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Reformation in England

 Took place in 16th century when the church of England broke away from authority of the pope
and the catholic church
 Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry III questioned church’s ability to define
Christian practice – argued for a religious and political redistribution into the hands of the bible
  The disruption triggered wars, persecuti ons and the so-called Counter-

1517 publication of Martin Luther, ending 1555, Peace of Agusburg – allowed
Catholism ad Lutherism in gernmany. 1648 treaty of Westphalia- ended the 30
year war

Key ideas of reformation – call to purify the church & belief that the Bible
should be sole source of spiritual authority
Luther & other reformers became firt to skillfully use the power of the printing
press to give their ideas to a wide audience.

 No reformer was more adapt than Luther at using the power of the printing
press to spread his ideas.
 Between 1518-1525 he published more work than the 17 most prolific
reformers combined

Reformation in England
 Began with Henry VII
 When pope Clement VII refused to annual Henry’s marriage to Catherine of
 The English declaired in 1534 he should befinal authorizing in matters relation
to the catholic church
 He worked to place the bible in the hands of people
 1536 every parish was required o have a copy
 After henrys death England tilted To Calvanist infused Protestantism during
Edward VI’s reign
 1559 Elizabeth I took the throne and her 44 year reign cast the church of
England as a “middle way” between Calvanism and Catholism, with vernacular
worship and a revised book of common pray


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