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What is aerobics?
- the word aerobic literally means “ with oxygen” or “ in the presence of oxygen".

Example of Aerobics Excercise:

 Moderate intensity
 Vigorous intensity
 Walking
What is aerobics good for?
- strengthen our heart muscle and lungs
- stimulate the circulation of blood
- helps us to burn calories
- improve the shape and tone of our body
What is the benefits and importance of Aerobics?
- to reduces the risk of many conditions

- Both the term and the specific exercise method were developed by a physician, called Dr. Kenneth H.
Cooper, in San Antonio air force hospital in Texas.
- Aerobics was published in 1968
- After the publishing of Cooper's book, the fitness instructor Jackie Sorenson developed a series of
dance routines known as the aerobics dance to improve the cardiovascular fitness.

 Free Style Aerobics
 Step Aerobics
 Sports Aerobics
 Water Aerobics
 Aerobics kickboxing
 Dance Aerobics

Free Style Aerobics

- A group instructor, choreographer several short dance combination and teaches them to the class.
- Aerobics music is used throughout the class .
- This is followed by a strength section to strengthen muscle and a stretch routine to cool down and
improve flexibility.
- It helps to improve cardiovascular exercise, lower blood pressure, help regulate blood sugar. Help
weight management.
Step Style Aerobics
- Involves repeatedly stepping on an off a raised platform called also step training.
- Has a benefits of a high intensity cardio workout.
- It improves overall fitness by building strength, reducing fat and boosting Cardiovascular health.
Sports Aerobics
- Involves repeatedly stepping on an off a raised platform called also step training.
- It helps to reduce your health risk. Strengthen your heart increase your stamina, fitness and strength.
Water Aerobics
- Water Aerobics is the performance of aerobic exercise in water such as in a swimming pool.
- It also help increase your pulse and breathing rate , it helping to improve your heart health . It
strengthen and tone muscles
Dance Aerobics
- Physical activity that makes you sweat causes you to breathe harder and gets your heart beating faster
than a rest.
- Better Brain health, improve flexibility, reduced depression weightloss, increased energy, boost your
Aerobics Kickboxing
- Kickboxing strengthen and tones your legs , arms , Glutes , back , and core all at once. You're moving
through through the entire workout causing you to burn more calories while strengthening your
muscles this equates to that allows not muscles loss.
- It improves cardiovascular health , increased stamina , improved coordination and balanced and
increased strength.


- ( 5 to 10 minutes )
Sample Exercises :
 Walking or marching in place
 Stepping from side to side
 Moving the arms at waist level or higher
 A gentle stretch of each major muscle
- Increase your heart rate and therefore your blood flow enable your oxygen to reach your muscles.


- ( 15 to 25 minutes )
Sample Exercises:
 Back and forth movement
 Leaping and hoping
 Dance moves
- Strengthen your heart
- Boost mood

- ( 10 to 15 minutes )
Sample Exercises:
 Gentle motion of the warm up phase
 Stretching
Benefits :
- Allows for a gradually recovery of Pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure, Colling down


What is anaerobic exercise?

- Anaerobic exercise is high-intensity workout performed over short periods of time where the bodies
need for oxygen exceeds its supply of oxygen. The term anaerobic means without “air”. Anaerobic
exercise helps boost metabolism as it builds and maintain lean muscle. The more lean muscle you
have, the more calories you’ll burn during your next sweat session. High-intensity exercise is also
thought to increase your post-workout calorie burn.
What are the benefits of Anaerobic Exercise
 Developing stronger muscles
 Increasing your endurance and ability to fight fatigue
 Increasing your volume of oxygen intake

Examples of Anaerobic exercise

 Heavy weight-lifting – generally refers to physical exercise and sport in which people lift weights, often
in the form of dumbbells or barbells
 Sprinting – means running as fast as possible for a set duration typically 10 to 30 seconds
 Hill climbing – great for building cardio endurance, core strength and agility.
- Both exercise styles are effective and important to our overall health as human beings. One style is not
better than the other. It is important to incorporate 30 minutes a day at the very least, to exercising
whether it be walking swimming or lifting weights.
Training method
- Pertain to the types of training that can be provided to employees to sharpen their existing skills and
learn new skills.


1. Interval training – training in which an athlete alternates between two activities, typically requiring
different rates of speed.
2. Continuous training – is a form of exercise that is performed at a continuous intensity throughout and
doesn’t involve any rest period.
3. Fartlek training – involves varying the intensity or speedof your run to improve your fitness and
4. Circuit training – Circuit training is a combination of six or more exercises performed with short rest
periods between them for either a set number of repetitions or a prescribed amount of time.
5. Weight training – is a common type of strength training for developing the strength and size of skeletal
muscles. It utilizes the force of gravity in the form of weighted bars, dumbbells, or weight stacks in
order to oppose the force generated by muscle through a concentric or eccentric contraction.
6. Flexibility training – improve performance in the majority of sports and health the performer to avoid


1. Active stretching – when the performer can stretch joints easily on their own, without undue difficulty
2. Passive stretching – when the full range of improvement can only be achieved with assistance from a
partner or coach.

- There are many methods of physical training, each with its own advantages and disadvantages
depending on your fitness goals, personal preferences, and physical abilities. Here are some common
methods of physical training:
1. Resistance training
2. Cardiovascular training
3. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
4. Circuit Training
5. Plyometrics
6. Yoga
7. Pilates
8. Functional Training
9. CrossFit
10. Sports-Specific Training


- Continuous Training also known as steady-state cardio, is a method of physical training that involves
performing an activity at a steady continuous pace for an extended period of time. Running is a
popular form of continuous training.
- During continuous training, the body’s aerobic energy system is primarily used to generate energy to
sustain the activity.
- To perform continuous training (running), you can follow these steps.
Start with a warm-up:
- Begin by walking or jogging at a slow pace for 5-10 minutes to prepare your body for the workout.
Choose your pace:
- Determine the pace that you can maintain for an extended period of time.
Begin running:
- Start running at your chosen pace and maintain it for an extended period of time, such as 20- 60
Cold down:
- Finish your workout with a cool-down period of walking or jogging at a slow pace for 5-10 minutes to
gradually lower your heart rate and return your body to a resting state.
To make continuous training (running) more challenging, you can gradually increase the duration or intensity
of the workout over time.
To engage in continuous training through running, one should aim to maintain a moderate intensity pace for
an extended period of time, usually at least 20 to 30 minutes, with the goal of increasing endurance and
cardiovascular fitness over time. As the body adapts to the training, the duration or intensity can be increased
to further challenge the cardiovascular system and enhance fitness levels. Continuous training through
running can provide numerous benefits such as:
 Improved cardiovascular health: Running can improve heart and lung function, reduce blood
pressure, and lower the risk of heart disease.
 Increased endurance: Regular running can improve endurance and the body’s ability to utilize oxygen
during physical activity.
 Weight management: Running can help burn calories and maintain a healthy weight.
 Mental health benefits: Running can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self- esteem.

It is important to note that proper form and footwear are essential to prevent injury when engaging in running
as a form of continuous training. Additionally, it is recommended to gradually increase the intensity and
duration of training to avoid overuse injuries or burnout. However, it is important to vary your workouts and
include other forms of exercise, such as resistance training and high-intensity interval training, to avoid
plateauing and to continue to challenge your body. Additionally, it is important to listen to your body and
gradually increase the intensity and duration of your runs to avoid injury and overtraining.


- The fast continuous method of running is a type of training that involves running at a fast pace for a
short period of time. This type of training is great for improving speed and power.

Speed running also helps to build endurance (is a physical activity that increases your heart rate above 50% of
your maximum. An example of endurance is that(Brisk walking or Jogging).

When it comes to speed running, it is important to have the right gear. (like wearing proper attire such as
running socks, running shoes, running shorts, running tops, running gloves, and a running jacket. Because
good running clothes can help you keep comfortable while you are performing running.

Also, it is important to stay hydrated during your runs and to make sure you warm up and cool down
properly. This will help you avoid injuries and maximize your results. The benefits of continuous training
include loss of body fat, stronger heart muscles, and higher energy levels. The advantage of this form of
training is to prepare for sports competitions and other events, but ordinary individuals can often experience
health benefits as well.
Fast Continuous Method (Speed Running)
- The quick continuous method’s ability to enhance speed, power, and endurance is one of its
advantages. Also, it can help with calorie burning, cardiovascular health, and general fitness. To
prevent injury, it’s crucial to warm up and cool down appropriately. You should also gradually increase
the duration and intensity of your workouts to prevent overtraining. Some benefits of speed running
 Improved cardiovascular fitness
 Increased calorie burn
 Improved muscular strength and endurance
It is also recommended to include other forms of exercise, such as resistance training and mobility work, to
maintain balance in your overall fitness program.
However, speed running can be more physically demanding and can increase the risk of injury, especially for
those who are new to running or have existing health conditions. It is important to gradually increase the
intensity and duration of your speed running workouts and to incorporate other forms of exercise, such as
strength training and stretching.

What is Interval Training and Interval Training Examples?
- Fitness training for most people comprises a program of continuous exercise at a constant intensity.
This type of training is very effective, but to propel yourself to the next level of fitness, you need to
incorporate interval training. The concept of interval training has been around for years as the basis for
athletic fitness training and helps burn more calories, increase speed, strength, endurance, and
improve overall athletic performance.
Interval Training
 Interval training programs manipulate the intensity and duration of the work intervals, and the length
of the rest periods, to create the desired training responses. A complete interval training program
usually comprises several short, alternating periods of both higher and lower-intensity exercises.
 Originally called Fartlek (a Swedish term meaning “speed play”), interval training combines alternating
short and fast bursts of intense exercise with slower, and easier activity. Fartlek training was a
deliberate attempt to complete more work than continuous training by increasing the intensity of
 Interval training has since evolved into a more structured and sophisticated way of fast-tracking your
fitness training. Unlike Fartlek training, which causes a temporary build-up of lactic acid, interval
training involves alternating periods of activity and recovery. Recovery is achieved by maintaining
movement throughout the entire workout, which facilitates the removal of lactic acid and other waste
How Does Interval Training Work?
- During intense periods of activity, interval training works repetitively on the aerobic and anaerobic
 The anaerobic system metabolizes energy stored in the muscles (glycogen) for short bursts of activity
without needing oxygen.
 Lactic acid builds up as the by-product and the athlete experiences oxygen debt.
 The body is then allowed to recover with the heart and lungs working together to give back this
oxygen and to break down the lactic acid.
 The aerobic system takes over using oxygen to convert stored carbohydrates into energy.
2 Basic Types of Interval Training
1. The Fitness Interval Training
- This technique is recommended for beginners and intermediate exercisers. This training method uses
periods of increased intensity (60% – 85% heart rate reserve) that usually last from 2-5 minutes,
followed by lower-intensity periods of the same duration.
2. The Performance Interval Training
- This technique is more advanced and is recommended for well-conditioned athletes. This training
method uses periods of maximum intensity (85%–100% heart rate reserve) that usually last from 2-15
minutes, followed by lower intensity periods of the same or shorter duration.
Common Types of Interval Training Exercises
The following examples of interval training exercises illustrate how easily interval training
routines can be adapted to suit most sports or activities. By manipulating the intensity and
duration of the work intervals and the length of the rest periods, specific training responses
can be achieved.
 Jumping Rope is an inexpensive and fast way to build overall fitness. Besides improving cardiovascular
fitness, they can improve muscular strength, endurance, balance, agility, and burn calories.
 30-Second Sprint Drills improve aerobic capacity and fitness fast by giving the same benefits as long,
slow cardio in about half the time.
 Sprint and Speed Training Drills benefit any sport by offering a combination of speed and endurance.
Start only after 3 months of consistent athletic activity and after you have reached a fitness training
level that allows you to run for 20-30 minutes at a time.
 Explosive Exercise Training Routines are another way to increase power and strength. Used by elite
athletes in sports that require fast bursts of maximum effort in a short amount of time, such as
sprinting and jumping.
 Agility Drills improve coordination, speed, power and sports skills for athletes. These drills also help
perfect foot speed and refine sports technique.
 Shuttle Runs are standard agility and speed drills for athletes playing stop-and-start sports such as
basketball, soccer, hockey and tennis.
 Stair Running is an advanced program that helps build speed, power, and cardiovascular fitness. A
great addition to any agility training program for its quickness, foot speed and excellent sprint workout.
 Plyometric Jumping Exercises are used by many athletes and trainers to develop athletic power
(strength and speed), coordination, and agility for increased sports performance.
 Tuck Jumps are simple drills that build agility and dynamic power to increase an athlete’s vertical jump.
Used to develop proficiency in vertical, high, box, and long jumps.

1. Calories are burned long after exercise
2. They’re not boring
3. Increased endurance
4. Better cardiovascular health
5. Members are less likely to give up
6. It helps sedentary people gain muscle
7. Speeds up metabolism
8. Moretime-efficient
9. Little equipment is needed
1. It is quick and effective
2. You burn calories even after you’ve left to gym
3. It’s great for all fitness levels
- Circuit training is a form of body conditioning that involves endurance training, resistance training,
high-intensity aerobics, and exercises performed in a circuit, similar to high-intensity interval training.
It targets strength-building and muscular endurance. It involves performing a series of exercises,
typically 8-10 exercises, one after another with little to no rest in between. There are many different
types of circuit training, including traditional circuit training, where each exercise is performed for a set
number of repetitions or times, and high-intensity circuit training (HICT), where each exercise is
performed for a shorter duration with a higher intensity.

- To perform circuit training, you should start with a warm-up of light cardio exercise for 5-10 minutes.
Then, choose a series of exercises that target different muscle groups, such as push- ups, squats,
lunges, dumbbell curls, shoulder presses, planks, bodyweight exercises, weightlifting, plyometrics,
cardio exercises, resistance bands, or weights, among others. Perform each exercise for a set number
of repetitions or for a set amount of time before moving on to the next exercise in the circuit. Once you
complete all the exercises in the circuit, rest for 1-2 minutes before repeating the circuit for a set
number of rounds.

Circuit Training Examples

Here are some examples of circuit training exercises that you can incorporate into your workout routine:
 Bodyweight Circuit: Perform each exercise for 30-60 seconds with little or no rest in between, then
rest for 2 minutes before repeating the circuit. Jumping jacks
 Resistance Band Circuit: Perform each exercise for 12-15 reps with little or no rest in between, then
rest for 1-2 minutes before repeating the circuit. Bicep curls
Tricep extensions
Bent-over rows
Chest press
Squats with overhead press
Lateral raises
 Dumbbell Circuit: Perform each exercise for 12-15 reps with little or no rest in between, then rest for 1
2 minutes before repeating the circuit.
Goblet squats
Alternating lunges with bicep curls
Dumbbell bench press
Seated shoulder press
Bent-over rows
Tricep kickbacks
 Cardio Circuit: Perform each exercise for 30-60 seconds with little or no rest in between, then rest for 2
minutes before repeating the circuit.
Jump rope
Mountain climbers
High knees
Jump squats
Box jumps
Stair stepper

Remember to always warm up before beginning a circuit training workout, and to cool down
and stretch afterward to prevent injury and improve recovery.


- There are many different types of circuit training, including traditional circuit training, cross-training
circuit training, and high-intensity circuit training, among others. The specific type of circuit training
you choose will depend on your fitness level, goals, and personal preferences
- With circuit training, you usually perform a high number of reps for each exercise. This involves the
recruitment of slow-twitch muscle fibers to help you sustain the exercise longer. Over time, you'll be
able to perform the exercise longer without feeling fatigued. Not only will this help you perform better
in the circuit itself, but it can help with other activities in fitness and daily life by allowing you to use
your muscles longer and more effectively.
- Depending on the exercises you perform during the circuit, you may be able to build stronger and
larger muscles. Muscle growth requires a person to lift moderate to heavy weights or perform a high
number of reps just before failure, a point at which you can't do another rep, to stimulate muscle
- Circuit training is a favorite for many because it combines strength training and cardiorespiratory
training. Since there is little rest between exercises, your heart rate stays elevated throughout the
circuit. This helps strengthen and decrease stress on your heart, allowing it to push more blood into
the body with less effort.
- Instead of splitting your workouts throughout the week to target specific muscle groups, circuit training
includes a variety of exercises to give you a full-body workout.
- As you move from exercise to exercise, you're usually alternating between different muscle groups. For
example, as you perform an upper body exercise, such as pullups, your lower body can rest
- If you're short on time, you can still get in a high quality workout with circuit training.Since there are
minimal breaks during a session, you can complete your workout in a short time.
- People are less likely to stick to a workout program if they get bored easily. Fortunately, circuit training
may be the solution you're looking for. Since you're constantly going from one exercise to the next, you
have little time to become bored. Furthermore, circuit training classes provide a fun, entertaining
environment that can keep you connected with others.
- You can burn a lot of calories with circuit training, which may help you lose weight. Since your heart
rate stays elevated the entire workout, you're burning a high volume of calories. Plus, since you're also
performing strength training, your metabolism can stay elevated hours after your workout. In fact, one
review of nine studies in 837 participants found that circuit training was effective in reducing body
weight and body mass index (BMI) in those with overweight or obesity.
- Circuit training may help loft your mood and improve your mental health by combining the mood
boosting benefits of both cardio and strength training exercise.
- Circuit training is highly versatile, making it suitable for almost everyone. Circuits can be designed for
all difficulty levels. For example, if you're looking to increase difficulty, try shorter breaks, higher reps,
or increasing the duration. To lower the difficulty level, you can allow longer breaks in between
exercises or stick with fewer rounds. Fortunately, many gyms offer a variety of circuit training classes
to suit people of all fitness levels. If you're working with a personal trainer, they'll also design a circuit
based on your needs. If you're planning on doing it solo, experiment with different circuits - many are
available online - until you find what works best for you.

Circuit training has gained popularity due to its long list of benefits. It's a form of full- body training that
involves rotating through different exercises with limited to no rest in between. By combining both cardio and
strength training, it can help improve muscular strength and endurance, promote heart health, and support
weight loss.
It's also a great workout for those who get bored easily or are short on time but still want to fit in a high-
quality workout. Whether you're an avid athlete, the average gym- goer, or working out in your basement,
circuit training can benefit you.

With the benefits of circuit training being limitless, the modern person can embrace the chance to live a better
healthier life, which is stress-free. Hospitals are nowadays filled with people with heart-related illnesses, which
may include obesity and, to some extent stroke. The majority of these people can be saved simply by
embracing circuit training sessions as part of their wellness program. Too much work without play normally
leads to poor health and body fitness. Even with the economic situations forcing people to be overly busy to
make ends meet, a balancing act should always be sought to ensure a healthy society. With just a little
practice a day combined with proper eating habits (balanced diet and less junk food), there will be a guarantee
for a longer, safer, and healthier life.

- Plyometric exercises, known as jump training, are powerful aerobic exercises used to increase your
speed, endurance, and strength. They require you to exert your muscles to their maximum potential in
short periods.
There are 8 Plyometric Exercises:
Plyometric exercise for Legs
1. Squat jumps - Strengthens your entire lower body and increases heart rate, targeting quads,
hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
2. Reverse lunge knee-ups- It works your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, ankle, abs, balance, and
coordination. The jump also adds plyometric component to the exercise that will work on your
cardiovascular endurance, and fast twitch muscle fibers.

Plyometric exercise for Upper Body Muscles

1. Burpees- Burpees are a two-part exercise: a push-up followed by a leap in the air, that builds strength
and endurance while burning calories and boosting cardio fitness.
2. Clapping push-ups - Clapping push-ups are a plyometric exercise designed to develop explosive
strength, and it is easy to perform with the right technique and steps.

Plyometric exercise for Runner

1. Box jumps- these targets your lower body muscles, including the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and
2. Stairway hops- this exercise will improve your leg strength and to generate stronger martial arts kicks.
3. Tuck jumps- a type of plyometric movements, which can increase muscle contraction, power output,
and performance, resulting in improved athletic performance.
4. Lateral bounds- The lateral bound is a single-leg plyometric exercise in which you leap off one leg, and
propel your body as far as you can in the frontal plane. It targets the lower body, hips, thighs, calves,
ankles, and feet.

Benefits of Plyometric Exercise

 Increase muscle strength
 allows you to run faster, jump higher, and change direction quickly. - improve performance in any sport
that involves running, jumping, or kicking. - tone the entire body, burn calories, and improve
cardiovascular health. - plyometric exercises rapidly stretch your muscles, allowing you to move more
efficiently, and help prevent injury. Caution of Plyometric Exercise
 Use caution when adding plyometric exercises to your workout routine if you’re a beginner or have any
injuries or chronic conditions.
 It’s best if you already have an established workout routine and are physically fit before beginning
plyometric exercises.
 require strong ligaments and tendons since they can cause stress to the joints.
 Start with basic, lower-intensity moves before doing more challenging moves.
 If plyometric training is too intense, consider trying out a different method of exercise.

Bottomline of Plyometric Exercise

 help improve athletic performance in athletes
 develop physical fitness in non-athletes.
 increase speed, power, and quickness.
 Uses a lot of force and require a lot of strength, mobility, and flexibility.

- Zumba is a popular fitness program that incorporates dance and aerobic movements with upbeat
music from around the world. The program was created in the 1990s by Colombian dancer and
choreographer Alberto “Beto” Perez.
- The Zumba workout Is designed to provide a full-body workout that is both fun and effective. The
choreography includes a combination of dance styles, including salsa, merengue, cumbia, reggaeton,
and hip-hop, among others.

Examples of Zumba
- Zumba is a popular fitness program that combines dance and aerobic movements set to upbeat music.
Some examples of Zumba include:

Zumba Fitness – the original Zumba program incorporates Latin and international music and dance moves,
such as salsa, merengue, cumbia, and reggaeton.
Zumba Toning – this variation of Zumba incorporates lightweight dumbbells to tone and sculpt the body while
performing dance routines.
Aqua Zumba – a low-impact variation of Zumba that is performed in a pool. The resistance of the water adds
an extra challenge to the workout.
Zumba Gold – a less intense variation of Zumba designed for seniors, beginners, or anyone who needs a
lower-impact workout.
Zumba Kids – a fun and energetic workout for children that combines dance and fitness activities.
Zumba Sentao – this variation of Zumba incorporates a chair as a prop for added balance and strength
Zumba Step – a high-intensity variation of Zumba that incorporates step aerobics for a challenging
cardiovascular workout.
Strong by Zumba – a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that combines bodyweight exercises with
synced music for a total body workout

Zumba is a dance fitness program that was created in the 1990s by Colombian dancer and choreographer
Alberto “Beto” Perez. It combines elements of Latin and international music with dance moves and aerobic
exercise to create a fun and high-energy workout.

Zumba has become increasingly popular around the world due to its many benefits.
Here are a few reasons why Zumba is important:
 Cardiovascular health – Zumba is a great cardio workout that gets your heart pumping and can
improve your overall cardiovascular health.
 Weight loss – Zumba can be a very effective way to lose weight, as it combines aerobic exercise with
resistance training and can burn a lot of calories.
 Improved coordination – the dance moves in Zumba can help improve your coordination and balance,
which can have benefits in other areas of your life.
 Stress relief – Zumba is a fun and energetic activity that can help reduce stress and improve your
overall mood.
 Socialization – Zumba classes are often done in a group setting, which can be a great way to meet new
people and make friends.

Overall, Zumba is an important fitness activity because it provides a fun and effective
way to improve your health and well-being.

- is the art of designing and arranging movements in a dance or theatrical performance. It involves
creating a sequence of movements or steps that are coordinated with music and often includes
directing dancers or performers on stage.
- Choreography can be used in a variety of performance genres, including ballet, modern dance, musical
theatre, and film. The choreographer is the person responsible for creating and overseeing the
choreography and may work closely with other artists and performers to bring the performance to life.
- Choreography includes a combination of dance styles including, Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Reggaeton,
and hip-hop.
- Salsa, merengue, cumbia, reggaeton, and hip-hop are all different genres of music and dance that
originated in different parts of the world.
- is a type of dance music that originated in Cuba and Puerto Rico in the 1960s. It is a combination of
different musical styles, including Afro-Cuban, jazz, and rock. Salsa is characterized by its lively,
rhythmic beats and the use of brass and percussion instruments.

- is a type of music and dance that originated in the Dominican Republic. It is a fast-paced dance that is
performed with a partner, and it involves a lot of hip and leg movements. The music is characterized by
its use of accordion, Tambora, and güira.

- is a music and dance style that originated in Colombia. It is a rhythmic dance that is usually performed
with a partner, and it involves a lot of hip and foot movements. The music is characterized by its use of
the guacharaca, accordion, and bass guitar.

- is a music genre that originated in Puerto Rico in the 1990s. It is a fusion of reggae, hip-hop, and Latin
American music. Reggaeton is characterized by its heavy bass lines, fast-paced rhythms, and explicit

- is a music and dance genre that originated in African American and Latino communities in the United
States in the 1970s. It is characterized by its use of turntables, MCing, graffiti art, and breakdancing.
Hip-hop has evolved over the years and has influenced popular music and culture worldwide.
What is a workout?
- According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, a workout is a practice or exercise to test or improve one's
fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance: a test of one's ability, capacity, stamina, or

Why is it called a workout?

- workout (n.) 1909, "boxing bout for training," from work (v.) + out (adv.). General sense of "spell of
strenuous physical exercise" is attested by 1922

10 workout exercises that will rock your body

1. Lunges
2. Push-ups
3. Squats
4. Standing overhead dumbbell presses
5. Dumbbell rows
6. Single-leg deadlifts
7. Burpees
8. Side planks
9. Planks
10. Guilt bridge
What are the pros and cons of working out?
 Compound Effect – if you have a sedentary lifestyle, committing to exercise regularly is going to have a
snowball effect. Even 20 minutes of exercise is a start. Take breaks if you have to, but get at least 20
minutes in. Each week try to add another five minutes to the total time spent.
 Better Memory – studies show moderate-intensity exercise can improve memory in every population,
including the elderly.
 Happiness Booster – when you’re in the middle of a high-intensity workout, you may not necessarily
feel happy. But the activity of getting stressed out through exercises is huge, especially when you
finish. The increased blood flow to the brain releases serotonin – the happy hormone – which can
relieve depression and mood swings.
 Risk Injuries – this first one is a big one some people overlook or underestimate big time. Especially if
you’re starting an exercise program for the first time or getting back into workouts, don’t fool yourself.
You’re not a professional athlete that can jump right in and push hard without risk of injury.
 Money Spend – this one is an eye-opener for a lot of people and can turn into discouragement quickly.
A gym membership can be expensive, especially if you never go. Home workouts can lack the
motivation and direction you need (unless you try McClure Fitness Online), not to mention the cost of
workout equipment you have to keep at home.
 Diet Trap – if one of your goals is to lose weight, chances are there is some sort of diet plan in addition
to your exercise routine.
Places you can go for your gym-free workout
1. Playground – your local playground is a great place to work out, but you don’t have to limit yourself to
running around it.
2. Beach - If you don’t mind sand in your workout shoes, beaches are a very enjoyable place to exercise.
Shifting sand makes virtually every exercise you do doubly demanding and will also challenge your
balance and stability. 
3. Sports pitch – the lines on a sports pitch are perfect for a range of workouts. Use them to create a
circuit of calisthenic exercises or as targets for sprint intervals. The large, flat space is perfect for
things like tumbling and other agility exercises. 
4. Forest – running along forest trails makes the miles fly by. You’ll be so busy focusing on ducking
branches and jumping logs that you’ll forget all about the ache in your legs and your heaving lungs. 
5. Your yard – you don’t have to go far to work out. In fact, your yard could be the perfect non-gym
exercise venue. For starters, it’s always open and free to use. You can also stock it with a range of
exercise equipment to enhance your workouts.
6. Your garage – if inclement weather makes working out outdoors less than appealing, take your training
indoors. Park your car on the road and get busy training in your garage instead.
7. Your living room – lack of space does not have to mean you can’t work out. In fact, you only need a
couple of square yards to work your muscles and your cardiovascular system all at the same time.
8. An empty carpark – like a sports pitch, an empty carpark is a great place to work out because of the
abundance of space and the handy markings that you can use for interval and circuit training. Load up
your car with a few training equipment essentials for workout variety or push and pull your car for
the ultimate strongman workout. 

Benefits of Workout
 Workout controls weight – It helps prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you
engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you
 Combats health conditions and diseases – regular exercise helps prevent or manage health problems
and concerns, including:
- Stroke
- Metabolic syndrome
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Many types of cancer
- Arthritis
- Falls
 Exercise improves mood – helps you feel better about your appearance and yourself when you work
out regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.
 Boosts energy – it delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system
work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle
daily chores.
 Promotes better sleep – can help you fall asleep faster, get better sleep and deepen you sleep.
 Can be fun and social – it gives you a chance to unwind. You can engage in activities that makes you

What is Yoga?
- The term "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj" or "yoke".
- Yoga means "to link," "to connect," or "join with". Yoga is an ancient practice that builds strength
and awareness and brings the mind and body. It includes breathing exercises, meditation and
asanas or poses that stretch and flex various muscle groups.

History of Yoga
- One of the oldest sciences in the world, Yoga originated in India. According to mythology, Lord
Shiva was the first one to impart the knowledge of yoga.
- Yoga, dating back to 2700 BC, is an offering of the Indus valley civilization that seeks to promote
both the material and spiritual well-being of humanity.

Six aims of yoga:

1. Growth
2. Learning
3. Maintenance
4. Therapy
5. Spirituality
6. Powers
Three A’s in yoga:
1. Awareness
2. Acceptance
3. Affection

Benefits of Yoga
- Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility.
- Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a
pose can build strength.
Importance of Yoga
 Aids in weight loss
 Improves immunity
 Relieves stress and anxiety
 Increases flexibility and muscle strength

What is Pilates?
- Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates in strengthening the body with an emphasis on
core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. Pilates concentrates on
posture, balance, and flexibility.
3 classical types of Pilates exercises
1. Mat Pilates
2. Contemporary Pilates
3. Reformer Pilates
Pilates exercises that strengthen the core:
 Breathing
 Shoulder bridge preparation
 Leg lifts
 Toe taps
 Side bend preparation
 Sidekick
 Side leg lifts
 Roll down
Benefits of Pilate
1. It increases core strength
2. It improves posture
3. It decreases back pain
4. It prevents injuries
5. It enhances body awareness
6. It decreases stress
7. It reduces menstrual pain
8. It improves flexibility and mobility
9. It improves balance

What is walking?
- walking is good exercise for a healthy life. This helps to stay physically, mentally and emotionally fit and
- from simple casual walking brisk walk and jogging, this rhythmic movement of legs not only keeps
one's blood flow and activity regulated but also exposes to the clean environment.

History of Walking
- through the ages, walking has been a stable characteristic of the human condition. However, it is under
threat. Ian Roberts, of the Institute of Child Health, London, examines the twentieth-century trend
towards less walking, exploring its origin and the cultural, biological, and health- related ramifications
of the decline of the pedestrian.
Benefits of Walking
1. It boosts your energy
2. It improves your overall mood
3. Walking reduced stress and anxiety
4. Walking improves your body’s confidence
5. Walking helps to improves your sleep routine
6. Walking brings more social opportunities

What is jogging?
- Jogging is a type of exercise that involved running at a low pace, usually for an extended period of
time. It is considered one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise and is invaluable for
maintaining overall health.
- It is a form of trotting or running at a slow or leisurely pace.

History of Jogging
- The term jog was often used in English to describe short quick movements, either intentional or
unintentional. It is also used to describe a quick, sharp shake or jar.
- Richard Jefferies, an English naturalist, wrote of "joggers", describing them as quickly moving people
who brushed others aside as they passed.
Benefits of Jogging
1. Improves cardiovascular fitness
2. Builds muscle strength
3. Improved muscular endurance
4. Stronger bones
5. Facilitates weight loss
6. Boost the immune system
7. Improves mental health

What is running?
- Is the action of rapidly propelling yourself forward on foot. When running, there is a moment where
both feet are off the ground (as opposed to walking, when one foot is always on the ground), making it
a high-impact exercise.
- Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, but once you work past the initial discomfort,
running has some amazing benefits that improve your physical and mental health, improving your
overall well-being.
Importance of Running
- Running is a great exercise for the heart. Over time, it helps your heart pump more efficiently. Running
keeps the arteries elastic so blood flows smoothly. Cardiovascular exercise also your blood pressure
and bad (LDL) cholesterol, but increases good (HDL), thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Benefits of Running
 Running improves cardiovascular health – our heart rate increases as you run to pump more blood
(and thus oxygen and nutrients) to your working muscles. Over time, with consistent running, your
heart and lungs adapt. Your heart becomes stronger, enabling it to pump a greater volume of blood
per beat, and your lungs become more powerful and capable of taking in more air per breath. As your
cardiovascular efficiency improves, you’re able to run faster with less effort.
 Running builds muscular strength – at some point, most of us have walked behind a runner and envied
their muscular, defined calves. As long as you are properly fueling your body with enough calories and
protein to support your training, running can help build muscle and increase strength. As a total-body
workout, running strengthens your legs, core, and upper body.
 Running increases bone density – running place stresses on bones that stimulate them to adapt by
laying down more minerals within the bony matrix to strengthen the structure. Running also increases
the production of bone-building hormones in the body, stimulating the body to make more bone cells
and inhibiting the activity of cells that break down bone cells. Stronger bones are more resilient and
less likely to fracture.
 Running improves markers of health – running can lower blood pressure and resting heart rate,
improve blood sugar control, lower triglycerides, and lower cholesterol. It can also reduce waist
circumference and body fat percentage. Improving these markers of health can reduce disease risk and
help you feel healthier overall.
 Running reduces stress – getting outside and pounding the pavement or trail is a great way to diffuse
stress and tension. Running can lower the stress hormone, cortisol, which helps you feel more relaxed.
 Running boosts confidence – running is a lot about goal setting and achieving things you didn’t think
were possible. As such, running can help develop a sense of self-efficacy and boost your self-
 Running is accessible – besides a good pair of running shoes, you need very little equipment to get
started running. That said, having the right gear will keep you comfortable in different seasons.
 Running can connect you to nature – through treadmills are certainly viable training tools, if you
choose to run outside, running gives you a chance to unplug from technology and screens and connect
with nature. Much of our lives takes place inside these days, but research shows that exercising outside
independent of any other factors provides significant mental health benefits over indoor workouts.
Whether you find a peaceful wooded trail or a local park, getting outside while running is a sure way to
soak up some vitamin D and fresh air.
 Running can be social – there are thousands of running groups and running clubs all over the country
(and world) that enable new and veteran runners alike to connect and enjoy miles together. You may
meet a whole new group of buddies and develop relationships that last a lifetime.
 Running improves your mood – the “runner’s high” isn’t some fictionalized unicorn or elusive wonder;
rather, it’s a rush of mood-boosting endorphins brought on by a long-distance endurance run. Finishing
a good run can leave you feeling proud, capable, powerful, and even elated, ready to conquer anything
that comes your way with a good attitude.

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