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The happiest days are those that remain not only in

memory but also in the heart.

Performed by: Jesus Fraga Torres.

Facilitator: Azahalia Berenice Santana Pool

Estudent team 4

Group: M7C3G42-060
A happy day
Date: March 22, 2023
Integrative activitity 3
Integrative activitity 3. Happy day
Hello, I want to apologize since I don't have the
photo of my daughter when she was born, but I
have this one where I show how similar we are and
of which I am proud to be her father.

1. Remember the happiest day of your life. Then, write about what happened, how
you felt and why was an important day for you. Use the verb tenses you have
practiced throughout the English modules: simple present, present continuous,
past continuous and simple past. Put a photograph or image that illustrates that
day. Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines with your history.

Recuerda el día más feliz de tu vida. Después, escribe acerca de lo que

sucedió, cómo te sentiste y por qué fue un día importante para ti. Usa los
tiempos verbales que has practicado durante los módulos de inglés: presente
simple, presente continuo, pasado continuo y pasado simple. Coloca una
fotografía o imagen que ilustre ese día. Redacta un párrafo de 5 a 8 líneas con
tu historia).
Consider the following questions for reference when preparing your paragraph:

What was the happiest day of your life? The happiest day of my life was
when I found out I was going to be a father for the first time.

What happened? I was working when my wife told me that she had not had
a good night the day before, and that she had woken up with a very upset
stomach and decided to go to the doctor to be checked out. When I got
home after work I sat in a chair and he told me that he had a surprise, he
gave me an envelope that contained some blood tests, in them it said that I
was pregnant and from that moment my life changed forever.

How did you feel? I felt totally happy, I didn't know what to do, it was a
feeling of great joy, and it was like being in the movie The Pursuit of
Happiness and saying “this small, this small part of my life is called

Why was it the happiest day of your life? Because it was a great illusion that
accompanied me for years, it is the type of news that makes my heart happy, from
that moment I knew that my life would not be the same.

2. Why is it important to know about the past events? Write a paragraph of 5

to 8 lines to answer the question.
(¿Por qué es importante saber sobre eventos del pasado? Redacta un párrafo
de 5 a 8 líneas para responder la pregunta.)

Everything that is in the past has a great history, that is why it is extremely
important to turn to the past to learn about the history that surrounds humanity,
great characters, cities and discoveries that made this modern society in which
we find ourselves possible. In the past are the most pleasant memories of the
human being that allow him to have an identity and a reason for being and
being on the planet. Looking into the past is not a regression, but rather taking
a look at what happened, what is happening and what will happen.

3. Record the reading of the story of your happiest day and the paragraph
of the importance about knowing the past. Paste the audio link here.
(Graba la lectura de la historia de tu día más feliz y el párrafo sobre la
importancia de conocer el pasado. Pega aquí la liga del audio.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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