Winton Wood Superintendent Evaluation (Incomplete) 19-20

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Anthony Smith’s 2019-2020 Evaluation CHK“re ff Panera ZheA=)


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Board of Education Comments
The attached document provided by Mr. Smith gives a summary of his work during the 2019-2020 school year. Although it is in
summary form (as requested by the board), Mr. Smith’s summary and performance for the 2019-20 school year reflects his ability to
effectively lead the Winton Woods City School District. Specifically, the 2019-20 school year was a challenging year for PreK-12
education locally and across our country due to the COVIS-19 pandemic. However, Mr. Smith showed experienced leadership in
planning and implementing strategies to address the emerging needs of stakeholders and issues as a result of the pandemic and
state mandates. Mr. Smith's expertise as an education administrator has been an asset to the WWCSD during the unprecedented
COVID -19 crisis. He showed judgment with a strong command of how to make necessary adjustments to the system and while
remaining focused on the three district goals (Student Achievement Community Engagement and Fiscal Responsibility). Mr. Smith
did an exceptional job leading his team and the district through this most challenging year.

Additionally, the board appreciates Mr. Smith’s forward-thinking on the expansion of technology to grades K-12 and maintaining
partnerships with internet providers (Sprint) to support our pivot to a full-time online teaching platform. This allowed the district to
accelerate an existing plan to help move our students and teachers online while many districts struggled to provide technology and
find internet connectivity solutions.

Although this evaluation does not follow the typical format and timeline used in the past, it captures Mr. Smith’s ability and
commitment to ensuring all district goals remain the focus of his work. His performance in leading during the 2019-20 school year is
especially noted in the following areas. “Br

of COVID-related data (CDC, epidemiologist, health commissioner, and UR) to make decisions ‘using sound y
See ”






















Delivered an excellent 2020 Graduation Program remotely that represented the achievements of students and allowed
stakeholders to participate through a partnership with local news organizations. The board recognizes this was not easy.
e Developed district-wide building protocols to keep all workers safe and buildings clean while also monitoring building entry
e Ongoing communication to keep district stakeholders (students, parents, and community members) and board members up to
date on plans and decisions. (Playbook)
Participation in meetings with state leadership, health professionals, OSBA, and other superintendents to identify operational
best practices for COVID 19.
Provided leadership and expertise to local communities and parents by participating in Forums (Channel 9 news)
Developed a three-tiered or graduated reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year using the latest district, state, and health
organization data.
Kept the board up-to-date with COVID-related information in work-sessions.
Lead the transition of board meetings to a remote platform with the technology department and Waycross.
Worked with the Treasurer to make necessary state cuts and utilized resources to purchase the necessary resources for
students (ie. chrome books) and COVID-related resources (PPE).
e Marketing and Branding: Led the discussion and research board action to officially retire the WW chieftain mascot
Launched various Community engagement surveys and used the data (parent and teachers) to inform decisions
Arranged for a professional consultant that works from a scientific, safety, and military platform to consult on WW COVID-
Roundtable Student Discussions/Exit Interviews
Increasing Food distribution to students and families with food insecurities.
Keeping the building process on track and on budget.
Providing leadership on the November 2020 Levy campaign

Board Summary and Recommendations:

Overall, the board feels Mr. Smith has provided excellent leadership during the 2019-20 school year. We understand leading the
district during this time is more than being responsive to the COVID-19 crisis, but also requires coordinated strategies to keep all
functions, including COVID-19 safety protocols moving forward while providing excellent service to all stakeholders.

Anthony Smith’s 2020-2021 Goals: -

District Goal #1: Student Achievement-At Winton Woods, we will ensure all students achieve at high levels, meeting or exceeding
state and district levels.

1. Increase student achievement for all students while simultaneously closing the achievement/opportunity gap.
e Offer opportunities related to student success and outcomes.
e Deeper Learning professional development
e League of Innovative Schools (please expand on how this contributes to Student Achievement). This is a great
opportunity to share your (WW) participation with this organization and how this helps our students achieve. Not all
board members are aware)

2. Establish a supportive, positive and effective district climate through SAC/TAC, WWTA, and OAPSE with the singular focus
on the improvement of student achievement.
e Continue to collaborate with the Committees to ensure equity and positive outcomes - i.e., Records day at home for
staff. (Question: Are you suggesting staff will be allowed to work from home for records day at your discretion.)

District Goal #2: Resource Alignment- At Winton Woods, resources will be aligned to meet district goals and objectives, and all
financial decisions will consider the impact on student achievement. Need a goal Lor thetn wim fle fraser - Ws f
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District Goal #3: Parent and Community Engagement- At Winton Woods, the district will partner and engage parents and
community stakeholders to encourage shared ownership of our success.

Improve public trust, commitment, and confidence through open, honest communication, responsive corrective action to identify
obstacles to improving student achievement, and the conditions of teaching and learning. (Forest Park, Greenhills, Springfield
Township and Wyoming).
e Annual Community Spirit Award dinner.

o<Mestintingg with olders aware of the data related to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Goals: At Winton Woods, the district will align processes and resources to keep the Winton Woods Community safe
during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
e Facilitate the re-design of current school buildings due to the COVID-19 pandemic and design a plan for the new buildings.
e Create a virtual, blended, and face-to-face educational platf
e Keep ALL stakeholders aware of the data related to COVID-19.

Additional Goals Submitted by the Superintendent

1. Develop and ensure successful district reform governance through effective Board, Superintendent, and Treasurer relations.
e Review update policies through Neola during the year 2020-2021.
e Superintendent's update — investigation all allegations as it relates to staff /students. meshrss
. Wehy- er team
2. Increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency (How? Please expand) a Bans pote ptte ww tt Build Prinepe®
k - ALL-
3. Meet with all staff members formally about their social and emotional well-being. - Cat ~ Bi we SH
1 Plan
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