the evapotranspiration


Table 1. Characteristicsof the seedlings used in the lysimeters at the end
of each season of measurements
Year Species Height ~iameter' ROO@ DW3 Shoot DW3
(cm) (mm) (g) (g)
1985 Blackspruce 14.0 2.0 0.10 0.55
1986 Black spruce 22.8 5.2 1.17 3.53
1987 White spruce 28.2 5.7 9.36 9.78
':Diameter at collar height.
Root of all sizes.
3 : ~dry~ weight.

occurring when soil water is not limiting, the hypothesis of this

work is that, because of their inherent ability to retain soil water,
shallow well-watered lysimeters can provide direct estimates
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Materials and Methods

The research site was located at the Normandin provincial
forest tree nursery (48S0N, 72.3OW, altitude of 137 m.a.s.l.),
250 km north-west of Qutbec city. Mean June, July and Figure 1. Lysimeter cross-section.
August precipitation is 88, 105 and 75 mm, respectively. In
the same order, the average monthly air temperatures are
15,17 and 15OC,respectively (Houde 1978).In 1985 and 1986, Daily evapotranspiration from the lysimeters (ETL), in
the study was conducted in sector 1A of the nursery, within mm d-l, was determined from the soil water balance equation:
beds of newly transplanted (one-year old) black spruce [Picea
mariam (Mill.) B.S.P.] seedlings. In 1987, the study was moved ETL=P-D-R+S
to sector 1B within beds of three-year old white spruce [Picea
where is the water inputs, is the drainage from the
gzauca (Moench) VOSSI. The in sectors lAand lBare lysimeters collected in the outer containers below the lysime-
For personal use only.

a sand and a loamy sand. Mor~hologicalmea- ters, R is the sdace runoff and is the ,-hange in water stor-
surements of the during the ex~enmentare pmvided age from successive lysimeter weighing. R was never obsem&
Daily potential evapotranspiration(PET), in mm d-', was cal-
Eight shallow lysimeters made of plastic containers, filled culated using the equation as given by Campbell(1977):
with local material (sand in sector 1A and sandy loam in sector
1B) and compacted to its original bulk density of about 1.0 g
~ m -were~ , used during the three summers. In 1985, each
PET= (s Rn + y15.3 + 3,[p.v,+ I, h(s + y) (2)
lysimeter9 cm in diameter and 7.5 cm where s is the slope of the samration vapor density curve, Rn
three spruce bigger seedlings were is the daily average net radiation, is the daily average wind
~lantedin the larger lysimeters (19.5 cm in diameter and speed, p9, and pva are the saturation and actual water vapor
12 cm deep) used in 1986 and 1987. Root distribution mea- density of the air respectively, is the latent heat of v a p o ~ t i o n ,
surements completed in the surrounding soil during the fol- and is the psychrometric constant.
lowing year showed that only 2% of the roots extended below Net radiation (Swissteco, Type S-1), albedo (Weather
the of the larger lysimeters used in both 1986 and Measure, model 3023), air temperature (thermistor, Yellow
l987. Small holes (4 mm) w e r e ~ e d a t t h e ~ t t o mthel~sime-
of Springs Instrument Co. Inc., model 400), dew point (Weather
ters, ~ermittingthe excess water to drain freely into an outer Measure, model 8152B) and wind speed (Weather Measure,
container. The lysimeters Were Set into a hole, their top flush model W203-HF) were measured two meters above ground
with the soil surface (Fig. 1). They were fertilized and watered near the lysimeters. All data were integrated on a data logger
as the s ~ o m d i n area.
g The lysimeters, after removing the inner at 5-minute (1985) or 30-minute (1986 and 1987) intervals dur-
containers, were weighed daily at 08h00 for the duration of ing the months of June, July and August. The data were later
the experiment. Volumes of water, if any, collected in the outer used to compute daily averages. Failures of the recording sys-
containers were then removed from the soil and measured at tem or of the sensors covered 7% of the experimental period.
the same time with a graduated cylinder. Data from the Agriculture Canada weather station of Normandin,
Water inputs through precipitation or irrigation were mea- located 11 km away from the nursery, were then used.
sured with rain gauges. The irrigation schedules were not mod-
ified for this study. In 1985, the rain gauges were scattered Results and Discussion
randomly within the 20 m x 30 m plot in which the lysimeters Calculations of the water budget components for the
were located. In 1986 and 1987, the rain gauges were placed lysimeters (Table 2) show that the average daily change in water
adjacent to each one of the eight lysimeters. Water content storage (AS) was usually negative during most of the exper-
of the soil surrounding the lysimeters was measured using time imental period. This indicates that the lysimeters were becom-
domain reflectometry (Topp et al. 1980) with 45 cm probes ing gradually drier. The ratio of daily average values of ETL
installed horizontally at depths of 7.5, 12.5 and 45 cm in one to PET for all months of measurements during 1985 and
location. Readings were taken daily at 08h00. 1986 were nearly equal to 1.0, except June 1986, which had


Table 2. Monthly averages of daily precipitation (P), drainage @), change in soil water storage (AS) and evapotranspiration(ETL)in mm comput-
ed from lysimeter measurements, of daily potential evapotranspiration (PET) computed from the Penman equation (Campbell, 1977), and of the ratio
of ETLto PET.

1985 July - Auwst 3.0 0.3 -0.3 3.0 3.1 0.97 0.97
1986 June 2.2 0.0 -0.8 3.0 3.7 0.60 0.82
1986 July 4.8 1.2 -0.2 3.7 3.6 1.30 1.03
1986 August 3.6 1.O -0.5 3.1 3.0 1.20 1.04

Year average 3.6 0.8 -0.5 3.3 3.4 1.06 0.97

1987 June 3.1 0.2 0.5 2.4 3.7 0.84 0.65
1987 July 2.4 0.0 -0.9 3.3 3.5 0.69 0.94
1987 August 2.6 0.2 0.6 1.9 3.0 0.88 0.64
Year average 2.6 0.1 -0.1 2.6 3.3 0.78 0.78
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For personal use only.

Figure 2. Daily values of precipitation (P), drainage (D), evapo- Figure 3. Daily variations in soil water dynamics (mrn d-') in the
transpiration (ETL),change in storage (AS) measured in the lysime- lysimeters and in the surrounding soil profile for the month of July
ters and of potential evapotranspiration (PET)computed h m the Penman 1986.
equation, for the month of July 1986. All values are in mm.

a ratio of 0.82 (Table 2) in response to a lower PPET ratio. tial quick drainage was completed, variations in the water con-
The potential evapotranspiration calculated with the Penman tent of the soil in the lysimeters and in the surrounding profile
equation followed quite closely the evapotranspirationobtained was mostly due to evapotranspiration. The lysimeters showed
from the lysimeters (Fig. 2). This result agrees with observations the largest variations in soil water content during the intervals
by Pelton (1961) and Van Bavel(1961) who also noted a close between precipitation events (Fig. 3). Greater availability of
relationship between ET measured from shallow lysimeters water in the lysimeters resulted in greater evapotranspiration
and maximum evapotranspiration rate if a zero moisture ten- from the lysimeters than in the surrounding beds of seedlings.
sion plane was present at the bottom of the lysimeters. During As stated earlier, water balance models that use PET also
the 1987 season, the average daily input of water to the require an empirical parameter to transform PET values into
lysimeters was not sufficient to sustain PET and this resulted AET. Prkvost et al. (1989) computed such a parameter for
in much lower values of the ratio ETL/PET. Whenever the another Qukbec nursery and obtained a value of 0.69. In the
monthly PPET was smaller than 1,0,the ratio ETL/PETwas also present study, estimates of AET from the seedling beds were
smaller than 1.O. also obtained from water budget calculations during drier
As expected, the 7.5 and 12 cm deep lysimeters generally periods in 1987, assuming that the drainage term (D) was neg-
maintained water contents higher than those of the surround- ligible. The AETPET ratio obtained at this site was 0.61.
ing top soil profile following an input of water through pre-
cipitation or irrigation. In the soil column surroundingthe lysime- Conclusion
ters, water quickly infiltrated to deeper soil layers, especially When kept well-watered, the evapotranspiration measured
given the relatively coarse texture of the soils. Once this ini- with the lysimeters corresponded to the potential evapotran-


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presence of a zero moisture tension plane. Shallow lysimeters ing and effects on seedling growth, pp. 107-121 In Forest nursery
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Acknowledgements Queen's Printer, Ottawa, ON. pp. 106-127. Cat. No R32-36112.
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and grass. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 193:120-145.
The Forestry Chronicle Downloaded from pubs.cif-ifc.org by on 03/31/23

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manuscript. Funding for this work was provided by NSERC 19:575-579.
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