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1 Scrivi frasi al Past simple:

1 you / pass / the English test PASSED

2 my grandparents / visit / us on Sunday VISITED

3 our school / close / early yesterday closed

4 Tom and I / enjoy / the concert ENJOYED

5 I / cook / dinner last night COOKED

6 we / text / you three times yesterday TEXTED

2 Scrivi il Past simple dei verbi:

miss missed

1 cook _____cooked_______

2 wash _____washed_______

3 like _______liked_____

4 talk ____________talked

5 start ___STARTED_________

6 travel ___TRAVELLED_________

7 play __Played__________

8 try __tried__________
3 Completa le frasi con il Past simple regolare dei verbi tra parentesi:

I listened (listen) to the radio in bed this morning.

1 We ____________ (watch) a good film last night.

2 Dad ____________ (walk) to work today.

3 Alice ____________ (love) her present!

4 They ____________ (finish) their homework after dinner.

5 It ____________ (rain) every day last week.

6 You ____________ (enjoy) my party!

7 My sister ____________ (start) school in September last year.

8 We ___________ (move) house in the summer. We now live near a park.

4 Completa le frasi con il Past simple dei verbi del riquadro:

call play study tidy travel watch

We travelled to Oxford on the train.

1 I ____________ all weekend for my exams.

2 Amy ____________ me on my mobile an hour ago.

3 They ____________ football for two hours.

4 We ____________ a terrible film last night.

5 Sam ____________ my bedroom for me!

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