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NOTE: Test microphone before speaking.
Kave: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please.
We are about to begin Liam’s Birthday Celebration so please find a seat and
make yourself comfortable…Thank you!


Lizzy: Before we officially start the program, we are requesting everyone to

please rise as we will have our opening video prayer. Ladies and Gentlemen,
please direct your attention to the screen.


Lizzy: A happy morning to all our wonderful guests and welcome to

Kave and Lizzy: Liam Andre’s First Birthday celebration.
Lizzy: I am Lizette.
Kave: and I am Kave. We will be your hosts for today.
Kave: Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the gift of life of Liam.
Lizzy: You’re right, Kave. You know what a first birthday celebration is
particularly precious due to the fact that we reflect on how small and new Liam
was and how far he has come.
Kave: I totally agree, Lizzy. It is hard to believe that our handsome and little
Liam is turning one year old already today.
Lizzy: I agree, Kave. I can still remember when we had a gender reveal
celebration for Liam’s parents last year. As his aunt, I was really excited to meet
him and now, he is already one year old na. Hayyyy, time flies so fast talaga.
Kave: Senyales pod na dai nga na you are getting old na. Haha
Lizzy: Huuuuuy true! Hahahaha pero look at me today, I dressed up young. Di
Kave: Ay yes dai, mura kag 5 years old. Hahahaha
Lizzy: Huuuuuuy simbako! Mga 16 years old lang uy.
Kave: Eyyyyyy hahaha
Lizzy: Pero bitaw dai, we dressed up young today because we are attending a
children’s party. Lain pod og mag suit and tie ko diria, di ba? hahaha
Kave: Mao pod dai, lain sad. We also followed the theme of Liam’s birthday and
it’s boho bear. We are wearing different shades of brown.
Lizzy: Pak aesthetic kaayo! Pinaghandaan gyud sa mama og papa. Mao niy
makaproud sa akong family ba kay naa sa among blood ang mga aestheticness.
(If someone is wearing a different color, i call out HAHAH)
Kave: Hala dai, naay isa ka guest nga wala naka different shades of brown.
Lizzy: Hala ka Mam/Sir. Di baya ka kaon ang wala naka follow sa theme. Okay
lang saimo nga magtubig tubig lang sa ka? Charooot joke lang Sir/Mam ha?
Ayaw mo kalain. Hahaha
Kave: Huuuuy ka iro na ba dai haha pagbigyan na nato kay naa man syay color
brown, iyang skin diay?
Lizzy: Ay tama tama. Bright ka dai! Hahaha

Lizzyy: Again, welcome to everyone! We thank you all for gracing this joyful
Kave: On behalf of Liam and his parents, we would like to express their heartfelt
gratitude for your presence at this memorable occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to
have you all today.


Lizzy: Yes and I’m so excited to meet our birthday boy. Excited din ba kayo?
Kave: I can’t hear you. Are you excited to meet our birthday boy?
Lizzy: Before we welcome our birthday boy, Liam’s mom actually requested that
we welcome Liam with a song. Can I ask everyone to please participate? Okay?
(Lizzy will explain how the song goes)
Alright! I’m pretty sure you are all familiar with the birthday song right? However
with a twist to. I will sing the song acapella muna then Kave will do the actions.

1,2,3 go.

(After one acapella practice, we will have a practice with a song).

Lizzy: Wow great job everyone! This time, I’m requesting you all to stand. Let’s
do the song and dance together. Okay? Music Maestro.

(Perform with music)

Kave: Wow! I think we are all ready to welcome our birthday boy. Please
continue standing as we welcome Liam.
Lizzy: So, without much further ado, let us put our hands together for the main
highlight of this celebration. Ladies and Gentlemen, our lovely celebrator together
with his parents, Liam Andre.


Kave: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, our lovely celebrator, Liam.
Lizzy: Guests, you may now be seated. Thank you again for participating!
Kave: Hi Liam! Ang cute naman ng birthday boy natin.
Lizzy: Syempre! Asa man diay magliwat? Kundi saiyang parents, hi Ate Anie and
Kuya Harvey!
Kave: I agree, Lizzy. Nindot jd silag lahi oh.
Lizzy: Part sa among bloodline. This time, let us hear the welcome message of
Liam’s parents. Let’s give a round of applause for our Mommy Lanie and Daddy
(After the message)
Kave: Thank you Mommy Lanie and Daddy Harvey! Liam is really surrounded
with people who love him. So thank you to all of you for coming here today!
Lizzy: Yes, thank you everyone!


Participants: Anyone

Lizzy: This time, let us get to know our birthday boy more by asking some trivia
questions. Of course aside from being a handsome and cute boy maybe, there
are things that some people know but not known to others. Let’s find out as we
randomly ask some quirky, trivial and even personal questions to our guests.
Kave: All right! The mechanics are just simple. We will be asking you some
questions about Liam and once you know the answer, you need to go in front
(here) and greet Liam a happy birthday then say your answer. If you get the
correct answer, you will receive a gift from Liam. Okay?
Lizzy: Guys, bongga baya ang gift ni Liam like legit. Mga house and lot, sakyan,
trip to Japan mga ana ba. Mga basic lang kaayo. So naa na sainyo kung mo
Kave: Huuuuy like legit? Hahaha
Lizzy: Pero huuuy joke ra to guys ha? No matter what the prices man. I
encourage you all to participate, mag lingaw lingaw lang gd ta ha? Okay? Sge.
Kave: We also have Liam’s parents pod diri so we can verify if the guests'
answers are correct. : Alright, ready na ba kayo? No need for our practice game
ha? Let’s start. For our first question,
(To be followed pa ang Questions as well as the games)

1. First question: Which hospital was Liam born in?... Saang hospital pinanganak si
Answer: Davao Doctors Hospital
2. Second question: What time was Liam born? Anong oras pinanganak si Liam?
Answer: 3:59 PM
3. Third question: What was Liam's weight when he was born? Anong timbang ni
Liam noong siya ay ipinanganak?
Answer: 2.41 kilograms
4. Fourth question: What is Liam’s favorite vegetable? Anong paboritong gulay ni
Answer: Squash
5. Fifth question: What is Liam’s first word?
Answer: Dada
6. Sixth Question: How many teeth does Liam have now?
Answer: 7
7. Seventh Question: Where is Liam’s first amusement park adventure?
Answer: Enchanted Kingdom, Laguna
8. Eighth question: What is Liam’s favorite song to dance?
Answer: Wheels in the Bus by Cocomelon

Kave: Thank you everyone for participating in the trivia game! Let’s give
ourselves a big round of applause.


Lizzy: We were able to get to know Liam a little through our trivia game. This time we
will be hearing a speech from someone who is close to Liam’s heart. He/She serves as
a glorified version of an aunt or uncle. He/She is someone who has a special bond with
Liam and will serve as a guide to Liam as he grows older. May I call on (NAME) to give
his/her speech to Liam. Let’s give him/her a big round of applause please.

(done with the speech)

Kave: Thank you so much (NAME)! It is really nice that Liam has you as his guardian
and we hope that you will guide him as he grows older.


Participants: 10 people
Equipments: Phone for timer

Lizzy: Thank you again mommies and babies for participating! Are we all good
pa? (YES) This time, I’d like ask kung sino ba dito ang marunong magluto?
Kave: Ngano diay dai?
Lizzy: I need people nga taas og hininga. Dili baho og hininga ha? Taas. Haha i
need 10 people (Look for volunteer)
Kave: I think we are all set na dai. Unsay diay ni nga game?
Lizzy: Our next game is the classic longest breath game. Mechanics are simple
lang, all you need to do is to greet a happy birthday liam in one breath. Longest
breath will be the winner. Let’s have a sample, dai.
Kave: (does longest breath)
Lizzy: (announce the time) Wow! Kuyaw uy. Sirena ka dai? Taas man kaayo kag
hininga hahaha
Kave: Yes, mermaid in disguise. Hahaha
Lizzy: Okay! So that’s how you do it guys ha? Any questions? (WALA) Okay let’s
(interview the participant if it's their turn)
(ask the name, age, marital status, relation to liam)
(end of game)
(Announcement of Winner)
Kave: Thank you guys for participating! Around applause please.


Participants: 15 people

Lizzy: Are we all doing good pa? (YES) Okay! Let’s proceed with our third game.
Are you all familiar with hep hep hooray? (YES) So our next game is somehow
similar to that.
Kave: Yes! Now, we need 15 volunteers to come on stage. (Point people or call
on names)
Lizzy: I think our participants are complete. So our next game is called, Head
Shoulders, Knees and Toes. This game is pretty simple lang. Okay? Watch and
learn mo kay Kave. So when I say head, hold your head like this. Pag shoulders,
hold your shoulders like this. Pag knees, you need to bend down pina otso otso.
Pag toes, you need to reach your toes like this. Gets ba? Okay sge practice
round. Sabay sabay buhaton ang game.
(Practice round of the game)
Lizzy: I think all clear na ang mechanics. So guys, the last one standing will be
proclaimed as the winner. Okay? Before we proceed with the game, I’m asking
the audience to help us judge. Okay? Let us know kung naay namali or nalate
kay atong tanggalon.
(end of game)
(announcement of winner and interview)
Kave: Thank you everyone for participating in the game! Let’s give a big round
of applause to our participants!


Lizzy: We have now reached the blowing of the cake ceremony. May we call on
our birthday boy, Liam! Let’s give a big round of applause.
Kave: We have our birthday boy and his parents on stage. This time, sabay
sabay nating kantahan si Liam ng birthday song. Okay? Yung typical na bday
song lang, hindi yung kanina. Hahaha
Lizzy: Okay, sabay sabay tayo in 3,2,1 go.
(after singing the birthday song)
Lizzy: Make your wish and blow your cake, Liam. 3, 2, 1 Go!
(Liam blows the cake)
Kave: Sabay sabay nating batiin si Liam ng
Lizzy and Kave: Happy birthday, Liam!
Lizzy: Let’s give a big round of applause to Liam.


Kave: And this time, we will proceed to the most awaited part of the program, the lunch.
I’m pretty sure you are all hungry. Tama ba?

Lizzy: Ayan gutom na gutom na talaga ang lahat pero before we proceed with the
lunch. I’m just reminding everyone to please stay after lunch. Bawal ang eat and run
dito, okay? Hahaha di muuli dayon human og kaon ha? Hahaha

Kave: At this point to maintain order, we will have a pictorial for each table and the
guests from that table will be requested to proceed to the stage. Right after that, they
can line up at the buffet counter to get their lunch. Okay?

Kave: Let’s start with Table 1. Please come on stage and get your photos taken with
our birthday boy. (Until the last table)
(Once done with pictorial)
Lizzy: Happy lunch, everyone!


Lizzy: Hi everyone! While everyone is enjoying their lunch, we will be serenaded by the
beautiful voice of Liam’s tita. Let’s give up on Miss Stephanie Coquilla! Let’s give her a
round of applause please!


Lizzy: Hi everyone! As you’re enjoying your lunch, Liam’s family has prepared a video
of how small and new Liam was and how far he has come now. Ladies and Gentlemen,
please direct your attention to the screen. Let’s all watch this!


Lizzy: We are back! Did you enjoy your lunch? Nabusog ba ang tanan? (YES)
Kave: Good to hear! Thank you so much to (FOOD SUPPLIER NAME) for the
sumptuous lunch.
Lizzy: Since we are all full, I think you are all ready for our next set of games. Ready na
ba kayo? (YES)

Participants: Anyone

Kave: Let’s start with a simple game. It’s the “bring me” game!
Lizzy: Mechanics are so simple lang guys. We will mention a thing and you need to
bring it here on stage. The first person to bring the correct item will receive a gift from
Liam. Okay?
Kave: Okay, let’s start!
1. Bring me a milk bottle.
2. Bring me a white hair.
3. Bring me a booster card.
4. Bring me an unused diaper.
5. Bring me wet wipes.
6. Bring me a baby/kid’s mask.
7. Bring me a keypad phone.
8. Bring me baby powder.
9. Bring me a resibo.
10. Bring me a baby’s shoes.
Lizzy: Thank you everyone for participating! Palakpakan naman natin sila.
Participants: 10 people
Equipments: Logos, Laptop, Phone timer, Lemon

Kave: Are we all good pa? Kaya pa ng isang game? (YES) Alright! I need 10
volunteers. (Point people)
Lizzy: I think we are all set. Our next game is called “Guess the Logo” game. This game
is popular online where people will be guessing different logos. This game has 3 levels
and the level of difficulty is kay magpalisod ng palisod. Okay?
Kave: Here are the mechanics of the game:
1. The logo will flash to the screen.
2. The player only has 3 seconds to answer.
3. If the player answers it correctly, the player will proceed to the next round. If the
player fails to answer, the player will eat a lemon and greet liam a happy birthday.
Lizzy: Gets ba ang mechanics? Let’s have a practice round.
(after practice round)
Lizzy: I think we are all set! By the way, please help us count audience and no
coaching please! Okay? Let’s start the game.
(end of game)
(announcement of winner)
Kave: Thank you everyone for participating! Let’s give them a big round of applause.


Participants: 15 people

Lizzy: We will now have our last game! I need 15 volunteers. (Points out volunteers)
Kave: I think we are all set! What is our next game ba, dai?
Lizzy: Our next game is Mama, Papa, Baby, Popo. This is similar to the heads,
shoulders, knees and toes game ganina.
So this is how it goes, (shows how to do it) Gets ba? Okay sge practice round.
(Practice round of the game)
Lizzy: I think all clear na ang mechanics. So guys, the last one standing will be
proclaimed as the winner. Okay? Before we proceed with the game, I’m asking the
audience to help us judge. Okay? Let us know kung naay namali or nalate kay atong
(end of game)
(Announcement of Winner)
Kave: Thank you everyone for participating in all of our games today! Palakpakan natin
mga sarili natin.


Lizzy: I’d like to share something I learned from my Mama, badai. She always tells me
na “No matter what happens to you. You always have your family.” This time, we will be
hearing messages from Liam’s family. Some of Liam’s family kay naa sa laing bansa.
They created this video for Liam na makita nya in the future, Ladies and Gentlemen,
please direct your attention to the screen. Let’s all watch this!
Kave: Such a heartfelt message from Liam’s family! Tinuod gyud na “You can put miles
between you and your family but you carry them with you; you live in a world and a
world lives in you.”


Lizzy: And now let’s proceed to the opening of the gifts, may I request that Liam and his
parents come on stage and open Liam’s gifts. (Choose 2 smallest gifts, then the 2
biggest one).

Instruction: (Liam will choose and open the smallest gift and then the biggest gift. Kave
will read the dedication and tell the name where the gift came from and what the gift
(done with opening of the gifts)

Kave: Thank you for your gifts! I’m pretty sure Liam appreciates it so much and para sa
mga wala pa ka gift, i gcash lang sa akoa. Akong number kay 09- HAHAHA

Lizzy: Huuuuuy dai! Hati ta ha? Hahahaha anyways, Liam really appreciates your gifts
guys and most especially your presence. So Liam will be giving all of us a small token.
Liam’s titas and titos will be handing out cute bear souvenirs.
(after giving souvenirs)

Lizzy: Hindi pa dyan nagtatapos ang surprise ni Liam sa atin!

Kave: Omg! Kakuyaw ni Liam, daghan man og surprises. Haha
Lizzy: Liam actually prepared 12 gifts for our lucky bears. I want you all to check under
your chair and if you find this bear sticker, please come in front!

(once the 12 lucky bears are complete)

Lizzy: Here you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Our 12 lucky bears! Palakpakan naman
natin sila.

Kave: And here are the gifts of Liam! (if naa pay time, we will interview all 12 winners)
Lizzy: You may now all be seated. Thank you again Liam for your gifts!

-personal experience, thank event coords


Kave: This celebration has almost come to an end. As we each go home, may this day
be memorable for all of us as it is to Liam. To personally convey their heartfelt gratitude,
let us now lend an ear to Mommy Lanie and Daddy Harvey.

(When finished) Thank you Mommy Lanie and Daddy Harvey for the heartfelt
message! My message for you Liam is that you might not remember it, but we all will
because it is a special day. We are looking forward to watching you grow up into an
incredible young man!

Lizzy: Liam, may you grow to be just as lovely and brilliant as your dear Aunt! Haha
Blessings to you and lots of love on your very special day! May your smiles grow bigger
and bigger with each passing year! Happy 1st Birthday, Liam!


Kave: Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally come to the end of our program. It
has been a great day and a wonderful afternoon with you all.

Lizzy: For the very last time, I’m requesting everyone to stand and let us greet
Liam by saying “Happy Birthday, Liam”, okay? In 3, 2, 1,


Lizzy: Again, I am Lizette

Kave: and I am Kave, your host for today. Signing off.

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