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The Second World War took place from 1939 to 2. Second world war a .military conflict 3. The great powers of the world split up into opposing military alliances. 4. Many countries were with the Treaty of Versailles. 5. Adverse conditions like repartiations and unemployment led to new .ideas resulting in Second World war. 6. The Treaty of Versailles was .. in nature. 7. The Treaty of Versailles stamped as an aggressor. 8. A large war indemnity was levied on 9. Germany gave the Saar coal mines to . 10. Germany gave Saar valley to France on a lease for years. 11. After the First World War, Germanys army was. 12. When the feeling of nationalism crosses all its limits it is 13. League of Nations was formed to ..war. 14. League of Nations was formed to maintain .peace and security. 15. The big powers did not .. the terms and conditions of the League. 16. The League .. in its prime duty of preserving peace. 17. After the First World war ..followed the policy of imperialism. 18. Japan joined with ..and Germany to form Rome-Berlin Tokyo Axis. 19. Rome Berlin-Tokyo Axis sowed the seeds of the .. 20. After the First World war there was the rise of new political. 21. The ..glorified the principles of war. 22. Poland , Austria and Czechoslovakia were formed by the interests of minority groups. 23. By the Policy of Appeasement the major world powers.their responsibilities. 24. A new air force was created by 25. Conscription was introduced by 26. Neville Chamberlain was the .Prime Minister. 27. Hitler entered into Munich Agreement with .. 28. Peace for our Time was felt by .. 29. Hitler planned for a military road through Corridor. 30. Hitler planned to connect East Prussia with ..through Polish Corridor. 31. When Hitler attacked Poland wanted to protect Poland. 32. Britain and France declared war on Germany on ..September 1939. 33. Stalin and ..entered into a Non Aggression Pact. 34. Hitler sent his Luftwaffe to drop bombs on 35. U Boats were 36. The Battle of Britain was fought in .. 37. In the Battle of Britain heavy losses were suffered by .

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.

The British Prime Minister ..turned the air strike against Germany. Hitler ..Communism. The Italian and German armies swept across . By the end of April 1941 ..were under Axis control. On June 22, 1941 Hitler invaded.. The Russian winter stalled the army at the gates of Moscow. In Russia .had planned to evacuate Moscow city The Scorched Earth Policy was followed by the . The Germans retreated from Russia in January The British Prime Minister met President ..on the board of the battle ship Augusta. The battle shipplayed a major role in signing the Atlantic Charter. Winston Churchill and Roosevelt met on the board of the battle ship Augusta to sign. The common enemy of Britain and America was American fleet stationed at Pearl Harbours was attacked by the Pearl Harbour was attacked on December ..1941 USA declared war on Japan because of ..incident. Mussolini had seized. The British captured the capital of Ethiopia In May 1944, a big American and British force landed in From the East the ..forces chased German troops. Allies occupied Germany which surrendered on .1945. America dropped bomb on Hiroshima on 1945 America dropped bomb on Nagasaki on ..1945 In 1945.surrendered unconditionally Over .millions lost their lives in the Second World War. After the Second World War, West Germany was controlled by.. After the Second World War, East Germany was controlled by .. American Forces Under General Mc Arthur occupied.. After the Second World War, America and Russia emerged as powers. A.. was started between Russia and America. National movements started in .after the Second World War. India, Burma, Egypt, Ceylon and Malaya won their freedom from .. Philippines won freedom from .. Indo China attained freedom from the .. The policy of colonialism and imperialism was given up by the ..countries. Indonesia attained independence from the .. United Nations Organization was set up to maintain international

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