Elrond's Physique Templates

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Start by selecting a weight that allows you to hit the upper end of the rep-range on the first set, with it feeling just a
From there, try to hit that upper end on every set. If you fail to do so, next week try again, using the same weight, yo
very least get the same reps as last time, and ideally a little bit more. When you succeed on hitting the upper end o
on every set, increase the weight the next session by 2-10 lbs (1-5 kg). If after increasing the weight you fail to hit th
the rep-range on every set, the increment was too high, lower it a little. If the lowest weight increment available on y
high, widen the rep-range, so for example instead of 6-8 do 6-10 or even 6-12.

Example: bench press for 3 sets of 6-8 reps:

Week 1: 80 kg for 8-7-6.

Week 2: 80 kg for 8-8-7.
Week 3: 80 kg for 8-8-7.
Week 4: 80 kg for 8-8-8. <--- upper en on every set, increase weight.
Week 5: 85 kg for 7-6-5. <--- fell below the lower end (6 reps), the increment was too high, lowering the weight next
Week 6: 82 kg for 8-6-6.
Week 7: 82 kg for 8-7-6.
And so on.

NOTE: if you do more than 3-4 sets for an exercise, only look at the first 3-4 sets when looking to apply this progres
model, and disregard how many reps you get on sets 4-5+, just try to maintain around the same level of effort as th


Start by selecting a weight that allows you to hit the lower end of the rep-range on every set, with the last set feeling
challenging. From there, next week do just one more rep on each set. If you succeed, next week do one more rep e
and if you failed, repeat the attempt next week. Once you reach the upper end of the rep-range on every set, increa
by 2-5 lbs (1-2 kg). If after increasing the weight you fail to hit the lower end of rep-range on every set, the incremen
lower it a little. If the lowest weight increment available on your gym is too high, widen the rep-range, so for examp
of 12-15 do 12-17 or even 12-20.

Example: cable fly for 3 sets of 15-20 reps:

Week 1: 40 kg for 15-15-15.

Week 2: 40 kg for 16-16-16.
Week 3: 40 kg for 17-17-17.
Week 4: 40 kg for 18-18-17. <--- Failed attempt, try again.
Week 5: 40 kg for 18-18-18.
Week 6: 40 kg for 19-19-19.
Week 7: 40 kg for 20-20-20. <---- upper end of the rep-range on each set, increase the weight.
Week 8: 42 kg for 15-15-15.
And so on.

Keep in mind failed attemps don't mean failing the progression or that you're not making progress, as long as you d
rep than last time in just one set, that's progress, this scheme is just a protocol to decide when to increase reps and

NOTE: if you do more than 3 sets for an exercise, only look at the first 3 sets when looking to apply this progression
t set, with it feeling just a bit challenging.
using the same weight, you should at the
on hitting the upper end of the rep-range
the weight you fail to hit the lower end of
t increment available on your gym is too

, lowering the weight next time.

oking to apply this progression

same level of effort as the previous ones.

et, with the last set feeling pretty

xt week do one more rep each set,
range on every set, increase the weight
on every set, the increment was too high,
e rep-range, so for example instead


progress, as long as you do even 1 more

when to increase reps and weight.

g to apply this progression

Week 1
DAY 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 3-5 8-10
Select a horizontal pull... 3-5 8-10
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a calf exercise... 3-5 8-10
DAY 3 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 2-5 8-10
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a vertical press... 3-5 8-10
Select a triceps exercise... 2-5 12-15
DAY 5 Sets Rep goal Weight
Same horizontal press as Day 1 (auto) 3-5 8-10
Select a vertical pull... 3-5 8-10
Select a non-press shoulder exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 10-12
Same calf exercise as Day 1 (auto) 3-5 8-10

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Machine pull-over
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Standing barbell overhead press
Seated barbell overhead press
Seated dumbbell overhead press
Seated smith machine shoulder press
Machine shoulder press
Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable cross body lateral raises
One arm cable lateral raises
Machine lateral raises
Barbell upright row
Cable upright row

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
1 Week 2 Week 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

Week 3 Week 4 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
3-5 8-10 3-5

Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-5 8-10 2-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-5 12-15 2-5

Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
Week 5 Week 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
10-12 2-5 10-12
8-10 3-5 8-10

Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 2-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15

Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
10-12 2-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
8-10 3-5 8-10
Week 7 Week 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15

Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
8 Week 9 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 4
2 4
2 6
2 5
2 4

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten

2 4
2 4
2 4
2 6

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten

2 4
2 4
2 6
2 5
2 5
2 4
Very Little Time To Train - Full Body Programs
Pick a level according to the time you have to train.
Do one session, the next day is a mandatory rest Sessions per week
day, after that train again whenever you can and Frequency per muscle per w
Sets per muscle per week
Try to hit the gym at least once per week, and at the
other end, with this scheme you could hit a Sets per muscle per session
maximum of 4 training sessions per week. The more
sessions you can do the better, but even 1 session
will give you some gains.

Compare performance between consecutive

sessions. The stuff in the instructions sheet still

If you want, super-set the exercises to save time:

press with pull, quads with hams, calves with

You'd be surprised at the amount of gains you can

LEVEL 1: 20-30 min session

Sacrifices: Hamstrings, calves.

Session 1
WORKOUT SESSION Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a quad compound... 3-5 8-10
Select a pushing exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a pulling exercise... 3-5 8-10

LEVEL 2: 25-35 min session

Sacrifices: Hamstrings.
Tip: some of the calf exercises you can do at home.

Session 1
WORKOUT SESSION Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a quad compound... 3-5 8-10
Select a pushing exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a pulling exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a calf exercise... 3-5 10-12
LEVEL 3: 30-40 min session
Sacrifices: nothing, full gains!
Tip: some of the calf exercises you can do at home.

Session 1
WORKOUT SESSION Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a quad compound... 3-5 8-10
Select a hamstring exercise... 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
Select a pushing exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a pulling exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a calf exercise... 3-5 10-12



Incline close-grip bench press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline Smith machine close-grip bench press
Incline machine chest press
Hammer machine chest press


Assisted chin-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Underhand pull-downs
Neutral grip pull-downs
Underhand barbell row
One arm dumbbell row
Incline dumbbell row
Underhand cable row
Neutral grip cable row


Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats


Romanian deadlift (8-10)
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells (8-10)
Glute ham raise (8-10)
Single leg back extension for hamstrings (8-10)
Back extension for hamstrings (12-15)
Lying leg curl (12-15)
Seated leg curl (12-15)
Single leg leg curl (12-15)

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
Beginner, Intermediate

n1 Session 2 Session 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

n1 Session 2 Session 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
n1 Session 2 Session 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-4 8-10 or 12-15 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 3 Session 4 Sess
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5

Session 3 Session 4 Sess

Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 10-12 3-5
Session 3 Session 4 Sess
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-4 8-10 or 12-15 2-4
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 10-12 3-5
Session 5 Session 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10

Session 5 Session 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 5 Session 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 or 12-15 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 7 Session 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

Session 7 Session 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 7 Session 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-4 8-10 or 12-15 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
n8 Session 9 Session 10
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

n8 Session 9 Session 10
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
n8 Session 9 Session 10
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-4 8-10 or 12-15 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 10 Session 11 Sessi
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5

Session 10 Session 11 Sessi

Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 10-12 3-5
Session 10 Session 11 Sessi
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-4 8-10 or 12-15 2-4
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 10-12 3-5
Session 12 Session 13
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10

Session 12 Session 13
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 12 Session 13
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 or 12-15 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
8-10 3-5 8-10
8-10 3-5 8-10
10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 14 Session 15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10

Session 14 Session 15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Session 14 Session 15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-4 8-10 or 12-15 2-4 8-10 or 12-15
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
15 Session 16
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10

15 Session 16
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12
15 Session 16
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
3-5 8-10
2-4 8-10 or 12-15
3-5 8-10
3-5 8-10
3-5 10-12
Week 1
DAY 1: LOWER 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 6-8
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 6-8
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 8-10
DAY 2: UPPER 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 3-5 6-8
Select a horizontal press... 3-5 6-8
Select a horizontal pull... 2-5 10-12
Select an incline press... 2-5 10-12
Select a shoulder exercise... 3-7 10-12
DAY 4: LOWER 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 10-12
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 12-15
DAY 5: UPPER 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 3-5 10-12
Select a horizontal press... 3-5 10-12
Select a horizontal pull... 2-5 12-15
Select a chest isolation exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a biceps exercise... 3-5 12-15
Select a triceps exercise... 3-5 12-15
Select a shoulder exercise... 3-7 15-20

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Machine pull-over
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable cross body lateral raises
One arm cable lateral raises
Machine lateral raises
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Machine shoulder press
Barbell upright row
Cable upright row

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
1 Week 2 Week 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 8-10 3-7 8-10
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 10-12 3-7 10-12

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
3-7 12-15 3-7 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
3-5 12-15 3-5 12-15
3-5 12-15 3-5 12-15
3-7 15-20 3-7 15-20

Beginner to Intermediate
Week 3 Week 4 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
2-5 6-8 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
3-7 8-10 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
3-5 6-8 3-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
3-7 10-12 3-7

Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 10-12 3-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
3-7 12-15 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 10-12 3-5
3-5 10-12 3-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
3-5 12-15 3-5
3-5 12-15 3-5
3-7 15-20 3-7
Week 5 Week 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
6-8 2-5 6-8
10-12 2-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
8-10 3-7 8-10
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
6-8 3-5 6-8
10-12 2-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
10-12 3-7 10-12

Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 3-7 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-5 10-12
10-12 3-5 10-12
12-15 2-5 12-15
15-20 2-5 15-20
12-15 3-5 12-15
12-15 3-5 12-15
15-20 3-7 15-20
Week 7 Week 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 8-10 3-7 8-10
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 10-12 3-7 10-12

Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
3-7 12-15 3-7 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
3-5 12-15 3-5 12-15
3-5 12-15 3-5 12-15
3-7 15-20 3-7 15-20
8 Week 9 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 5
2 5
2 4
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 5
2 5
2 5

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten

2 5
2 5
2 6
2 6
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 6
2 6
2 7
Week 1
DAY 1: LOWER 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 2-6 6-8
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 3-6 6-8
Select a calf exercise... 2-6 6-8
DAY 2: UPPER 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 2-6 6-8
Select a horizontal press... 2-6 6-8
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-6 10-12
DAY 3: LOWER 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-6 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 0-6 10-12
Select a calf exercise... 2-6 10-12
DAY 4: UPPER 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal pull... 2-6 10-12
Select an incline press... 2-6 10-12
Select a biceps exercise... 2-6 12-15
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-6 12-15
DAY 5: LOWER 3 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-6 15-20
Select a leg curl exercise... 3-6 15-20
Select a calf exercise... 2-6 15-20
DAY 6: UPPER 3 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 2-6 15-20
Select a chest isolation exercise... 2-6 15-20
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-6 15-20
Select a triceps exercise... 2-6 12-15

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Machine pull-over
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row
Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable cross body lateral raises
One arm cable lateral raises
Machine lateral raises
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Machine shoulder press
Barbell upright row
Cable upright row

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
1 Week 2 Week 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
3-6 6-8 3-6 6-8
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
0-6 10-12 0-6 10-12
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
3-6 15-20 3-6 15-20
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15

Beginner to intermediate
Week 3 Week 4 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-6 6-8 2-6
3-6 6-8 3-6
2-6 6-8 2-6
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-6 6-8 2-6
2-6 6-8 2-6
2-6 10-12 2-6
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-6 10-12 2-6
0-6 10-12 0-6
2-6 10-12 2-6
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-6 10-12 2-6
2-6 10-12 2-6
2-6 12-15 2-6
2-6 12-15 2-6
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-6 15-20 2-6
3-6 15-20 3-6
2-6 15-20 2-6
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-6 15-20 2-6
2-6 15-20 2-6
2-6 15-20 2-6
2-6 12-15 2-6
Week 5 Week 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 2-6 6-8
6-8 3-6 6-8
6-8 2-6 6-8
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 2-6 6-8
6-8 2-6 6-8
10-12 2-6 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 2-6 10-12
10-12 0-6 10-12
10-12 2-6 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 2-6 10-12
10-12 2-6 10-12
12-15 2-6 12-15
12-15 2-6 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
15-20 2-6 15-20
15-20 3-6 15-20
15-20 2-6 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
15-20 2-6 15-20
15-20 2-6 15-20
15-20 2-6 15-20
12-15 2-6 12-15
Week 7 Week 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
3-6 6-8 3-6 6-8
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
2-6 6-8 2-6 6-8
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
0-6 10-12 0-6 10-12
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
3-6 15-20 3-6 15-20
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
2-6 15-20 2-6 15-20
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
8 Week 9 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
0-2 5
2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 5
2 6
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 7
2 7
2 7
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 7
2 7
2 7
2 6
Week 1
DAY 1: LOWER Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 6-8
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 6-8
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 8-10
DAY 2: UPPER Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 4-6 6-8
Select a horizontal pull... 3-5 6-8
Select a vertical press... 4-6 8-10
Select a vertical pull... 2-5 8-10
Select a triceps exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 12-15
DAY 4: LEGS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 10-12
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 12-15
DAY 5: PUSH Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 2-4 10-12
Select an incline press... 2-4 10-12
Select a chest isolation exercise... 2-4 15-20
Select a triceps exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a non-press shoulder exercise... 2-5 12-15
DAY 6: PULL Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 3-6 10-12
Select a horizontal pull... 2-6 12-15
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a non-press shoulder exercise... 2-5 15-20

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Machine pull-over
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Standing barbell overhead press
Seated barbell overhead press
Seated dumbbell overhead press
Seated smith machine shoulder press
Machine shoulder press
Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable cross body lateral raises
One arm cable lateral raises
Machine lateral raises
Barbell upright row
Cable upright row

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
1 Week 2 Week 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 8-10 3-7 8-10
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
4-6 6-8 4-6 6-8
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
4-6 8-10 4-6 8-10
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
3-7 12-15 3-7 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-6 10-12 3-6 10-12
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20

Beginner to Intermediate
Week 3 Week 4 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
2-5 6-8 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
3-7 8-10 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
4-6 6-8 4-6
3-5 6-8 3-5
4-6 8-10 4-6
2-5 8-10 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5

Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 10-12 3-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
3-7 12-15 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 15-20 2-4
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-6 10-12 3-6
2-6 12-15 2-6
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
Week 5 Week 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
6-8 2-5 6-8
10-12 2-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
8-10 3-7 8-10
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 4-6 6-8
6-8 3-5 6-8
8-10 4-6 8-10
8-10 2-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15

Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 3-7 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 2-4 10-12
10-12 2-4 10-12
15-20 2-4 15-20
15-20 2-5 15-20
12-15 2-5 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-6 10-12
12-15 2-6 12-15
15-20 2-5 15-20
15-20 2-5 15-20
Week 7 Week 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 8-10 3-7 8-10
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
4-6 6-8 4-6 6-8
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
4-6 8-10 4-6 8-10
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15

Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
3-7 12-15 3-7 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-6 10-12 3-6 10-12
2-6 12-15 2-6 12-15
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
8 Week 9 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 5
2 5
2 4
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 4
2 4
2 6
2 6

Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten

2 5
2 5
2 6
2 6
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 5
2 7
2 7
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 7
Week 1
DAY 1: PULL 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 3-5 6-8
Select a horizontal pull... 2-5 8-10
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 10-12
DAY 2: PUSH 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 3-5 6-8
Select an incline press... 2-5 8-10
Select a triceps exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 12-15
DAY 3: LEGS 1 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 6-8
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 6-8
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 8-10
DAY 4: PULL 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 3-4 10-12
Select a horizontal pull... 2-4 12-15
Select a back isolation exercise... 0-4 12-15
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 12-15
DAY 5: PUSH 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 3-4 10-12
Select an incline press... 2-4 12-15
Select a chest isolation exercise... 0-4 15-20
Select a triceps exercise... 3-5 15-20
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 15-20
DAY 6: LEGS 2 Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 10-12
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 12-15

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row
Machine pull-over (lats)
Straight arm pull-down (lats)
Lat prayer (lats)
Barbell shrugs (upper traps)
Dumbbell shrugs (upper traps)
Cable shrugs (upper traps)
Cable side shrugs (upper traps)
Horizontal T-bar shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal dumbbell shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal shrugs on row machine (mid-whole traps)

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable cross body lateral raises
One arm cable lateral raises
Machine lateral raises
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Machine shoulder press
Barbell upright row
Cable upright row
Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
1 Week 2 Week 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 8-10 3-7 8-10
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
3-5 15-20 3-5 15-20
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
3-7 12-15 3-7 12-15

Intermediate to Advanced
Week 3 Week 4 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
2-5 8-10 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
2-5 8-10 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
2-5 6-8 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
3-7 8-10 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-4 10-12 3-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
0-4 12-15 0-4
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-4 10-12 3-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
0-4 15-20 0-4
3-5 15-20 3-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 10-12 3-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
3-7 12-15 3-7
Week 5 Week 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
8-10 2-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
10-12 2-5 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
8-10 2-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
6-8 2-5 6-8
10-12 2-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
8-10 3-7 8-10
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-4 10-12
12-15 2-4 12-15
12-15 0-4 12-15
15-20 2-5 15-20
12-15 2-5 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-4 10-12
12-15 2-4 12-15
15-20 0-4 15-20
15-20 3-5 15-20
15-20 2-5 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 3-5 10-12
10-12 2-5 10-12
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15
12-15 3-7 12-15
Week 7 Week 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 8-10 2-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
3-7 8-10 3-7 8-10
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
3-5 15-20 3-5 15-20
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
3-7 12-15 3-7 12-15
8 Week 9 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 4
2 6
2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 4
2 6
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 5
2 5
2 4
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 7
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 5
2 6
2 6
2 6
Week 0.5
DAY 1: PUSH Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 3-4 6-8
Select an incline press... 2-4 10-12
Select a chest isolation exercise... 0-4 15-20
Select a biceps exercise... 3-6 12-15
Select a shoulder exercise... 3-5 10-12
DAY 2: LEGS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-6 6-8
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 2-5 6-8
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-6 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 3-6 12-15
Select a calf exercise... 3-7 10-12
DAY 3: PULL Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 2-4 8-10
Select a horizontal pull... 3-4 10-12
Select a back isolation exercise... 0-4 12-15
Select a triceps exercise... 3-6 12-15
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 12-15

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row
Machine pull-over (lats)
Straight arm pull-down (lats)
Lat prayer (lats)
Barbell shrugs (upper traps)
Dumbbell shrugs (upper traps)
Cable shrugs (upper traps)
Cable side shrugs (upper traps)
Horizontal T-bar shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal dumbbell shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal shrugs on row machine (mid-whole traps)

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable cross body lateral raises
One arm cable lateral raises
Machine lateral raises
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Machine shoulder press
Barbell upright row
Cable upright row

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
.5 Week 1 Week 1.5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-6 6-8 3-6 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-7 10-12 3-7 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15

Intermediate to Advanced
1.75x (more for arms)
Week 1.5 Week 2 Wee
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-4 6-8 3-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
0-4 15-20 0-4
3-6 12-15 3-6
3-5 10-12 3-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-6 6-8 3-6
2-5 6-8 2-5
2-6 10-12 2-6
3-6 12-15 3-6
3-7 10-12 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 8-10 2-4
3-4 10-12 3-4
0-4 12-15 0-4
3-6 12-15 3-6
2-5 12-15 2-5
Week 2.5 Week 3
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
15-20 0-4 15-20
12-15 3-6 12-15
10-12 3-5 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-6 6-8
6-8 2-5 6-8
10-12 2-6 10-12
12-15 3-6 12-15
10-12 3-7 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 2-4 8-10
10-12 3-4 10-12
12-15 0-4 12-15
12-15 3-6 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15
Week 3.5 Week 4
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-6 6-8 3-6 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-7 10-12 3-7 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
4 Week 4.5 Week 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-6 6-8 3-6 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-7 10-12 3-7 10-12
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
Week 5 Week 5.5 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-4 6-8 3-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
0-4 15-20 0-4
3-6 12-15 3-6
3-5 10-12 3-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-6 6-8 3-6
2-5 6-8 2-5
2-6 10-12 2-6
3-6 12-15 3-6
3-7 10-12 3-7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 8-10 2-4
3-4 10-12 3-4
0-4 12-15 0-4
3-6 12-15 3-6
2-5 12-15 2-5
Week 6 Week 6.5
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
15-20 0-4 15-20
12-15 3-6 12-15
10-12 3-5 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-6 6-8
6-8 2-5 6-8
10-12 2-6 10-12
12-15 3-6 12-15
10-12 3-7 10-12
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 2-4 8-10
10-12 3-4 10-12
12-15 0-4 12-15
12-15 3-6 12-15
12-15 2-5 12-15
Week 7 Week 7.5
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-6 6-8 3-6 6-8
2-5 6-8 2-5 6-8
2-6 10-12 2-6 10-12
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
3-7 10-12 3-7 10-12
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
3-6 12-15 3-6 12-15
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
.5 Week 8 Week 8.5 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 6-8 2 3
2-4 10-12 2 5
0-4 15-20 0
3-6 12-15 2 6
3-5 10-12 2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-6 6-8 2 3
2-5 6-8 2 3
2-6 10-12 2 5
3-6 12-15 2 6
3-7 10-12 2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 8-10 2 4
3-4 10-12 2 5
0-4 12-15 0
3-6 12-15 2 6
2-5 12-15 2 6
Week 8.5 - Deload Week 9 - Deload
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 5
2 6
2 5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 5
2 6
2 5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 4
2 5
2 6
2 6
Week 0.5
DAYS 1 AND 4: CHEST AND BACK Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 3-4 6-8
Select an incline press... 2-4 10-12
Select a chest isolation exercise... 0-4 15-20
Select a vertical pull... 2-4 8-10
Select a horizontal pull... 3-4 10-12
Select a back isolation exercise... 0-4 12-15
DAYS 2 AND 5: SHOULDERS AND ARMS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a shoulder exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a biceps exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a triceps exercise... 2-5 10-12
Select a triceps exercise... 2-5 15-20
DAYS 3 AND 6: LEGS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 3-5 8-10
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-5 12-15
Select a hamstring exercise... 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
Select a calf exercise... 4-6 10-12

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row
Machine pull-over (lats)
Straight arm pull-down (lats)
Lat prayer (lats)
Barbell shrugs (upper traps)
Dumbbell shrugs (upper traps)
Cable shrugs (upper traps)
Cable side shrugs (upper traps)
Horizontal T-bar shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal dumbbell shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal shrugs on row machine (mid-whole traps)

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Standing barbell shoulder press (front/side delt)
Seated barbell shoulder press (front/side delt)
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (front/side delt)
Seated Smith machine shoulder press (front/side delt)
Machine shoulder press (front/side delt)
Barbell upright row (side delt)
Cable upright row (side delt)
Dumbbell lateral raises (side delt)
Cable cross body lateral raises (side delt)
One arm cable lateral raises (side delt)
Machine lateral raises (side delt)
Cable facepulls (rear/side delt)
Dumbbell bent over lateral raises (rear/side delt)
Incline dumbbell lateral raises (rear/side delt)
Machine reverse flys (rear delt)

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift (8-10)
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells (8-10)
Glute ham raise (8-10)
Single leg back extension for hamstrings (8-10)
Back extension for hamstrings (12-15)
Lying leg curl (12-15)
Seated leg curl (12-15)
Single leg leg curl (12-15)

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
.5 Week 1 Week 1.5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
4-6 10-12 4-6 10-12

Intermediate to Advanced
2x (shoulders and arms 3-4x)
Week 1.5 Week 2 Wee
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-4 6-8 3-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
0-4 15-20 0-4
2-4 8-10 2-4
3-4 10-12 3-4
0-4 12-15 0-4
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 4-6
4-6 10-12 4-6
Week 2.5 Week 3
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
15-20 0-4 15-20
8-10 2-4 8-10
10-12 3-4 10-12
12-15 0-4 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 2-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
10-12 2-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
10-12 2-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
8-10 or 12-15 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
10-12 4-6 10-12
Week 3.5 Week 4
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
4-6 10-12 4-6 10-12
4 Week 4.5 Week 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
4-6 10-12 4-6 10-12
Week 5 Week 5.5 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-4 6-8 3-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
0-4 15-20 0-4
2-4 8-10 2-4
3-4 10-12 3-4
0-4 12-15 0-4
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
2-5 10-12 2-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 8-10 3-5
2-5 12-15 2-5
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 4-6
4-6 10-12 4-6
Week 6 Week 6.5
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
15-20 0-4 15-20
8-10 2-4 8-10
10-12 3-4 10-12
12-15 0-4 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 2-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
10-12 2-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
10-12 2-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
8-10 3-5 8-10
12-15 2-5 12-15
8-10 or 12-15 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
10-12 4-6 10-12
Week 7 Week 7.5
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-4 6-8 3-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
0-4 15-20 0-4 15-20
2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10
3-4 10-12 3-4 10-12
0-4 12-15 0-4 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
2-5 10-12 2-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
2-5 12-15 2-5 12-15
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 4-6 8-10 or 12-15
4-6 10-12 4-6 10-12
.5 Week 8 Week 8.5 - Deload
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-4 6-8 2 3
2-4 10-12 2 5
0-4 15-20 0
2-4 8-10 2 4
3-4 10-12 2 5
0-4 12-15 0
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-5 10-12 2 5
2-5 15-20 1 7
2-5 10-12 2 5
2-5 15-20 1 7
2-5 10-12 2 5
2-5 15-20 1 7
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 8-10 2 4
2-5 12-15 2 6
4-6 8-10 or 12-15 3 4 or 6
4-6 10-12 3 5
Week 8.5 - Deload Week 9 - Deload
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 5
2 4
2 5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
1 7
2 5
1 7
2 5
1 7
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 4
2 6
3 4 or 6
3 5
Week 1
DAY 1: CHEST Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a horizontal press... 2-4 6-8
Select an incline press... 2-4 10-12
Select a chest isolation exercise... 2-4 15-20
Select a horizontal press... 2-4 12-15
DAY 2: BACK Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical pull... 2-4 6-10
Select a horizontal pull... 3-5 6-10
Select a lat isolation exercise... 2-4 12-15
Select a trap isolation exercise... 3-5 12-15
DAY 3: HAMS AND CALVES Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a hip-hinge exercise... 3-5 6-8
Select a leg curl exercise... 3-5 10-12
Select a leg curl exercise... 2-5 15-20
Select a calf exercise... 3-5 8-10
Select a calf exercise... 3-5 15-20
DAY 4: SHOULDERS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a vertical press... 2-4 6-8
Select a non-press shoulder exercise... 2-4 10-12
Select a non-press shoulder exercise... 2-4 12-15
Select a non-press shoulder exercise... 2-4 15-20
DAY 5: ARMS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a biceps exercise... 2-4 10-12
Select a triceps exercise... 2-4 10-12
Select a biceps exercise... 2-4 12-15
Select a triceps exercise... 2-4 12-15
Select a biceps exercise... 2-4 15-20
Select a triceps exercise... 2-4 15-20
DAY 6: QUADS Sets Rep goal Weight
Select a heavy quad compound... 2-4 6-8
Select a heavy quad compound... 2-4 10-12
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-4 12-15
Select a lighter quad exercise... 2-4 15-20

Average body weight of the week


CHEST Recommended level
Flat barbell bench press Sessions per week
Flat dumbbell bench press Frequency per muscle per w
Smith machine bench press Sets per muscle per week
Machine chest press Sets per muscle per session
Flat hammer machine press
Incline dumbbell bench press
Incline barbell bench press
Smith machine incline bench press
Incline machine chest press
Incline hammer press
Dumbbell fly
Cable fly
Machine fly
Peck-Deck fly

Cable triceps push-downs
Rope push-downs
Barbell overhead triceps extensions
EZ bar overhead triceps extensions
Cable overhead triceps extensions
Rope overhead triceps extensions
Barbell skillcrushers
Dumbbell skullcrushers
JM press

Lat pull-downs
Reverse lat pull-downs
Neutral grip lat pull-down
Hammer high row
Assisted pull-ups
Assisted chin-ups
Assisted neutral grip pull-ups
Neutral grip pull-ups
Barbell row
Underhand barbell row
Smith machine row
Cable row
Machine row
T-Bar row
Chest supported T-bar row
Dumbbell row
Select a lat isolation exercise...
Machine pull-over
Straight arm pull-down
Lat prayers
Select a trap isolation exercise...
Barbell shrugs (upper traps)
Dumbbell shrugs (upper traps)
Cable shrugs (upper traps)
Cable side shrugs (upper traps)
Horizontal T-bar shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal dumbbell shrugs (mid-whole traps)
Horizontal shrugs on row machine (mid-whole traps)

Barbell curls
EZ bar curls
Cable curls
Preacher curls
One arm dumbbell preacher curls
Machine preacher curls
Alternating dumbbell curls
Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Rope curls

Standing barbell shoulder press (front/side delt)
Seated barbell shoulder press (front/side delt)
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (front/side delt)
Seated Smith machine shoulder press (front/side delt)
Machine shoulder press (front/side delt)
Barbell upright row (side delt)
Cable upright row (side delt)
Dumbbell lateral raises (side delt)
Cable cross body lateral raises (side delt)
One arm cable lateral raises (side delt)
Machine lateral raises (side delt)
Cable facepulls (rear/side delt)
Dumbbell bent over lateral raises (rear/side delt)
Incline dumbbell lateral raises (rear/side delt)
Machine reverse flys (rear delt)

Barbell squat (slow down, paused)
Barbell squat
Smith machine squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Machine hack squat
Leg press
Belt squat
Leg extensions
Walking lunges
Reverse lunges
Split squats

Romanian deadlift
Back extension for hamstrings
Single leg back extension for hamstrings
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells
Lying leg curl
Seated leg curl
Single leg leg curl
Glute ham raise

Standing machine calf raises 1
Standing machine calf raises 2
Calf raises on leg press machine
Smith machine calf raises
Calf raises on stairs
Single leg calf raises on stairs
1 Week 2 Week 3
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 6-10 2-4 6-10
3-5 6-10 3-5 6-10
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
3-5 12-15 3-5 12-15
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 15-20 3-5 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal
2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20

Intermediate to Advanced
Seasoned gym rat
Week 3 Week 4 We
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 6-8 2-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 15-20 2-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 6-10 2-4
3-5 6-10 3-5
2-4 12-15 2-4
3-5 12-15 3-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
3-5 6-8 3-5
3-5 10-12 3-5
2-5 15-20 2-5
3-5 8-10 3-5
3-5 15-20 3-5
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 6-8 2-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
2-4 15-20 2-4
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
2-4 15-20 2-4
2-4 15-20 2-4
Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets
2-4 6-8 2-4
2-4 10-12 2-4
2-4 12-15 2-4
2-4 15-20 2-4
Week 5 Week 6
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 2-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
15-20 2-4 15-20
12-15 2-4 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-10 2-4 6-10
6-10 3-5 6-10
12-15 2-4 12-15
12-15 3-5 12-15
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 3-5 6-8
10-12 3-5 10-12
15-20 2-5 15-20
8-10 3-5 8-10
15-20 3-5 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 2-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
12-15 2-4 12-15
15-20 2-4 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
10-12 2-4 10-12
10-12 2-4 10-12
12-15 2-4 12-15
12-15 2-4 12-15
15-20 2-4 15-20
15-20 2-4 15-20
Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
6-8 2-4 6-8
10-12 2-4 10-12
12-15 2-4 12-15
15-20 2-4 15-20
Week 7 Week 8
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 6-10 2-4 6-10
3-5 6-10 3-5 6-10
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
3-5 12-15 3-5 12-15
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
3-5 6-8 3-5 6-8
3-5 10-12 3-5 10-12
2-5 15-20 2-5 15-20
3-5 8-10 3-5 8-10
3-5 15-20 3-5 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight
2-4 6-8 2-4 6-8
2-4 10-12 2-4 10-12
2-4 12-15 2-4 12-15
2-4 15-20 2-4 15-20
8 Week 9 - Deload (So week 1 again cos BrOs DoN't DeLoAd! (?))
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 3
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 5
2 5
2 7
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 5
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 5
2 5
2 6
2 6
Reps gotten Sets Rep goal Weight Reps gotten
2 3
2 5

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