Abdalla Badr Software Engineer CV

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6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt

Abdalla Badr
+20 102 491 3959
Software Engineering www.github.com/AbdallaBadreldin

Programming languages: Java, Kotlin, Swift, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Conceptual Knowledge: Object Oriented Programming (OOP), SOLID principles, Data structure and algorithm,
Architecture Components (MVC, MVP & MVVM), Design patterns and principles, Agile

● Electronics lab calculations (Android – Java) (Google play store)
Reduces time and efforts consumed in labs ,Contains two languages got +5000 downloads.
● Music minimizing tool (Android – Java) (Github)
Helps user to minimize music opened from My files to work in the background even if the system stops it.
● Weather App (Android – Kotlin) (Github)
Shows you the weather of your location by GPS or maps. Store data offline, warn you if there’s a crisis.

Frontend internship/ DPE / / FEB 2023 – MAY 2023
Android developer/ ‫ المحراب‬/ MAR 2023 – MAY 2023 (Google play store)
- Responsible of creating the App from scratch for education.
- Created backend using firebase and integrate everything together.
- Made Control panel to control data over the app.
Software Engineering Internship/ Huawei / SEP 2022 – DEC 2022
- Design solutions and architecture to meet business objectives for large known companies.
- Hands-on development, testing and maintenance on online platforms, including backend API and frontend user
- Working with large international teams online and onsite.
- Deliver projects all over the world caring about customer data privacy.
Android developer/ United Ofoq / JULY 2022 – SEP 2022 (Google play store)
- Responsible of building and testing Adnodes App from scratch for advertisement company, Handle the complexity
of requests and make sure everything works smoothly with the backend as fast as possible.
Android developer/ Freelancer / FEB 2017 – NOV 2018
- Creating many apps for different clients around the world.

9-Month Diploma in Software engineering /Information Technology Institute (ITI) / OCT 2021 – JULY 2022
Graduation project: AMUN store (Android – Kotlin), e-commerce App, Shopify API.
Bachelor in Telecommunication engineering/Al-Safwa high institute / SEP 2013 – MAY 2018
Grade: Very good
Graduation project: Spider robot with Arduino navigated with Android

• Advanced Android Kotlin Development – FWD • Nov 2022
• Algorithmic Toolbox – UC San Diego • Feb 2022
• CCNA v7 – Cisco Academy • Aug 2021
• Android Basics Nanodegree – Udacity • Aug 2017
• Self-Motivation – DP World • Aug 2016
Personal Data
• Military Service: Completed as army lieutenant – 1/10/2018 to 1/4/2021
• Date of birth: 25th January 1996

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