A Semi-Detailed-movementtssss

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in MATHEMATICS


Prepared by: Everlito D. Cedenio Jr

Cooperating Teacher: Grace Padao

Objectives: At the end of a 60-minute period, the pupils will be

able to:

a. describe the speed and direction of movement when a person travels from
one place to another;
b. show varied ways of movement in response to various tempo, and
c. associate and enjoy with the group in doing the activities.

Subject Matter:
a.Topic: Speed and direction of body movement
b Materials: PPT, activity materials, pentlepen and pictures.
c. Reference: Grade 3 MSEP LRMDS Portal
Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b.Singing of the National Anthem
c.Checking of Attendance
d . Classroom Rules
The teacher will let the student recall the classroom rules.
* Sit properly
* Do not make unnecessary noise. Listen when others are
" Do not answer in chorus. Raise your hand to speak and
* Be kind and helpful.
* Be honest and respectful.
The teacher will recall the previous lesson
Questions to ask:
What was our lesson yesterday?
The teacher will execute three different movements. Then the students
will identify if what movements that teacher executed with.
*Blinking of eye
Questions to ask:
*What movements did I do?
*What do you think is our topic for this morning?

Lesson Proper
The teacher will be going to discuss the speed and direction of
body movement.
is defined as. The rate of change of position of an object in any direction. Speed
is measured as the ratio of distance to the time in which the distance was
Body Movement

Movement is the change in the position of a body part with respect to the whole body. It
is one of the significant features of all living beings. The blinking of the eyes, breathing,
eating are all examples of movement.

Group Activities

The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups. And all of them will
have the same task
Directions: Identify the pictures with it's various tempos. (Slow and fast)

Directions: Using flashcards ask random students to identify and
imitate the movement of the animals in the picture.


The teacher will ask the pupils some questions to know whether they are able to
learn from the lessons discussed.
Again, what is our lesson for today?


Directions: Cut a picture that is slow moving and fast moving transportation and paste it in the
bond paper.

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