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Prairie City Church of the Brethren

12015 Hwy S 6G
Prairie City, IA 50228

May 14, 2023

9:45 a.m.





Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name;
Make his praise glorious!
Praise our God, all peoples
Let the sound of his praise be heard;
God has preserved our lives
And kept our feet from slipping.
For you, God, tested us;
You refined us like silver.
If I had cherished sin in my heart,
The Lord would not have listened
But God has surely listened
And heard my prayer.
Praise be to God
Who has not rejected my prayer
Or withheld his love from me!


*HYMN “For The Beauty Of The Earth” #89 Hymnal

Doxology #119 Hymnal

CHILDREN’S STORY with Betsy Kuecker

Children May Be Dismissed For Children’s Church

The Mission, Vision and Goals of Camp Pine Lake, Betsy Kuecker


HYMN OF PRAYER “Spirit Of The Living God” #349 Hymnal

Concluding with the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Acts 17:22-31 (pg. 1722)
Psalm 66:8-20 (pg. 901)
I Peter 3:13-22 (pg. 1890)
John 14:15-21 (pg. 1676)

SERMON  “God Is Not Far From Any One Of Us!”

*HYMN “Come, Thou Fount” #521 Hymnal


*Please stand if you can do so comfortably

Thank you, Norma DeVries, for providing our
accompaniment this morning.
Pastor: Tim Peter
Ministers: All
May Offering Counters: Dan Kuecker & Jill Hopkins
May Deacons: Doug & Diane Gumm
Coffee Time 5-14: Ice Cream
Coffee Time 5-21:
May Usher:  Doug Gumm
Children’s Church: Phyllis Peter
Children’s Church Lesson: Unite 2, Lesson 5
Nursery: Available with Parental supervision
May 7 Attendance, Worship: 54
May 7 Offerings, General Fund: $3,103
Needed Each Week to Meet Budget: $3,149.00
May 14 9:45am Worship Service
May 21 9:45am Worship Service

Pray for Peace Church of the Brethren

Praying for us Monroe County Church of the Brethren
Pray for
 Lisa Bistline as she continues treatment.
 Gannon Vandewall who is undergoing
treatment for leukemia.
 Julie Van Winkle as she continues to gain strength in
 Former Pastor Jeff Bach as he recovers from open
heart surgery.
 Blake Vandewall as he recovers at home from a
vehicle accident.
 Dean Timmons who was diagnosed with cancer.
 Golda Ingram as she recovers from knee
replacement surgery.

 Aaron Kain and family as they grieve the passing of

Kathy Kain April 26.
 Rosalie Curry and family as they grieve the passing
of Clifford on April 27.
 Kyla Bandstra who was recently diagnosed with
 Devin Burk’s cousin, Austin Pettyjohn who is
deploying with the Marines.
 For the Foster family formerly of PC. Tom passed
away Tuesday. Prayers for Linda and family are
 Betty Jo Buckingham who has been hospitalized at
the Pella Hospital Wednesday evening with an
5/16 Amber Nickelson,
5/17 Scott Curry
5/18 Mary Elrod, Kim Crowdis
5/19 Natalie Rivera, Scott Yount
5/20 Gavin, Isabelle & Tristan Johnson

5/20 Wade & Leona Charls

Events This Week

- Wednesday, May 17, 6:00p.m. Bible Study at Bob &
Sue Curry’s House 10759 S 96th W Prairie City.

PCM Food Pantry Hours at Monroe Presbyterian Church

9-12, 6-7 Mondays
9-12 on Thursdays

Children’s Church Leaders Needed

If you would like to Volunteer to be our Children’s Church
Leader please sign up at the entry way table.

The Upper Room Devotional Magazine

May/June 2023 Magazines are available on the front entry
way table.
PCM Backpack Project
The Back Pack Program will continue to take donations of
individually packaged items such as, juice, cereal, fruit,
pudding, mac and cheeses and snacks until the end of the
school year. If you want to donate financially to this program,
you can make the checks payable to the church with a
notation on the memo line for Back Pack Program. The
program will start back up in the fall.  Families will be
encouraged to use the food pantry over the summer, with
the possibility of being open an additional evening for this
group and offering delivery if they do not have transportation.
Our church has embraced this mission wholeheartedly.
 Thank you for your continued support!

Sermon Notes

Contact Information:
Pastor, Tim Peter:
(515) 577-3926,
Church Assistant, Kasandra Lynch:
(515) 994-2940 (church),
Camp Pine Lake Director Visit
Today we are delighted to welcome to our service Camp
Pine Lake Director, Betsy Kuecker! Camp Pine Lake is a
church of the Brethren camp near Eldora. Betsy is also a
new part-time Pastor at the Ivester Church of the Brethren
between Eldora and Grundy Center. Betsy is no stranger to
us here at the Prairie City Church of the Brethren having
grown up just south of the Church. Betsy never missed a
summer of camp with her BFF Tawnya Hopkins. 

She is a 2001 graduate of PCM High School and a 2005

graduate of Central College. Betsy also has her Master of
Arts in Teaching from Kaplan University and is currently
enrolled in the Brethren Academy's TRIM program. Betsy is
married to Matt Kuecker, and they are the parents of three

For more information about Camp Pine Lake please see our
entryway table with information.

Camp Pine Lake Work Day

Camp Pine Lake Work Day Wednesday, May 17. Workers of
all skill levels needed to put up a deck on the lodge.
Work starts at 8a.m. but come early or late. Any help will be
used. Lunch Provided!!!!

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