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Name of the Student :

Mohomed Maharoof Fathima


Registration No: 322512514

Subject Code : LLPA 306

1. Briefly explain different routes of administration of poisons. List them according
to the severity of the poisoning effect.

Poisons can enter the body through various routes of administration and the severity
of poisoning effect depends on several factors, including the dose and potency of the
poison, the route of administration, and the individual's age, health status, and
sensitivity to the poison. There are mainly two types of routes of administration :

1. Enteral route :
 Oral ingestion: Ingestion is the process of swallowing a poison, either
intentionally or accidentally. Ingesting poison is one of the most common
routes of poisoning. Ingested poisons can be solids, liquids, or gases. Poisons
can be ingested accidentally, as in the case of children consuming household
cleaners, or intentionally, as in cases of suicide attempts.
 Rectal : poison is inserted into the anus where it is absorbed into the
bloodstream directly through the mucous membranes.

The severity of the poisoning effect can range from mild symptoms, such as nausea
and vomiting, to life-threatening complications, such as seizures and respiratory
failure. The severity of poisoning through ingestion can depend on the type of poison
and the amount ingested.

2. Parenteral routes :
 Inhalation: Inhalation is the process of breathing in toxic gases, fumes, or
particles that can be harmful to the body. Inhalation is the most common route
of exposure in occupational and environmental settings. Examples of inhaled
poisons include carbon monoxide, chlorine gas, asbestos fibers and certain
types of pesticides. Poisons can be ingested as vapours, fumes, mists, aerosols,
or fine dust. 1 This route can cause the most severe poisoning effects, as the
poison can quickly enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs. The severity
of the poisoning effect can range from mild symptoms, such as headache and
dizziness, to severe respiratory failure and death.


 Injection: Injection is the process of introducing a poison directly into the
body through the skin or vein by a needle or syringe. Injection can cause rapid
and severe poisoning effects, as the poison can quickly enter the bloodstream
and spread throughout the body. The poisoning effect can range from mild
symptoms, such as local tissue damage, to severe systemic toxicity and death.
Examples of poisons that can be injected include drugs of abuse such as
heroin, cocaine, or fentanyl, over dose of certain medications, and venom from
poisonous animals.

 Absorption: Absorption is the process of a poison entering the body through

the skin or mucous membranes such as eyes or mouth and vagina or anus. This
route of entry can be less severe than inhalation or injection, but it can still
cause serious poisoning effects if the poison is highly toxic or absorbed in
large amounts. The severity of the poisoning effect can range from mild
symptoms, such as skin irritation and rash, to severe systemic toxicity and
organ damage. 2
This route of exposure is commonly associated with
occupational hazards, such as exposure to pesticides or chemicals. Examples
of absorbed poisons include mercury, lead, and pesticides.

 Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, Eleventh Edition, edited by Lewis S.
Nelson, Neal A. Lewin, Mary Ann Howland, Robert S. Hoffman, Lewis R.
Goldfrank, and Neal E. Flomenbaum

2. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, Eleventh Edition, edited by Lewis S. Nelson, Neal A. Lewin, Mary Ann

Howland, Robert S. Hoffman, Lewis R. Goldfrank, and Neal E. Flomenbaum

2. Find out two cases from the internet or a journal, where one due to injection and
the other due to skin absorption of either drug or a poison. Giving reasons
compare severity of these two cases with respect to their physical form, fatal
dose, and route of Administration. With your knowledge on sample collection
explain and discuss your views about selection of samples in above two cases.
What analytical techniques are applied in the toxicological analysis of samples in
above cases?

3. Name commonly available acids in Sri Lanka and briefly discuss their physical
characteristics which are of vital importance in handing forensic cases of acid
attacks ( eg. volatility, skin irritation and /or corrosive effect etc.).

Vitriolage, or acid attacks, are defined as ‘a premeditated form of assault involving

the throwing, pouring, or administering of acid, or other similarly corrosive substance,
on an individual, with the intention to seriously maim, disfigure, torture, or kill’ 1

Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity, ‘Breaking the Silence - Addressing acid attacks in
Cambodia’, May 2010, available at e_silence.pdf

There are several commonly available acids in Sri Lanka, including hydrochloric acid,
sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and acetic acid. Each of these acids has distinct physical
characteristics that are important in handling forensic cases of acid attacks.

Hydrochloric acid is a colorless, highly corrosive liquid with a pungent odor. It is

highly soluble in water and emits corrosive fumes when exposed to air. Hydrochloric
acid can cause severe skin irritation and burns, and it can also damage metals and
other materials.2

Sulfuric acid is a colorless, oily liquid with a high boiling point and a strong, pungent
odor. It is highly reactive and can cause severe burns upon contact with skin or eyes.
Sulfuric acid is also highly corrosive to metals and can cause chemical reactions with

other substances. Sulfuric acid is a clear, colorless, oily liquid that is very corrosive.
An odor threshold of sulfuric acid in air has been reported to be 1 milligram per cubic
meter of air (mg/m3). If you are exposed to concentrated sulfuric acid in air, your nose
will be irritated and it may seem like sulfuric acid has a pungent odor. 3

Nitric acid is a highly corrosive, yellowish liquid that emits fumes when exposed to
air. It can cause severe burns upon contact with skin or eyes and is highly reactive
with many substances, including metals. It is a highly corrosive mineral acid. The
compound is colorless, but older samples tend to be yellow cast due to decomposition
into oxides of nitrogen. Most commercially available nitric acid has a concentration of
68% in water. 4

Nitric acid may stain the skin a bright yellow. Exposure to high concentrations of nitric
acid vapor may cause severe breathing difficulties which may be delayed in onset
and may also cause pneumonia. Swallowing nitric acid may cause burns of the
mouth, throat, and stomach. 5

Acetic acid, is a colourless liquid; with a strong vinegar-like odour. It is

flammable, and at temperatures warmer than 39°C, explosive vapour/air

mixtures may be formed. Acetic acid is considered a volatile organic compound

by the National Pollutant Inventory.
It is a weak acid that is commonly used in household cleaning
products. It has a pungent odor and can cause skin irritation and burns at high

In handling forensic cases of acid attacks, it is important to consider the volatility,

skin irritation, and corrosive effects of the acid involved. The volatility of the acid can
affect the ability to collect evidence and may also pose a risk to those handling the

evidence. The skin irritation and corrosive effects of the acid are important in
determining the severity of the victim's injuries and can also provide clues about the
identity of the attacker based on the type of acid used. It is important to handle and
store acid evidence carefully to prevent further injury or damage.

Utmost care should be taken in evidence collection and forwarding them to the
forensic Toxicology laboratory for analysis. Giving reasons, briefly explain the
correct procedure to be followed in evidence collection and forwarding in
forensic investigation of acid cases.

Acid cases refer to incidents where a person is attacked with a corrosive substance
such as acid. These cases require careful and systematic evidence collection and
analysis in order to determine the type of acid used, its concentration, and the manner
in which it was used. The evidence collected is used to build a case against the
perpetrator and to support the victim's claims in court. In this article, we will discuss
the correct procedure to be followed in evidence collection and forwarding in forensic
investigation of acid cases.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - The first step in evidence collection is to

ensure that the forensic team has proper personal protective equipment (PPE). The
PPE should include gloves, goggles, lab coats, and respiratory masks. The PPE is
necessary to prevent any contact with the acid, which can be harmful to the forensic
team and may contaminate the evidence.

Preservation of the crime scene - Preservation of the crime scene is crucial in acid
cases. The forensic team should ensure that the crime scene is not disturbed in any
way. They should use barricades, caution tapes, and other tools to prevent
unauthorized access to the crime scene. This helps in preserving the evidence and
ensures that the evidence collected is admissible in court.

Photography - The forensic team should take photographs of the crime scene before
any evidence is collected. The photographs should be taken from different angles to
give a clear idea of the crime scene. The photographs should include any evidence

found at the scene, including the victim, the location of the attack, and any potential

Evidence collection - Evidence collection should be done systematically and with

utmost care. The forensic team should collect all potential evidence at the scene,
including any materials used in the attack. The evidence should be labeled with the
date, time, and location of the crime scene. The forensic team should also use proper
collection containers to avoid contamination of the evidence.

Chain of custody - The chain of custody is the process of documenting the movement
of evidence from the crime scene to the forensic laboratory. It is important to maintain
the chain of custody to ensure that the evidence is admissible in court. The forensic
team should document the collection, transportation, and storage of the evidence. The
evidence should be sealed and labeled before it is transported to the laboratory.

Forensic toxicology laboratory analysis - The forensic toxicology laboratory analysis

involves the examination of the evidence collected at the crime scene. The laboratory
analysis determines the type of acid used, its concentration, and the manner in which
it was used. The forensic toxicologist should follow a strict protocol when analyzing
the evidence to ensure accuracy and precision.

Reporting - Once the laboratory analysis is complete, the forensic toxicologist should
prepare a report on their findings. The report should include the results of the analysis,
any conclusions drawn from the analysis, and any limitations of the analysis. The
report should be written in a clear and concise manner and should be understandable
by non-scientific personnel.

In conclusion, the forensic investigation of acid cases requires utmost care in evidence
collection and forwarding. The evidence collected should be handled with care and
preserved in a way that maintains its admissibility in court. The forensic team should
follow a strict protocol when collecting, transporting, and analyzing the evidence. The
forensic toxicologist should follow a strict protocol when analyzing the evidence to
ensure accuracy and precision. By following these procedures, the forensic team can
ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrator is brought to justice.
The Merck Index. An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. 11th ed. Ed. S.
Budavari. Merck and Co. Inc., Rahway, NJ. 1989.

4. Find out an acid throwing case from the internet /Journal. Discuss the following,
a. motives behind the attack,
b. consequences on victim/s,
c. Samples analysed if any
d. Treatment’s given if any

One such acid attack case that gained worldwide attention is the attack on Laxmi
Agarwal, an Indian activist for women's rights. Laxmi Narain Agarwal was 15 years
old when she became the victim of a brutal act of revenge in Delhi in 2005. 1 She met
with this fate after refusing a love proposal from a person who became obsessed with

a. Motives behind the attack:

The attack on Laxmi Agarwal was carried out by a man named Naeem Khan , who
was twice her age and had been stalking her for several months, w hile waiting at a bus
stop, Naeem Khan, and two other accomplices, threw a bottle of acid on her face. Laxmi had
rejected his advances, which led him to attack her with acid in retaliation.2

b. Consequences on victim/s:
The acid attack left Laxmi with severe burns on her face, neck, and other parts of her
body, resulting in disfigurement and permanent damage to her eyesight. She
underwent several surgeries and treatments over the years to recover from the attack
and still faces physical and emotional trauma. She could not wear clothes for months.
She had suicidal thoughts during those days. However, she decided to end such
thoughts since she loved her family so much. 3

c. Samples analyzed if any:
After the attack, samples of the acid were collected from the crime scene and sent for
analysis to determine its composition. The analysis revealed that the acid was sulfuric
acid, a highly corrosive and dangerous substance that can cause severe burns and
permanent damage to the skin.

d. Treatment given if any:

Laxmi underwent seven surgeries and treatments to recover from the attack within 7
years including an eye surgery. She had to undergo skin grafting, where healthy skin
from other parts of her body was taken and transplanted to the damaged areas to help
them heal. She also had to undergo psychological counseling and rehabilitation for a
long time to cope with the trauma of the attack.

Reference :

The survival rate of acid attacks is high. Consequently, victims live with
catastrophic effects. Briefly discuss physical, psychological, social and economic
consequences caused by acid attacks.

Acid attacks, also known as acid throwing, acid assault, or vitriolage, are one of the
most brutal forms of violence that can be inflicted on an individual. The act involves
throwing a corrosive substance, usually acid, at another person with the intent to
cause physical harm, disfigurement, or death. Acid attacks have become increasingly
common in recent years, particularly in certain regions of the world, such as South
Asia and parts of Africa. Although the survival rate of acid attacks is high, the

physical, psychological, social, and economic consequences can be devastating and

Physical Consequences:

The physical consequences of acid attacks are often catastrophic and life-altering.
Acid can cause severe burns, which can result in scarring, tissue damage, and even
blindness. The effects of an acid attack can be immediate and irreversible, leading to a
lifetime of pain and suffering for the victim. The severity of the physical
consequences can vary depending on the concentration of the acid, the amount of
exposure, and the type of acid used.

In a case reported in Bangladesh in 2021, a 22-year-old woman named Rafiza Khatun

was attacked with acid by her estranged husband. She suffered burns to her face, neck,
chest, and arms, which left her disfigured and in extreme pain. Doctors at the burn
unit of the Dhaka Medical College Hospital said that Rafiza's condition was critical,
and she would require multiple surgeries to repair the damage.

In another case reported in India in 2019, a 23-year-old woman named Preeti Rathi
was attacked with acid by a man named Ankur Panwar. She suffered burns to her face
and upper body, which caused her to lose her eyesight and suffer from breathing
difficulties. Preeti underwent several surgeries, but her condition continued to
deteriorate, and she passed away a month after the attack.

Psychological Consequences:

The psychological consequences of acid attacks can be just as devastating as the

physical consequences. Victims of acid attacks may experience severe trauma,
anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The emotional scars of
an acid attack can be long-lasting and may affect the victim's ability to lead a normal
life. Victims may also experience feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment, which
can lead to social isolation and a lack of support from their community.

In a case reported in Pakistan in 2020, a 16-year-old girl named Nimra Rafique was
attacked with acid by a group of men. She suffered burns to her face, chest, and arms,
which left her disfigured and traumatized. Nimra's mother reported that her daughter
was afraid to leave the house, and her mental health had deteriorated significantly
since the attack. She was diagnosed with depression and PTSD and required ongoing
psychological support.

Social Consequences:

Acid attacks can have significant social consequences for the victim. The physical and
psychological trauma can lead to social isolation, stigmatization, and discrimination.
Victims may also face barriers in accessing education, employment, and healthcare
due to their disfigurement or disability. Acid attacks can also have a ripple effect on
the victim's family, friends, and community, who may face stigma and discrimination
due to their association with the victim.

In a case reported in Nepal in 2021, a 19-year-old woman named Laxmi Sunar was
attacked with acid by her husband's family. She suffered burns to her face, chest, and
arms, which left her disfigured and traumatized. Laxmi's family reported that she had
been ostracized by her community and faced significant barriers in accessing
healthcare and employment. Her family had also faced discrimination and harassment
due to their association with her

Acid attacks can have severe economic consequences for both the victims and the
broader society. Here are some ways acid attacks can impact the economy:

Medical costs: Acid attacks can cause severe injuries, often requiring extensive
medical treatment, surgeries, and long-term rehabilitation. These expenses can
quickly add up and become a significant financial burden on the victim and their

Lost productivity: Victims of acid attacks often require time off work or may become
unable to work altogether due to their injuries, resulting in lost productivity and

Reduced quality of life: Acid attack victims may suffer from physical disfigurement,
loss of vision, and other impairments that can limit their ability to participate fully in
society, including in the workforce.

Decreased tourism: Countries that experience high rates of acid attacks may
experience a decline in tourism, negatively impacting the economy.

Negative impact on small businesses: Small businesses that are unable to afford
adequate security measures may become targets for acid attacks, causing physical
damage, loss of revenue, and increased insurance costs.

Legal costs: Legal proceedings related to acid attacks can be costly, including fees for
lawyers and court costs.

In addition to the direct costs, acid attacks can also have indirect costs, such as
psychological trauma, social stigma, and a loss of trust in institutions, all of which can
negatively impact the econom


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